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JESUS New Translation Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gives You a New Translation in this Sermon, a Better Way for to consider a Bible verse. This New Better understanding comes from the JESUS Christ Spirit Faith. This New Better Translation comes from the old verse in the 2nd Testament, Anewly Better in the form of a New Precept. This New Precept is for the Now Pertinent Good, hence for the Better For All; as this Now Pertinent Good comes in the Name Of JESUS Christ The Savior, The Giver Of Life and More Excellently: hence Better: hence the Better Way

as written in New King James Version [even so let the "New King" be JESUS Christ] "and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." and the Lexicon clarifies the word "minds" explaining that the mind, the thoughts, the lower levels of census spirits thinkings have been about the immoral and illegal and such has been according to perceptions as written "Noun - Accusative Neuter Plural" [sic] "a perception," ["according to your faith" [(from Matthew 9:29) faith types, amounts,...{see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series})

yet even the lower levels have been informed in such spirit souls concerning the JESUS Better Way With JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, as the Lexicon continues "i.e. Purpose, or the intellect, disposition, itself.", though the Better Way With JESUS Christ Highest Purpose also includes as written "itself": about the census and spirits "minds" and "itself" is the JESUS Christ Given Gift that was stolen, the Tree Of Knowledge, prior to ripening, the Tree was ready though the Civilization was not yet [and not yet Higher than Sacred Holy Marriage Level applies].

The minds do not have to see after-the-facts gifts, in order to see the Gift.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible verse translations, a brand new Precept from JESUS Christ, spit clay eyes see Loyal Guiding Power Of The JESUS Leadership, Gift Of Faith Healing Power, Peter walked on water toward JESUS


You do not have to fall in order to receive Best Way Help: Peter walked on water toward JESUS (Matthew 14:29).

The Good Creator Made All but all opted to stray Save JESUS Christ. The Good is in All as much as All continues to live [seen or unseen including intermittent: continuing to exist]. Now the Good is in All though much amount of faith has turned astray, various amounts in all, so this next sentence talks about this though in plain an simple language as if to accuse all though this actually accuses none [any "astray" has already been as such opted].

[Save JESUS Christ One Good] none of you [including me] have been able to please JESUS Christ, not with so called [selfish] love [for to self benefit], not according to continuing to lay gifts at the altar as written in Isaiah 1:13 "Do not go on bringing your worthless offerings, Incense is an abomination to Me. New moon and Sabbath, the proclamation of an assembly— I cannot endure wrongdoing and the festive assembly.", so JESUS Christ Will no longer accept Your Gifts nor burnt Offerings at the table nor the token money You Love, even Your Selves that You Cared For, JESUS Christ Will no longer accept as written in Jeremiah 14:10 "Thus says the LORD to this people: “Thus they have loved to wander; They have not restrained their feet. Therefore the LORD does not accept them; He will remember their iniquity now, And punish their sins.":

[even so continue yet Better is with this sentence and the next with the explaining] as written in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." and if You say this verse, JESUS Christ Will not accept!

Have You ever read John 5:34 "Yet I do not receive testimony from man, but I say these things that you may be saved."?, JESUS Christ does NOT receive Your Testimony, JESUS Christ does not receive Your Word,

yet JESUS Christ Does Receive This New Better Translation: with this previous verse comes this New Translation Yet Also In The Form Of A Great Good Gift of JESUS Spirit, as written in Leviticus 6:15 "He shall take from it his handful of the fine flour of the grain offering, with its oil, and all the frankincense which is on the grain offering, and shall burn it on the altar for a sweet aroma, as a memorial to the LORD." though this in not merely about the cross made by the hands of sinners;

this New Better Translation comes from JESUS Christ hence this is the point including as stated above the "Purpose" of the "minds" and so from the "hearts", from "your hearts", from Your Spirit Soul As Innocently Purely Created: Friend(s) this Gift JESUS Christ is from Pure to Pure, in other words JESUS Christ accepts not the lower level than Angels Spirits nor Census Level no such, JESUS Christ Receives His Own Unselfish Word

and so as You Preach JESUS Christ Word(s), JESUS Word Spirit Passes For You And Through You, and To Him For Him, so He Receives His Own Pure Word. And This Is Acceptable In The Word [frankly i hoped to be blunt for the sakes of many that had not so considered this, though there are Christian Preachers that have previously been immersed in such Higher Faith Moments and now as stated above this is Anewly Clarified.

This is not merely about a new verse translation, this concerns a Precept Of JESUS Christ, this concerns Him, the One Pillar Of Faith Righteousness In His Name, this concerns the Entire Bible and All that Wrote, this concerns the Future as much as Good. For to see with Anew JESUS Eye is to see this previously unseen Faith. This is New Loyal Guiding Power Of The JESUS Leadership and so in other words this explains how to love JESUS Christ!

This answers pop song lyrics "I don't know how to love him What to do, how to move him" (Yvonne Elliman), and "It's love's illusions I recall I really don't know love at all Tears and fears and feeling proud To say 'I love you' right out loud" (Joni Mitchell). Great goodly feelings, heartfelt tears in many, yes.

This also is JESUS Christ Likewise Lovingly Guiding Over the Precept meaning of as written in Luke 5:14 "And He charged him to tell no one, 'But go and show yourself to the priest, and make an offering for your cleansing, as a testimony to them, just as Moses commanded.' ", with John 7:6 "Then Jesus said to them, 'My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready." ".

So, what value is You?, You can brag on JESUS Christ when You are Among Christian Friends and when You are Healthy, Full Of Vitality, Clearly Thinking, Awake and Strong; but can You Brag Of JESUS Christ when alone and beaten on the side of the road left for dead and the large pickpocket gang of crucifiers for kicks comes along?: Your responsibility is to Protect The Garden Of Eden from trespassers: the whip as a whirlwind of JESUS Christ (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Preacher Sermon at

[that is rather JESUS Christ You Now With "the whip as a whirlwind"] are Responsible to Be [in order to Be Worthy Over] the Archangel weilding the Flaming Sword in all directions.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translation answers I don't know how to love him and To say, I love you, right out loud, new Better JESUS Christ Bible Translating Spirit, the Victory Over Entering Heaven, Victory Over the Flaming Sword at the entrance to the Garden Of Eden for inviting the Worthy, be the means of bringing salvation unto them.


but not so, that is, rather hardly at all as formerly as shown above: that's in the past about lower levels of selfish broadcasting delights.

Anewly You are to Broadcast the Higher Living Purpose Of JESUS Christ One as written in 3 Nephi 18:32 "Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out of your asynagogues, or your places of worship, for unto such shall ye continue to minister; for ye know not but what they will return and repent, and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall bheal them; and ye shall be the means of bringing salvation unto them.".

So responsibly in JESUS Spirit You are to "be the means of bringing salvation unto them." hence You are to be JESUS Christ One Guiding Leadership Over the Angel at the entrance to the Garden Of Eden for inviting the Worthy [perhaps having the Angel passing out orientation leaflets]. The above is Anewly JESUS Victory Over yet One with as written in Matthew 10:34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.": so You Gain the Loyalty Gift of a New Plowshare Spirit For To Give [and JESUS Family Share]: Pure JESUS.

28 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Offers Sacred Loyal Guiding Power Of JESUS Leadership Over things kept secret since the world began with how to comprehend this New Better Bible Translation and so in other words this explains how to love JESUS hence the New Garden Of Eden [is being plowed already in Preparing for Your Arrival: His Arrival With Him (JESUS Christ One)] including how to receive the Gift like unto Peter walked on water toward JESUS Exemplar Pure One Saving Grace for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way Best For All.

Jesus Christ

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