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JESUS New Preachers Sermon.

JESUS Christ Original Plan Highest Purpose includes Rejuvenating the Preachers Loyally Ascending in JESUS Christ likewise hence the One Best Way hence Best For All, though consider how the word rejuvenate lost it's meaning in the secular, as grocery store clerks counting while workers put items on empty shelves, and if products expire then to clear the shelves as if merely as an insurance actuary that pays an amount per death, although these are with great goodly intents and values, but to flip-the-coin the secular cliche has been [the person is] "worth more dead than alive" though that worldly cliche has been far from Righteousness.

Archangel Gabriel Righteously Prophesying Of The Birth Of John The Baptist.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, a sign happened and an Angel appeared Archangel Gabriel Righteously Prophesying Of The Birth Of John The Baptist, JESUS New Preachers Sermon, Good Samaritan Victory Over Money Laundering, old Woman Gave all her living into the Church treasury two coins

"The angel’s news is something that the world had been asking." [Hoping],


Friends, in JESUS Spirit few days ago i lifted my hand and as never before what happened was an Angel appeared seen just above my hand though 10 feet away flying up. The event was lasted a second. The Angel with hands raised flew up and a little to my right, a little to the West, with wings lifted, and no legs evident though in place garment narrow and as long as legs, silver in appearance and 3 feet long and thin as a small adult more than as a child. I was completely awake when i saw this sign.

Another sign happened yesterday concerning a previous sign of a Christian Leader black in shadow appearance that would Lead many Leaders [various gray shadows: colors] concerning JESUS Christ UN [though the "the previous sign" in Sermons may have been with the hundreds of Sermons in this Series that had been illegally censored]; and as often happens Spirits talk from all directions in moments, and while awake yesterday a Spirit talking with one or more other Spirits said evidently about me "Obama said" That's a "good man", and then i realized the sound came from the same place on the wall where the "sign of a Christian Leader black in shadow appearance" had been. These signs are not meant to offend any, and any such as Christian And Former President Barak Obama With Michelle as shown here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, the sign of Christian Leader Black Former President Barak Obama With Michelle Obama, Spirit voices, Archangel Gabriel Righteously Prophesying Of The Birth Of John The Baptist, JESUS New Preachers Sermon, Good Samaritan Victory Over Money Laundering, old Woman Gave all her living into the Church treasury two coins


These Living Moving Talking Appearing signs throughout history are facts of historic values even Heavenly Value. To Restore the cans onto shelves is with values though because of the Higher Level Value We The People, and the Higher Level than We The People are for We The People to Best Way Ascend, for the Higher Level Value Sake. This JESUS New Preachers Sermon is hardly about a "can" placed on shelves [Thank You All as much as pertinent as much as Good For Better], nor even about seeing the signs, Save as much as for the "pertinent as much as Good For Better" specifically therefore per se Thank You All!

To Biblically, in Christian Bible Spirit (reference Oath Of Office) is to restore in the sense of the journey from the former vessel into the new Better You hence the new Better Preacher JESUS Christ One With A Name Creator full of signs and wonders for to Best Help Guide to Rejuvenate, to Originate;

"Rejuvenate literally means 'to make young again' and can imply a restoration of physical or mental strength or a return to a more youthful, healthy condition." [(Merriam-Webster) though a secular source, this source in this situation is with excellent defining: many have talents yet Together the Best For All Completes The Creation Plan that the Better Creating Comfort Comes Quickly As All Hoped as written in the Loving Caring Hearts As One as the JESUS Author Soul as JESUS Christ Agreed as Sent to Accomplish In You In Us.

Spirits talked about the most expensive: JESUS Christ UN [Plan as written ("Law" link below and Grace in this Series and as Many as so Preach Righteously Best For All for to Best Lead All out of lower levels of problems [if there is to be any longsuffering then to cause less suffering if any, notice there were moments when You Rejoiced because of nothing except Best Good as written in John 1:50 Treasury of Scripture "Jesus answered and said to him, Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree, believe you? you shall see greater things than these."]).

