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JESUS New Grace Sermon.
JESUS Christ continues as all hoped, JESUS Christ continues to bring the even More Excellent Way! As written in 1 Corinthians 12:31 New King James Version "But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.". From Baptism to Eucharist...Anewly Better in JESUS Spirit Loyally Do You See [at least as symbolized here] JESUS Spirit?
" 'I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.' 'Philippians 3:8' ".
An end and a New Beginning are like unto the previous verse, but merely a somewhat lower level thing since as written "for the excellency of the knowledge" hence for to self gain, selfishly; Save "Christ Jesus my Lord": so this concerns a key to the next Higher Level concerning JESUS Spirit New Grace: this "key" is for to Lift You, hence as You Become Worthy With This, is the Lifting from selfish taker to Giver.
So there it is bluntly, stated for Your sake. Stated more politely might miss the point if not to understand the blunt part not because of many laws nor high prices now about having the most popular clique, nor as a gang that said "We are Gods", rather more politely is to say with a smile and embrace to simply say be as JESUS. Another polite thing is speak so as to not offend any, that means in worldly secular cliche "Shut up and sit down!" [better than beating Children with rods, better than bombing Children from afar] in worldly secular censorship (see previous Sermon on how to declassify specifics). Without JESUS Christ Spiritual specifics including what JESUS Said, Did, and His Precepts, "to simply say be as JESUS" the hearers' ears wax dull of hearing (
Matthew 21:16 New King James Version "and said to Him, “Do You hear what these are saying?” And Jesus said to them, “Yes. Have you never read, ‘Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise’?" " [sic]. So hardly good enough has been "I want to see" (from Mark 10:51 New Living Translation, though in this specific sense other translations are More Worthy [We can improve through JESUS Christ Spirit]). JESUS Spirit comes from the innocent so become more innocent for the Best For All hence to include to be found Worthy per se, such as Worthy of being Lifted into a Level yet Continue for JESUS Christ One Spirit Whole Worthiness hence with none left behind, with nothing good left undone, with no new better beginning left un-started and so on.
It can be hard to make sense out of this formula: JESUS Christ Spiritual Faith = JESUS Christ Spiritual Hearing x JESUS Christ Spiritual Word. So many might beg the questions: do we have to be Spiritual in order to have the unseen Faith?, do i have to memorize this formula?, can i be JESUS without Baptism since Baptism is not mentioned in the formula?, and the worldliness is full of such wonderings workings, with many goodly values though many strayed concerns [dangers to them that strayed and against the less ascended such as specifically in collateral damage sense]. More simply stated and easier to understand is:
Faith = Hearing x Word.
Faith / Hearing / Word.
But this can be worse than the previous formula: what is missing?: JESUS Christ and JESUS Christ Spirit!, as if to say We don't Urgently NEED JESUS Christ nor JESUS Spirit?: perish the thought though this is specified in JESUS Christ Spirit With New Better Grace (JESUS Christ UN Law specifically legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace Spirit with so gracefully specifying) as the sword of JESUS Tongue as the Sword at the Entrance To The Garden Of Eden, hence in a Higher Level Protector Of The Innocently Ascending As JESUS Christ Invited from above, instead of the next lower level below the Firmament Threshold hence this is not for legal censorship, this rather is the [Your Given] Heartfelt Soul Option concerning JESUS Word Spirit, Hearing JESUS Christ, and hence [Giving For All] Best Way Faith.
Under law has been as slavery, as followers [adherents] of legalese, legal jargon, legal self sided party interpretations, have been not making Whole, not making Perfect; even the whole sum of all the laws were symbolized as merely bottom of the hems threads with knots: able to be undone, for instance in one washing machine the knot becomes tighter, in another the knot falls loose [straightened, undone]. Laws hold, until relied on instead of JESUS Christ so then those that were as though on top cannot continue, and the knots similar to rungs on a ladder: then what would You be left with?, rather Straighten unto the Eternal Good JESUS Christ Spirit that Ascends.
Psalm 146:4 New King James Version "His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; In that very day his plans perish.": He Becomes with end and finished with a civilization system as He brings a "sword" Harvesting His Glory [Ascending You as much as appropriate] hence the Righteous Truth comes known [Miracle(s)]: "his plans perish" not that He falls, "his plans perish" from You then He feels the Virtue Power ( going from Him When Worthy [hence JESUS Christ is Aware] as the Worthy is filled with inner strength the Way holes in a sponge can filled so be as the more sturdy filled rather than the weaker empty egg shell.
Lamentations 3:18 New King James Version "And I said, 'My strength and my hope Have perished from the LORD.' ". JESUS Christ is Full Of Glory, though Loves You and in His Righteous Giving Love He Cares even if You don't hence even if You opt to stray and hence self sicken. If to be sick, the spirit does not feel well, trapped, stuck-in-a-rut repeating the mistake(s), not strong, vulnerable and after the fact legal persecution does not solve, secular cannot figure it out hence JESUS Christ Spirit Filling Wholely is Giving "key" is Urgently NEEDED In You! Does it cost the secular if half the population is on disability?, does it cost civilization if the system is stuck-in-a-rut?: yes.
