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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS New Margin Sermon.

JESUS Christ is shown here Ascending, disappearing above into the cloud that extends an amount left and right, with glowing light Given down and outward left and right, and then a secular blue sky margin left and right, then the left and right inner mid and outer ancient painting frame margins. These "left and right" amounts signify Tube Parameter layers, such as might be put into Living Growing Leaping types of JESUS Spirit Ascending [or other for Edifying] Flow Formulae.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ is shown here Ascending, disappearing above into the cloud that extends an amount left and right, with glowing light Given down and outward left and right, and then a secular blue sky margin left and right, then the left and right inner mid and outer ancient painting frame margins. These left and right amounts signify Tube Parameter layers, such as might be put into Living Growing Leaping types of JESUS Spirit Ascending [or other for Edifying] Flow Formulae.


Though JESUS is shown disappearing Up according to the theoretical Straight And Narrow centerline, the Tube extreme(s) of the left and right cloud symbolizes His Holy Oneness margin and with the rays left and right symbolizing the margin of Grace, and beyond is secular blue sky as the census sees and beyond is the Tube Parameter Law margin. If to stray into the secular left and right such as legal rockets then as under Law but if to stray too far to risk legal framework penalties and beyond the frame to fall.

JESUS Christ above is shown Ascending and so the Ascending Levels Apply, level on level Given from JESUS Christ above though also shown in the painting Edifyingly for Us to Ascend likewise Level over level. As Given the Straight is JESUS Christ whether in Census or Other: One [(2 Corinthians 12:2) for to Edify: my pertinent experience with JESUS Christ Original was in JESUS Christ Spirit and i appeared in Census flesh vessel though aware i was in the Spirit With Him in Census flesh vessel appearance too though He also duplicated a shadow figure of Himself and invited me to walk through (see "i walked through JESUS Christ" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Explains His Types Of Spirits Sermon at].

The rays touch some of the People as written in Matthew 9:29 New King James Version "Then He touched their eyes, saying, 'According to your faith let it be to you.' " inspiring Accordingly toward JESUS in Higher Level Grace (legally stated in JESUS Christ UN Law: see above link) and Higher Level Oneness; not merely levels yet Godslings (see above "Main Page" Definitions) of sets of levels hence Firmament Level set on Firmament Level set.

So "Accordingly" there is a Straight or strayed amount and likewise a vertical Ascending distance amount, so a type of faith and an amount of faith rather an amount of Best Faith in the sense that JESUS Christ Perfectly Perfecting means. So from Exemplar moving at the Best Rate For All to Appreciate for Loyalty, is Given for You and All: for to Pray JESUS Christ and Broadcast and apply to the rate of Ascending.

Rate Of Ascending = JESUS Christ Loyal Faith In You x Your type of faith.

Rate Of Ascending = JESUS Christ Loyal Faith In You [Your Faith in JESUS Christ] x Your type of faith [whether in JESUS Christ or such as in love of money (see below) or such as in clay idols...].

Their Rate Of Ascending = Their Faith As You Evangelize And Lift Higher And Higher x Their type of faith as You Guide Them toward the Straight And Narrow [Best For Them, Maximum Eternal Joy].

Behold this JESUS Christ Given Godsling Wonder: a Blessed Naysayer (!?) heard a Righteous Sermon and left and told about it to Others and laughed, though a few of the Others Believed so the Naysayer became the means of Their Salvation, as if, though it was actually JESUS Christ: the Naysayer received no such value other than to laugh as written in Matthew 6:2 "Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.", the Naysayers, Charitable deed [Honorable] Trumpeters, Hypocrites, Conspirators, Crucifiers, and the Strayed have had Their Rewards Already yet Anewly

of JESUS Christ Spirit as stated above: Save the Righteously Ascending [including if on a JESUS Christ Original Creator Mission for instance the Maintenance Legal Responsibility to Lift Your Infant out of harms way perhaps merely to indicate to the Usher that there is a pew seat available toward the front].

So as explained above concerning "the mixed spirits" Godsling including a Level Of Souls and the spirits of the surroundings, in situations Heavenly Spirits Of JESUS Christ Graceful Support, there can be situations of Christians that splinter as written in 2 Chronicles 35:4 "Prepare yourselves according to your fathers’ houses, according to your divisions, following the written instruction of David king of Israel and the written instruction of Solomon his son."