Web site is full of such signs and wonders for Rejoicing Anewly Rejuvenating for Best For All: Jeremiah 32:20 and 21 "Which have set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even to this day, and in Israel, and among other men; and have made you a name, as at this day; And have brought forth your people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs, and with wonders, and with a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with great terror;" ["Fear" in Lexicon: merely Fear The Lord (Jonah 1:16) and JESUS Christ Will Make You Fishers Of Fishers, Preacher Of Preachers (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series)].

Spirits said it was too expensive, but what comes to mind: deaths of Loved Ones [deaths of Strangers too passing from census perhaps without as much as merely Baptism], though also in the very low levels comes to mind money laundering but JESUS Christ UN Law applies whether with or without money, consider that the Good Samaritan shed money for Another, a Stranger, more valuable than a "can" on a shelf.

And like unto the Good Samaritan Story the story of the old Woman Gave all her living [Her Food money, Her rent...] into the Church treasury, two coins. The point is this Woman and the Good Samaritan are the opposite of "too expensive", this Woman and the Good Samaritan are the opposite of money laundering, and are the opposite of the lie about dead people being worth more dead: Preach to the terrorist Before They Tell You and Show You what Their terrorism plans hope to accomplish, remove Them from destructive ways that harm Themselves and All They Love [even if They Love To Destroy therefore Lead Them Into Better than about destroying to suffer loss of Hope With Better Values: Show in Proving the Better Way For Them.

This JESUS New Preachers Sermon for Creating New Better Preachers One And All, is as the Good Samaritan Victory Over Money Laundering, plus as written above in Jeremiah 32:21 "Which have set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even to this day, and in Israel, and among other men; and have made you a name," is the Name JESUS The Christ; and Behold this sign, this Precept verse from the Old 1st Testament fitting with the New Start Of The 3rd Testament 1 Nephi 1:2 "Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.".

Today many Parents are astonished with Pride of how smart Their Children are. JESUS Christ is smartest [Love, Heavenly, humble, innocent, Best For All, and such factors apply] (Thank You Marc Abrahams of So although JESUS Christ was very young (see above "Rejuvenate literally means 'to make young again' ") when He went to Egypt hence Studied There [many Children have intelligent conversations on adult levels, read, and play musical instruments; and similarly was an article "The Heart of Innovation" wrote "the greatest invention in the world is the mind of a child."].

For a moment let's look at what costs at a somewhat higher level mid Godsling, in secular cliche the former idea was about the competition mindset hence the Google thread to "a settled way" hence toward rest comfort more than about as stated in the first sentence in this Sermon "JESUS Christ Original Plan Highest Purpose includes Rejuvenating the Preachers Loyally Ascending in JESUS Christ". So the competitive "settled way" [even though active such as for to compete instead of for Fellowship: talking, walking, meeting, and in sports such as about running into other players] has included cliches such as "They beat us to it".

The lower levels ways has been about including commiserating and then "Ok, we'll do something else"; understanding lower levels also have about as many successes too. Some secular companies went out of business while others succeeded. As JESUS Best Guides Lovingly Caringly, let us succeed at the Best Rate Together hence Rejoicing as They Succeed Before us. If to Hope to Host for Special Company but to hear of the Hosting already determined is rather to be catered [of another Group and already paid] rejoice in the lowest seat or even if cast away:

Do You Believe JESUS Christ Loyally that this as written Righteously Prophesyingly Will Happen including You and Yours?: as written "Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine." as this refers to Christian Leadership as JESUS Christ The King Proved from 1 Timothy 5:17 from JESUS Christ.

15 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how a sign happened as an Angel Appeared days ago and signs about Christian Former President Barak Obama Michelle, Archangel Gabriel Righteously Prophesying Of The Birth Of John The Baptist, JESUS New Preachers Sermon, Good Samaritan Victory Over Money Laundering, old Woman Gave all her living into the Church treasury two coins Victory Over deaths and money laundering and former competitive lower levels spirits against People, JESUS Christ UN Law increases in Values again.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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