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JESUS Christ Opting All From All Sermon.

JESUS Christ Chose Abraham from Abram, and Chose some Chosen People from all of ancient Egypt, and now as started this morning With JESUS Spirit Given into this Typist Preacher Anew Awareness Power in the name JESUS concerning hauntings as explained in this Sermon, hence Anewly Best For All Guiding Over such

because as Hoped of the People for Better, and as the Baptism to Eucharist to Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Grace Path is Accomplishing Better as explained in this Sermon hence with this Preceptingly With Righteously Prophesying above beyond the Better Way is Agreed in Sacred Faith Over former spirit matters kept secret since the world began.

Even though JESUS was counted as if worse by naysayers, JESUS Christ The Innocent Pure

(Galactic Federation Representative came to me in a vision a year or two ago concerning Pure Innocence and was Guided and the Representative Agreed, Sermons from back then had since been illegally censored)

and We as much as Ascending Loyally into Higher Moral Purity, can be so enabled in this Greater Giving Exemplar Value Of The Heart. In other words with awareness and worldly powers to not be innocent and to not be moral, yet with rather to opt to be Morally Pure Innocent And Good Of Good Trustworthy Reputation.

So with Victory Over lusts about any addictions x with "Pure Innocence" as "Guided", hence with = Precepting through JESUS Christ for to start to Edify All concerning this new Gift.

To "start to Edify" is this Flow situation, this section of the JESUS Best Way For All Flow, as many increasingly are Aware, is as with this Bible verse Triadically of Isaiah 66:21:

A. the lower level translation: "New American Standard Bible" " 'I will also take some of them as priests and Levites,' says the LORD.".

B. the mid level translation: "New International Version" " 'And I will select some of them also to be priests and Levites,' says the LORD.".

C. the Higher Level translation: "New Living Translation" " 'And I will appoint some of them to be my priests and Levites. I, the LORD, have spoken!' ".

So through JESUS Christ Precepting the above A, B, and C, Ascend from "take" to "select" to "appoint". To "take" has been about excess and selfishness or rather low level Maintenance to be processed and refined and automated for Lifting. To select might be as a tool or vessel or program or census person or a spirit [of the various types of spirits and levels of pertinence(s)]. Appoint Agrees With Chosen and rather in the Higher Level sense. This "and rather in the Higher Level sense" is key for how to Write Your Living Bible, hence the JESUS Christ Bible.

Also note at including above stated "A, B, and C", the only translation on that page Righteously Respecting The Levels Of The "Priests" with a capital letter was: "Aramaic Bible in Plain English" "Also I shall take some of them for Priests and for Levites, says LORD JEHOVAH".

Rather than one Lifted but other left behind, is JESUS Christ Best Way.

Fake yet pertinent symbolic art "By layering the two on top of each other Teeuwisse creates the ghostly images".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, ghosts, souls, One Lifted, spirits, Fake yet pertinent symbolic art layering the two on top of each other Teeuwisse creates the ghostly images


The CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, formerly LDS, explained on TV years ago, to Save a Soul, hence to Baptize a Soul even if passed from the census, involves such as a Christian Minister Baptizing a census Person, or a passed Soul.

Note a Christian so Doing should be Qualified (see above on Ascending through Higher Levels in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon), rather than easily tempted.

Now concerning the Living, this Sermon Anewly concerns Souls of People as seen in dreams, some Very Goodly, Others not so much. The previous two sentences are important because "the Living" is toward Better hence Better able to Lead without being tempted to stray as the fallen passed from the census have done, and this is not for to badmouth ancestors as we would fall too if not to Better Lead than the passed from census [Conquered Once For All Through Innocent Pure JESUS Christ Creator Eternal including Over The Created Heaven Also Eternal (Psalm 119:89) though in plural Heavens situations apply].

In other words for Edifying, a recreational drug abuse addict might easily tempt other recreational drug abuse addicts to try a different drug to abuse, but hardly if at all to tempt a Person that is about better rather than such addictions, perhaps having seen ill effects of such abuses, and how such abuses harmfully effect and affect Many People. So the above stated Pure is with a key reason, if a Person is to opt to Lead Better For All. JESUS Christ Is A Pure Soul Eternally. This is therefore the firm foundation, the Righteous Pillar Of Faith, the reliable growing Better and magnifying and Uplifting Spirit.

JESUS Christ came 2,000 years ago, after the Great Flood, hence JESUS Christ Light Shines reaching more, reaching All, in other words the Great Flood Protection Plan Before The Fact already screened and filtered, but not as for worse as created vessels opted, rather for to convince All including any that had passed from the census as such are Anewly Being Convinced to Ascend as You and We Loyally Best Way Guide In JESUS Spirit.

