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JESUS New Precepts Sermon.

JESUS Christ Continuously makes the New Better Spiritual Values. The JESUS Christ Spirited Righteously Ascending Joyously enter into these New Better Values. There was a 2,000 years old [approximately] Precept JESUS Christ Gave and there was another 2,000 years old [approximately] Precept JESUS Christ Gave, and if for the first time since JESUS Christ The Eternal Put Them Together about 2,000 years ago, if You Properly in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Spirit Put Them Together then You are Creating in the real sense of the Word [the Loyal JESUS Christ Faithfulness In You For To Give This Better Value Without Price hence Creating Heaven One Earth hence from Heavenly Spirit Faith to in the future Grow into Yielding Miracles], example:

You Righteously Prophesy about Others [and rhetorically HOW COULD YOU KNOW WHAT EACH AND ALL OF THEM WILL DO IN THE FUTURE?,] that if They Listen as You Speak Pertinently Fitting Words Of JESUS Christ of about 2,000 years ago, then Righteously Prophesyingly They Will Become With JESUS Spirit Faith; so here is the Proof Of HOW YOU COULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT EACH AND ALL OF THEM WILL DO IN THE FUTURE and Simultaneously AND MORE IMPORTANTLY IN JESUS CHRIST SPIRIT ONE AS YOUR BROADCASTING CAUSES ALL TO BE MORE HEAVENLY THAN PREVIOUSLY:

Their Future New Increasing Faith In JESUS Christ = Them Hearing The JESUS Christ Words 2,000 Years Ago From You x Words JESUS Christ Said 2,000 Years Ago.

Their Future New Increasing Faith In JESUS Christ / Them Hearing The JESUS Christ Words 2,000 Years Ago From You / Words JESUS Christ Said 2,000 Years Ago.

Hence You Become In The Future With less about perp works hence more Protector Oneness from Protection from JESUS Christ The Protector The Best Way For All!

jesusun, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Word Precept, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ, JESUS Christ The Protector Oneness The Best Way For All!


"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." (Romans 10:17 English Standard Version).

For Your sake this is stated as to how to make many computers read Sermons out loud [aloud]:

"At the bottom right, select the time. Or press Alt + Shift + s.

Select Settings .

At the bottom, select Advanced.

In the "Accessibility" section, select Manage accessibility features.

Under "Text-to-Speech," turn on Enable ChromeVox (spoken feedback)." (Google Support).

JESUS Christ UN Law is a Precept, the entire whole Law is a Legal Precept in the secular levels, and a JESUS Christ Grace Precept in the Higher Levels, so for All in All Levels Of Loyalty Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Word Precept. Moses with the 1st Commandment, then about 2,000 years then Good Best Leader As Hoped Of All As Sent JESUS Christ then about 2,000 years JESUS Christ Spirit As You Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law, Precept on Precept, Law Over Law, JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying Anewly Pertinent In All Over JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying 2,000 years ago and Over 4,000 years ago, though not getting rid of JESUS Christ nor Moses nor the Living Bible Word: hence Better "Protector Oneness". Preaching In JESUS Christ Spirit Ascendingly:

Next Sermon is Better though Faithfully [perhaps not immediately known in part(s) or in full as "Better"] / Your Current Sermon / You previous Sermon attempts.

Next Sermon is Better though Faithfully [perhaps not immediately known in part(s) or in full as "Better"] = Your Current Sermon x You previous Sermon attempts.

JESUS Christ All Better Future / All With Increasingly Better Sermons Loyally In JESUS Christ Ascending Spirit / Current Sermons.

JESUS Christ All Better Future = All With Increasingly Better Sermons Loyally In JESUS Christ Ascending Spirit x Current Sermons.

This next flow line doesn't flow as perfectly in a lower level sense, as much as the Better above Flow Lines with Formulae.

JESUS Christ Loyalty / JESUS Christ Faith / Baptism / Full Repentance.

