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JESUS Opened Heaven Sermon.

JESUS Christ closed Heaven "In what seemed a mere episode" (Commentary) per se as written at Amplified Bible "and yet Elijah was not sent [by the Lord] to a single one of them, but only to Zarephath in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.", Ellicott's Commentary "In what seemed a mere episode in the life of Elijah He finds a truth which implies the future calling". But this, "what seemed a mere episode" is today become A Most Sacred Event. In the JESUS Spirit was heard early this Sabbath morning concerning Best For All: "I Will Drive you there", "There" in the sense to this civilization "For All".

Shown here is the first illustration from Google define Seripta.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, where JESUS Christ Uniquely Sent Elijah,the first known illustration from Google define Seripta, a Phoenician city on the Mediterranean coast that was in the land of Sidon, today between Tyre and Sidon, a shipping port


The handful of People shown above were hardly responsible for the ancient giant blocks being placed there (see many Sermons in this Series on levitation and on Power, such as of the Word Of JESUS Christ) yet the more important value is that concerning Heaven and whether Open For Business so to speak, this ancient Gift Heaven Sent was Given merely to widow Zarephath [this is the JESUS Way i feel having been to the Lifting Bar Of Judgment With Savior JESUS Christ The Original And Exemplar, With Broadcasting On The Net Including On TV JESUS Christ UN Law With Higher Level JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace, yet hence as Other Christians Leading Are Ascending too].

From the old and new the Treasures from People come. This illustration of where JESUS Christ Uniquely Sent Elijah, the first known illustration from Google define Seripta, is a Phoenician city on the Mediterranean coast that was in the land of Sidon, today between Tyre and Sidon, a shipping port. And where was a great Broadcasting point in ancient days, "a shipping port" for the Word going to the Peoples beyond the seas. The Harmony Of The Gospels does not contain any other reference, hence as stated in the Commentary "mere", unique.

In other words [from JESUS Christ, one Person], Heaven was Given to one Person: Elijah the prophet, a Righteous Prophet: now Heaven is likewise Given Uniquely To And For You, for Best For All, for All to Ascend Better the Best Way in JESUS Christ One. This does not Give Heaven Spirit to JESUS Christ nor to Elijah nor to me for We already are One or at least Entered into such Leadership, so this is for You to Give according to You [Save Best For All hence for "We" also].

This from JESUS Christ is Victory For You Over what JESUS had said ..."Where I am going, you cannot come" (from John 8:21). Also, and please forgive this symbolism, this as to be blind as to have fallen into a dark pit yet then to find nice stairs all the way up, and rather perhaps You have not fallen at all [easier when young and innocent so Lead with also Preaching to and for All hence as with a General Audience rating inviting All]. This is already Victory Over "mere" since such as at a Port, even in the Port City [JESUS Better Way For All / People Came / JESUS Will was Preached. JESUS Better Way For All = People Came x JESUS Will was Preached].

This is also Victory Over "mere" since from JESUS hence from All The Heavens: do You Hope for Open Heaven in Your part of the Universe?: Preach. Those under You have perhaps less if any awareness of this Your Mission, yet JESUS Christ already untangled the lower level knots of laws at the bottom hem of His Garment, so Give the Greater [than "mere"] Glory For JESUS Christ! Hence this concerns the JESUS Spirit Level.

This includes such as so You are as the JESUS Halo Aura as shown here, and greater.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, be the JESUS Halo Aura as shown here for the Glory of JESUS Christ, Lord, crucfixion


Above was stated "All The Heavens" hence including the tractor beam (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series such as in Christian Vessels: Christian colonizing...Sermon at that "brought the Moon" to watch Earth civilization that "caused the Great Flood" ["Zulu" (Ancient Aliens S11E11)] [note the JESUS Golden Cube Will not harm His Chosen though at least many would surprised].

Now here is this Help for You Guiding Them Better, including so They Will Rightly Be Interested in Your Info [and beware as this is not merely a sales pitch for money Miracle of the JESUS Parameter(s) Of Righteous Loving Ascending Faith as if about for to selfishly gain money and worldliness]: this Help is to Give Them Kindness in the sense that the stuck-in-a-rut People have already received plenty of negativity, in secular cliche "they can get that at work" or school or on the street, all too often even if rare. So this is very Pertinent. Kindly Caringly Give Them Best Of The Best.

Now is explained as the above stated "this, 'what seemed a mere episode' is today become A Most Sacred Event" as in "JESUS Spirit was heard" "I Will Drive you there" hence concerning JESUS Christ Level Over above stated "All The Heavens". This Creator Level Work Applies In You of this Sermon uniquely of Elijah uniquely of unique JESUS Christ. Having been driven to the Internet and TV and such, as stated above, this Anew Value is now Given, Praising JESUS Christ Thankfully Prayerfully, starting with this description.

With the Ambassadors Level, with JESUS Christ UN Law Over this Civilization, this is a Top Priority matter. For instance People have kept secret codes and such as Bank protection devices. So within this secular context, is the Higher Level Value More Pertinent aspect of JESUS Christ UN Law. Now this Civilization has gone to great costs to and efforts to protect secrets such as to make money hard to counterfeit. So likewise for quite some time these future JESUS Christ UN Legal Documents should be with such traceability, such as so Charity actually reaches to where authorized.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace has already indicated from above, concerning in secular words that the less easily counterfeited holographic round emblem images should represent life and such as "JESUS Christ UN" for a Peace Togetherness sense, as symbolized in the Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: When I Saw God Sermon at, yet the Highest Level Documents should have the holographic image of the top center magma lava moving effect, a lively Creating holographic image. And these should be with the "traceability" features with pertinent letting of People be aware prior to ideas about counterfeiting. So this concerns security, though waning as Civilization becomes more civilized (see Sermons in this Series on "Test me" in this United Peace Best For All Way As All Hoped For Better The Best Way: Malachi 3:10).

So this, from the Faith of Zarephath, from the "mere" "unique" widow found Worthy, is as Any of Us for to so called merely Be For JESUS Spirit.

18 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with JESUS Spirit "I Will Drive you there" and with how to Preach concerning JESUS Christ You Creating Level Over "All The Heavens" as this Creator Level Work Applies In You of this Sermon uniquely of Elijah uniquely of JESUS Christ, including Highest Level Documents with holographic images of the top center lively magma effect with traceability so the funds will go where authorized according to the "civilized" rate with less easily counterfeited holographic round emblem images that should represent life, also as linked is "the tractor that brought the Moon to watch Earth civilization that caused the Great Flood" and the Faith of Zarephath; be the JESUS Halo Aura as shown here for the Glory of JESUS Christ, where JESUS Christ Uniquely Sent Elijah, the first known illustration from Google define Seripta a "mere" land as shown, a Phoenician city on the Mediterranean coast that was in the land of Sidon, today between Tyre and Sidon, a shipping port, Bible Formula, When I Saw God.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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