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JESUS Nuns Pattern Sermon.

JESUS Christ Blesses the Nuns that are Married to JESUS Christ yet now is the Pertinent Situation for Nuns to Ascend, having been found Worthy, having been much Praying Teaching And Doing as JESUS Christ. JESUS the LORD Of Lords is the reason to Ascend. Also for Edifying, JESUS Christ Spirit Gives For All [including Nuns] to be aware yet Distinguishingly, there is a lower level reason than JESUS Christ Highest Level yet the lower level reason Agrees with the Higher Level reason as much as within Ascending Tube Central Flow Of JESUS Christ, hence not to look for the bad so merely the Good of the lower level.

As written in Matthew 22:30 [awakening rather than about "the dead" (John 11:11 through 13 and see in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series concerning negatives conditionally fitting into the Flow)] Aramaic Bible "For in the resurrection of the dead, they do not take wives, neither do men have wives, but they are like the Angels of God in Heaven.". So the JESUS Good in the lower level center line Ascending Flow of this Precept is for "All [including Nuns]" to Prepare for entering the "Matthew 22:30" Higher Level Of Heaven currently available now: on Earth, in the Census, in the midst of this Given Situation.

The "bad" part is rather in JESUS Christ Victory Over divorce. For instance the ring on the finger [as We rather Worship JESUS Christ] is a nice reminder of JESUS Christ, much like the Eucharist is. If to so Agree, Believe, and Work Likewise, then to no longer be as busy [Save recordkeeping (see older Sermons on JESUS Priority [hence Prioritizing] the more pertinent Maintenance with automizing)] about the word Marriage and such thoughts ( setting at Liberty the hands (in public example Luke 9:16), yet with JESUS Family (Hosea 1:10) Yet Leading (Holy See as written such as in mid page Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Oak Island Code Updated Sermon at

Mary was [is] as though Married to JESUS Christ though illegal to Marry Her Son

JESUS Christ is the Alpha and Omega, Birth was no longer Mary, Birth became the New Beginning

JESUS Christ with Mother Mary.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, explains the JESUS Spirit Authority from Embryo to Born and with NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN For All New Victory Over The End, JESUS Christ Victory Over Being Born as though under Mother Mary With Joseph


Eternal Father JESUS Spirit, Holy Good And Best Exemplar: Prayerfully For Best For All In Your Desperate Love Leadership Family: Thank You!

In JESUS Spirit Ascending it is hardly become revealed until this pertinent Desperately Love Wisdom Worthiness now, the End was JESUS Spirit, the New Best Beginning is JESUS Christ Our Family Host With Us Children. In (see note below) Greek "hagiou" is bye, interpreted as yet to come in the situational [Holy Spirit as much as in the Census] Flow becoming aware of the JESUS Spirit, even "now" of what happened when JESUS Christ manifested into the Census as the "New Beginning" start of Heaven One Earth [yet the Second Coming is also Coming, let Us Best Pray, Herald, And Prepare Together (Praying as "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech Sermon at with Addendum 1 Charity Us, though if to be with monetary system then Charity money too).

Mary Married Joseph. Mary And Joseph were with Family. When JESUS Christ Was Born, JESUS Christ Was In Charge And The Head Of The Family Of Mary And Joseph and All [Census Awareness as much as Faithfully Ascending] Save As JESUS Christ Opted for the sakes [Plural For New Better Beginning, in order to be with "Better" hence counted as though end to former [though see above ("Maintenance")]

so JESUS Christ As Born Into the Census Became The Head Of The Family Over Mary And Joseph, save as much as under Law including Church Law and such as the Law in the sense of the Loving Guiding Rule of Parents, also concerning secular government such as Matthew 17:27 applies: Innocent JESUS Christ: not arrested for any reason until the conspiracy and crucifixion.

Note previous "" word "through" becomes "sacred" rather than separation: see above "center line" of the "Ascending Flow" becomes the Best Way For All according to JESUS Christ Straight And Narrow Ascending Innocently Exemplar For All.