So in the Old 1st Testament less aware (e.g. merely ...line upon the Scribes [hence about selfish or popular definitions when rather JESUS Christ Higher Spirit Grace Purpose Applies], see in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on advanced Higher Level "Precepting" such as Sermon On Sermon)

by letter of the Bible there were "divisions", Denominations, splintered factions toward separation of Churches against Churches. But it was not so from the Beginning Plan. JESUS Christ Gave The Sermon Of Loaves And Fishes and separated the People in companies of 50 but that was for Their sakes (see above "Usher" Value) in Crowd Maintenance level, rather than to Say Our Denomination is such as Better,...or such as has the Better Enlightenment [(see Previous in this Series on "Flow") like unto the above the formulae is within the context of a part of the Flow as the formulae does not cover many other levels such as about the flat land on which the People are standing].

Shown above under the rays are sky and People reaching Prayerfully Into Heaven. And the Holy Mountain [Zion People, Holy Mountain Land, Promised Land, Earth, The Created] Level is touched of the Grace rays the Way JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law, hence fulfills the Law in JESUS Christ Spirit Victory With Yet Over the former that Moses had been [hence New Better Moses Too, that the Law Of Moses Sprouted JESUS Christ UN...Grace] as JESUS Christ Did Unseen [Faith] now of His Faith legally seen in JESUS Christ UN!

Grace note: They are looking up so rather than be known for waste, gird Thyself (Save Marriage pertinence toward Sucklings [i was surprised about this when innocent JESUS Christ Original clearly so signified to me extremely politely perhaps a year ago, moving away or near as i thought lower levels per se or Higher Level(s) as many interpretations had been broadcast; so this explains a Godsling matter concerning a lower yet Heavenly Level above the mixed spirits Heavenly Level in which All appear Good Looking as much as such as money lust and flirting might be pertinent]) ["Heavenly Level" from Higher Level Perspective can in situations appear as Legion spirits or rather in situations as Goodly Leadership though again this was sated "from Higher Level Perspective": Ascend the JESUS Christ Spirit Best direction Best For All].

Here is another faith "type" of topic though pertinent, example:

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, coupon cash value, counterfeiting, banking regulations, financial institutions, Homeland Security, CIA, FBI, Securities And Exchange Commission, FTC, The Bitcoin bomb, money laundering


The Bitcoin bomb ("About 198,000 results" Google) [symbolic icon] [false info was published (example while Christian Sermons have been censored] was dropped on me by the spirit(s) (making sense of the previous Sermon as updated: that if strayed ways opt to stray too far then Helpful ROI is Law to Guide and Straighten Out the Strayed [to Advise rather than persecute]. So there has been a monetary system but, and it has been hard to figure in the past, many in need such as workers anxious to be Responsible such as to feed Their Families so as written in 1 Timothy 5:18 "For the Scripture says, 'You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,' and, 'The laborer is worthy of his wages.'.

Hence if to have such as two monetary systems [separation, divided minds,...] then similar to keeping two sets of records, one fake fluff for investigators to see, but the other of the actual causes and effects; similar to a false store front.

For instance a Law states "To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin": hence don't put stolen loot nor counterfeit securities into the Offering. Return stolen loot and such to rightful owners, to Legal Advisors, or if the situation is with no other better solution throw the stuff away, or consult the Church.

Above is shown "No cash value", as the value is if the coupon provider honors it, not the same as universally accepted and security threat such as against the banks and businesses "universally" of One Standard Practice, as the Worker should not be usurped of wages value. The above coupon even though of a chain and online, is not in the same ballpark as if redeemable for such as $10 and then raising company prices to $20 per sandwich and continuing to raise prices and then offering such as to redeem old coupons for $20 while raising prices to $30 per sandwich within merely a day.

Government with JESUS Christ UN is allowed to "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;" if to be with an economic system. But rather than love of money, JESUS Christ UN is for the Best For All hence the Highest Purpose Of JESUS Christ.

13 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Covers Sacred Ascending Loyalty Over Girding kept secret since the world began with how to gain ROI For Lifting The Worthy rather than separating for strayed ways, as formulas specify and JESUS Christ UN Law Graceful Guidance Above The Law is Clarified with rays of Inspiration With Distinguishing Tube Parameters With Flowing Levels, pertinence includes such as: coupon cash value, counterfeiting, banking regulations, financial institutions, Homeland Security, CIA, FBI, Securities And Exchange Commission, FTC, cryptocurrency, The Bitcoin bomb, and money laundering.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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