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JESUS Next Higher Level Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit showed me this morning with yet also Leading Above the New UFO Type Design Level, the next Higher Level. Top center of the ceiling as JESUS Christ Leads this Civilization, He showed me part of Himself concerning His Eyes so to Help me be Aware that in the situation it [is now] was Him, the Original JESUS Christ reappearing from moment to moment, such as a couple seconds then reappearing though mainly delimited to appearing as the All Seeing Eye. So this is my personal next Higher Level,

and the "ceiling" was shown as a simple Carbon layer pattern [distinguishing such as human and many life forms rather than such as single bond Boron Nitride so to Edify about falsely appearing in Carbon form]. The Carbon layer pattern JESUS Christ showed was of lines [stick figure: honeycomb surface] of six sided cells pattern, and with a few formulas with lines per se. Searching for such to illustrate is hardly about what JESUS showed Save normal to this Living Civilization Soul.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, All Seeing Eye, gyroscopic effect, fan, dollar, my personal next Higher Level seen on the ceiling a simple Carbon layer pattern for life forms, honeycomb, Living Civilization Soul,the crystalline structures of many individual snowflakes in pattern, single bond Boron Nitride so to Edify about falsely resembling


The "All Seeing Eye" of JESUS Christ is Preceptingly discussed in recent Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series involving from Loyalty, Useful Specifics of how the Creator Intelligent Designer JESUS Spirit Given Solar System [similarly electrons' paths with chemicals] can function on Our level, as with UFO Envelope type applications (also Preceptingly see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: "A new Gift from JESUS Christ: JESUS Christ Gyroscope Physics Are Now Unraveled For You" Sermon at as All Hoped In Desperate Love to know the truth of the Best.

Above is stated "this is my personal next Higher Level" though this is Given as in a recent Sermon that some are starting to be Worthy, since toward Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN, and how to describe and to what shall These Few Chosen be compared?, it is like when Moses was of unseen [not believable to many that strayed] Faith to crown the rock and water trickled then the stream Flowed and gushed a river.

River / Trickle / Moses.

River / Trickle / Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Best For All.

Also as above stated "this is my personal next Higher Level", i have already been up there (see many Sermons in this Series), though did not notice such as stated above, in this Sermon as other JESUS Christ Saving Grace concerns for this Civilization of mixed spirits were more pertinent then. Many mixed spirits of souls travel a lot back-and-forth, up-a-little-and down-a-little [though sublevels (see previous in this Series on levels such as steps, and on more distantly spaced Firmament Levels)], and looping, as in the 1st Testament.

Like some of the Older Sermons in this Series with other specifics in Drawings, is this JESUS Spirited Help Likewise. In the levels shown below, the bold lines [bold may not appear on some systems, the bold lines are G and A] are Firmament Levels. So the regular levels [sublevels between Firmament Levels] are as stairs for Ascending Best For All, Straight Up the JESUS Christ Original Planner For The Mission As All Had Hoped for the Good Best Way.

Symbolically some have been such as level B and ascended to level F to meet as if the impasse (reference in this Series Venturi Effect and Eye Of The Needle) with JESUS Christ at the Gate, a Firmament Level. A Person might then opt to stray from the "Straight Up" and fall to A, so the Person tries again and knows there was failure at level F so looping again Ascends to level E and stops ascending: stuck-in-a-rut job position or situation of indecisiveness, then may repeat to stray and Ascend merely to level D, then merely level C, then merely B then merely starting point [spirits have called it "square one". So to solve is JESUS Christ Spirit Loyally, Constantly.












The more intelligent of the secular mixed spirits evidently unwittingly described the self as a larva, having considered the vertical as if rather the horizontal [also of secular values] though the JESUS Ascending Path is Vertical as explained of many Christian Preachers [also the smallest motif of a honeycomb is rather than as about a larva, the trough (, see previous in the Bible and in this Series on the net for gathering and for safety, like unto Firmament Level A discussed above].

The mixed spirits have also been about chanting [of values] but discluding JESUS Spirit, so again "looping" as stated above attenuating as a reminder is how a plucked string continues to vibrate while losing energy; similarly the Hindus have chanted "Om" repeatedly but not for JESUS Christ Best Way Spirit: this is the Best Time To Start The Best Way as stated above in this Sermon, and the previous Sermon explained Revelation 19:16 even as the Jewish Jesus recently explained on TV Revelation 12:11.

New and exciting ways to describe the Bible are with the Living Bible as shown here. Periodic Table Of The 1st and 2nd Testaments Of The Bible from JESUS Christ Creator to JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying Spirit Best For All, the Best Way.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Periodic Table Of The 1st and 2nd Testaments Of The Bible from JESUS Christ Creator to JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying Spirit Best For All, Best Way, Periodic Table Of The Elements


Continue In Desperate Love Better Faithfully And Then Better Anewly As Had Not Previously Been Known, Best For All, Ascend In JESUS Christ Spirit.

17 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Be The All Seeing Eye With Gyroscopic Effect Strength Of Coriolis Effect Energies, Eye Of The Needle, Venturi Effect Periodic Table Of The 1st and 2nd Testaments Of The Bible from JESUS Christ Creator to JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying Spirit Best For All, Best Way JESUS is in all as much as good including the Periodic Table Of The Elements secular preparing for Better Writing hence the Living Bible, my personal next Higher Level seen on the ceiling a simple Carbon layer pattern for life forms with Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Ascenders for to continue, "Living Civilization Soul", fan, the crystalline structures of many individual snowflakes together in pattern, single bond Boron Nitride so to Edify about falsely resembling honeycomb larva loopings details, dollar.

Jesus Christ

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