Corrected info is in the above "Oak Island Code Sermon" as linked, as with as stated above in the page You are now reading is the rather than correction, the Better applies: the worth "rather" rather than about "Corrected". For instance it is better in JESUS Christ Spirit to say Be Good "rather" than to angrily yell: Be bad and I'll punish you!, since "Be bad and I'll punish" includes the wrong even illegal instructions explaining to "Be bad" [even though JESUS Christ UN Law recognizing Higher Level Grace exists, it "exists" though rather than to cause to stray (Luke 17:2)].

The Ascending Tube Central Flow Of JESUS Christ is Holy, Sacred yet more Lively than such as a Sacred apron from Apostle Paul with Healing Power, hence JESUS Family Holiness is New [hardly about made of flesh and rather] JESUS Christ Spirit as in these Sermons as Agreed (Acts 19:12). The Holy Family Of JESUS Christ is as Church Members People Rather One Mass Of The Priesthood Father Spirit "JESUS" Name In One Perfection Making All One Perfect: and We Lead Likewise the Sacred things, the Sacred Vessels of JESUS Christ: Together is New Victory Over Idols though rather than Your Freedom causing Others to stray (again "Luke 17:2") is the Best Way For All.

The Sacred Baptism can be with Making a Person New Holy, and the New Holy Vessel can be with Making a Person A New Sacred Vessel, yet One JESUS Within And Over Such. The previous Sermon explained "how it can be that old things can simultaneously be brand new as never imagined previously" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS New Patterns Sermon at

So why is there pain?, [(already answered in an Older Sermon in this Series in specific detail) also:] like unto the crucifixion for JESUS Christ to enter into His Due Glory (Luke 24:7: Mission as though Ended, Edifying the Census Victory Complete, rather the Exemplar Credited with Our New Beginning: His New Creating Start In Us as much as All Agree: see above "BROADCASTING" lest so many fail at any point).

Here is as if [though counted as failed point in lower levels] a failure point about the less faithful levels, a ring may be worn as a symbol of Marriage already for Their sakes so They see the ring like unto the words: Already Married, then less likely to interfere. Even so JESUS Christ Protects: no ring purchase required. Jewelry is allowed and consider these two things, if to wear then to perhaps tempt others to steal such, though if to not wear then toward inviting others toward dating and such as to lack reminder of the Exodus: hence the Straight And Narrow.

For JESUS Christ Exemplar in this Generation Edifying All Now, i went to a store where beggars frequented, wearing fancy Gift clothing: bravely it was an Uplifting experience, like unto some that dress nicely at Church while like unto King Of Kings (per se conditionally above is "Acts 19:12" bravely) (reference also public figures such as Military symbolizing Good even though perhaps having killed the Infant of Parents present) (of course ibid. is not excuse to kill), the point of this sentence as You Ascend Straight Up a situation will be to right or left so Righteously Prophesy to opt Best For the Situation for JESUS Christ. I hardly Prophesy at all, i hardly know what the next words are that JESUS Christ would prefer that i type, yet i do Prophesy and increasingly, and invite You.

As JESUS Christ New Beginning is for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including Desperate Love For All, so Likewise is with JESUS Christ in the Position of "Exemplar" and so the Nuns and All as much as Found Faithful Already for to be Worthy for to be Lifted Of JESUS Christ Exemplar, the Nuns and All should likewise for All be "Exemplar". For This Reason In JESUS Christ Father Name Spirit All ("much as Found Faithful Already"...) are to be Lifted, including for this of old Anewly added lower level reason "προστεθήσεται" ( hence "is added" ( to You already, and JESUS New Beginning is also with rather in JESUS Christ One Ascending Spirit Righteously Prophesying as written in Matthew 6:33 New King James Version "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

Rather Be JESUS Christ and Give the Better Lifting for to Be "added" from You from JESUS Christ!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, explains the JESUS Spirit Authority from Embryo to Born and with NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN For All New Victory Over The End, Baby JESUS Christ Marrying, the Nuns Married to JESUS Christ


1 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB explains the JESUS Spirit Authority from Embryo to Born and with NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN For All New Victory Over The End.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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