The reason the previous flow line doesn't flow as perfectly is because of the word "Repentance", about cutting away "waste" and the clutter as explained in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Sent Jonah Sermon at explaining Matthew 10:34 "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.": not for war, for Peace and proper garbage removal [recycling and such].

The word "Repentance" concerns a negative and negatives are not with the Good Flow as explained in JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series Page 27 at see "how two negatives do not make a positive". So this is Pertinent for to be a Righteous Prophet Of JESUS Christ. Though the "negative" is covered of the JESUS Christ Higher Purpose Higher Levels Of Grace in that Maintenance (see above "Main Page" for Definitions) is being automated FOR THE BETTER for the Ascending though beware rather be aware that Others might be tempted to stray:

example You with a jet pack ascend from high ground, straight up from the top of a cliff though a Child might then jump off that cliff; therefore Before The Fact in JESUS Christ Best Way For All Make All Worthy. Look at the Children of the past, jet pack People thousands of years ago might have been appreciated as though Angels [whether goodly or strayed]; yet the Children of today text and play video games and understand Vids, TV, Radio, and so on, distinguishing the Census Real and the Virtual Real, so it was a heavier burden and harder in the past to do Good than today, and in JESUS Spirit Ascendingly as explained here, the Future Will Be Even More Excellent: New Gifts Will Come More Complexly

as if harder, an amount of Longsuffering Continues as written in Acts 5:41 "Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name." yet as written in 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.".

Negative things have been much to do with false prophets as written in Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." for instance instead of such as Exceedingly More Important, Good, Best For All, and Pertinent Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law, false prophets may appear on TV having invested in something and advised the audience to invest in it too, and whether They invested first is not necessarily the point [They might not love money and might Love You, Us], as rather the point is They did not so specify the Source, JESUS Christ, since as explained above, including as JESUS Christ explained 2,000 years ago.

So Children of today are less likely to jump off a cliff per se, for the reason given, than the Children of years ago less aware. Through the generations for thousands of years, even though Few, the Righteous in JESUS Christ Best Way [and Moses and Abraham prior...even as with JESUS Christ concerning Adam And Eve prior to the fall] have been Tremendously Improving Civilization AND THE HEAVENS!

JESUS Christ Family Spirited [Census And Spirit, Transfiguring] Children Will Be Better / The Next Generation Of Children Will Be Better / These Children are Better than previous Children*.

*As Parents Hoped for Their Children [actually for: JESUS Christ Children As He Created Them yet Gave for the Pertinent Worthy for to be Responsible (see above "Maintenance")] that "Their Children" have it better and be Better than the Parents lives had been (this is true save JESUS Christ and as He Opts including as Many in Higher Levels as pertinent allowing perhaps for Ecclesiastes 9:11 "Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all." (though see above rather than "tempted beyond your ability").

As written in Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." and as written in Ezekiel 36:26 "And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.", so a New Spirit for JESUS Christ Your New Vessel One, so You Will no longer lean unto the former works of hands, see above Children "play video games", as You Will Work rather Ascend Joyously Afreshly Anewly yet as Serious Play Yet Moving Mountains and Stars with JESUS Christ One Work With New Hands for the Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ Spirit.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, You will be given new hands, new wine, new vessels, new powers, new better controls, increasingly Better Joy in the Lord JESUS Christ


22 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Controls Sacred Ascending Path Anewly Over previous ideas as kept secret since the world began distinguishing the Census Real Heaven On Earth and the Virtual Real Faith types, with how to Tremendously Improve THE HEAVENS! and to do so You will be given new hands new wine new vessels new powers new better controls increasingly Better Joy in the Lord JESUS Christ as You Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Passed Years Ago Protecting Churches And Legally Recognizes Higher Value Righteous Prophesying Grace Proving JESUS Faith is Better than former Proofs with Bible Formulae Guiding Helping Creating Better Future Sermons Best For All The Best Peace Way.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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