The Giving key, the opening the door to Real Heaven [and Heavenly Levels] is not made in the form of worshiping rockets made of hands, rockets can be fun, but don't miss the point. Another example is 3 Nephi 20:10 "And it came to pass that when they had all given glory unto Jesus, he said unto them: Behold now I finish the commandment which the Father hath commanded me concerning this people, who are a remnant of the house of Israel.": so this is an end ("finish"). So the JESUS Christ New Begins. So, what was Your Strategic Plan for Ascending into this New Beginning written 34AD, perhaps look in Your Personal Files In Your Own Name In Your Own Handwriting?: not a clue, save as much as others wrote in history books hence others led per se; rather the Good Best Eternal Leader As Sent is the record of value and much Better than merely a record.
With JESUS Christ Spirit Ascending comes from such Faith the Better Translating and Better Interpreting, so [humbly under Law level thankful for both yet rather] in JESUS Christ Spirit Ascending Grace Best For All which of these two translations do You find more Worthy though this is not about a competition nor enemy, rather both have Asset Values (from
1. New American Standard Bible "so that you may discover the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and blameless for the day of Christ;"
2. New King James Version "that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ,":
#1 with the words "so that you may discover the things that are excellent" is excellent and as stated above as with the words "JESUS Christ Spirit Ascending", "Anew", and "Better"; yet
#2 "that you may approve" is stated: to "discover" per se has been selfish, yet "that you may approve" is a Leadership Authority Position such as to Plan With JESUS Christ hence such as to Give discoveries to and for the Faithful Worthy and yet like unto Love to Give without measure nor restriction. To Be Aware of what is Good, is an Approval concern, to discover a bomb exploding under Your abode is hardly the same as to discover something meeting Your Approval: hence JESUS Spirit Preceptingly, Prioritized. So there is the New Beginning lest there be no more goodly values with discoveries, hence not merely about death at the end of the census.
Yet if to Plan Now Urgently Today As NEEDFUL, for Your hence rather for Their [even Our Planing Together For Best For Each Other] New Better (hence "approve" Beginning) then as JESUS Christ Living Spirit Guides unto New Better Grace. So what is it to be with records, if All Are JESUS Christ then Pure and no need, though if any is left behind then our failure hence the records need, also if to plan ahead, the to continue the recordkeeping in case any might opt to stray in the future New Beginning (of the gift to opt);
Save through JESUS Christ as Promised a Better Way, in other words per se that there be no Soul such as Eve [nor the tempter] spirit of vulnerability [deception] (see above fill the sponge with JESUS Christ Spirit Virtue Power).
Higher Level Grace instead of threat of punishment, is the JESUS Given Better Way. To naysay against JESUS Christ Higher Level Spirit Innocent Dwellers has been as to shoot [from the boat symbolically shown below] vegetables and bottles of wine and such upstream above the falls [Higher Threshold Firmament Level] at the Christians Up There, though if to rather Send Gifts Up [to former enemies as JESUS Christ UN Law Addendum 1 includes] then Appreciated and so the lower level becomes More Worthy So Fellowshipping; but if not So Fellowshipping then even the items shot might not be accepted and might fall on the heads [as if bullets and bombs] of the shooters (see previous in this Series on associated artificial outer space debris; also reference exoskeleton planets, exosuit planetoids, Niagra Falls, and ascend upstream level, Higher Level distance, Heavenly Level Threshold Level).
JESUS Christ made the beautiful waterfall for You, not for to prevent You from going upstream Higher Level.
How to Best Ascend concerning the future next Higher Level distance of the Heavenly Given Threshold Level, is hardly about building a ladder from boat (as shown above) to above the falls to merely as far as seen from the boat to merely go into the swift current down again (about casting the self out from above: exorcism of the self) as naysayers have opted, rather as written an proven so many times through the years the Best Way For All Is Through JESUS Christ.
1 July 2020AD.
tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Future Level Specifics Over naysayer sicknesses kept secret since the world began with how to Best Ascend concerning the future next Higher Level Virtue distance of the Heavenly Given Threshold Level in New Victory Over exorcism of the self, rather how to Make Worthy of being Lifted into a Level with none left behind with nothing good left undone, with no new better beginning left un-started; JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law, JESUS Spirit Of Loyalty is Better than the multitudes of Proofs, Bible Formulas System Specifications, how to Be Anewly Better In Bible translating; measuring relativity concerning a next Higher Level relatively, exoskeleton planets shells, exosuit planetoids, Niagra Falls, ascend upstream level.
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