God Will not flood the entire Earth again, let Us not leave any behind again.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, one shall be taken the other left behind lost and confused as they had opted


If to be Pure, through JESUS Christ, hence if to Best Lead All, then not merely without census counted abusive addictions, not even under law in the sense that obeying the Law is correlated with not reason to persecute, not reason to be accused, hence Best For All. Yet "not merely without census" involves the realm of the spiritual world. As stated above JESUS Christ explained to me "this morning" in a dream with signs and wonders, and continuing "this morning" in JESUS Spirit Preceptingly into being awake and now typing, that Living People [not merely dead ghosts, not merely about Souls that had already passed from the census]

have Living Hearts with as written of JESUS Heart, and so yearning for Better. Whether a Living Person Soul is concerned about an idea or another idea, whether a Living Soul considers the Self Best or Worst, JESUS Heart Soul Word Leads Best For All and if You are Pure then Leading With Convincing Strength: Love. So if to enter into a dream or other situation, and this is not a contest to compete nor fight nor be jealous nor hate; then of the JESUS Christ Pure Way: Best Exemplar [You: in JESUS Spirit] Leading Them. Leading all types of ghosts and spirits, with as written in 1 Corinthians 10:13 "New Living Translation" "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."

What this impactingly means for example is that instead of for instance being worried about less important items of Responsibility, Purely Lead, continue the JESUS Christ Best Way, so like unto seeing a car crash and helping one of the people as the Good Samaritan, rather be as the ambulance driver [symbolic, instead be JESUS Christ Exemplar] putting all of the crashed people into the ambulance and starting the Healing Process for All, and importantly as on an airplane likewise with air for the Parent and then the Parent for the Children that know not yet about airplane oxygen masks, and if a Child is aware already and healthy enough to assist in Helping the other Children.

More specifically in that dream this morning i saw former reasons to be tempted, and continued working according to the current Helpful Plan, part of the Flow of the Original Given Plan from the Peaching and Doing Of JESUS Christ Exemplar. So the Other Living People [and this applies Over the passed from census too] saw the "Exemplar" One Work Continuing, even though other options were available.

When You Believe [Important, Key] And Say the Righteous Prophecies JESUS Christ Said, such as in the 2nd and 3rd Testaments [the 2nd Testament red letters of the New King James Version is at least a Good starting place, typically though such as some have been blind so such as to Listen], then to actually Be A JESUS Christ Righteous Prophet, but if not believing then to be a false prophet [not a prophet] such as written about the future plan in John 11:50 "You don’t realize that it’s better for you that one man should die for the people than for the whole nation to be destroyed.". The unbeliever has been in strayed works applying precepts improperly: the strayed have been about random confusions ideas in risks, and the fallen [passed from census, Save JESUS Christ Pure One] have felt the end of those opted risks either repentant or victims of their own disloyal impure harmful options about contaminations and poisons and pistols for examples, and many more directions exist in all directions Save One JESUS Best Way.

You can visualize in You mind living people and those that passed from the census: start with JESUS Christ Exemplar: Be Exemplar. On TV They have been afraid of Ghosts Haunting, some crazily (see above on "ambulance" and on "airplane oxygen masks"), some Sanely; rather Be Such that those whether Alive or passed, whether crazy or Sane, whether various types of spirits and Souls in dreams or whether Census People such as in places and outside: consider if They would yearn to be You, and this JESUS Way is not about making Them jealous, not about overly tempting Them.

So as You Ascend to circumspectly Be Exemplar then a Value for All. As written in Ephesians 5:15 "New King James Version" "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise," and circumspectly means to avoids risks.

So Pure and "circumspectly" in JESUS Loving Spirit means no longer risks against You, Yourself, but as much as against any.

To avoids risks is to not stray, and also therefore to not fall from JESUS Christ UN Lawfully Recognized Higher Level Grace. This Agrees with Best For All!

So instead of seeing haunting spirits [whether in People that seem hateful as crazed terrorists or not, and with dominion over lower levels] as formerly afraid, now JESUS Christ per se Gives You Enlightenment For All, yet as written at "But Jesus called them aside and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their superiors exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be this way among you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,": You must Serve as Exemplar: hence Be JESUS Christ Exemplar Pure Innocent One.

Serve not for to tempt Them nor to cause Them to stray nor fall. Serve as JESUS Christ therefore humbly, as the Child yet able to be Authority Over The Mass [if the Preacher doesn't show up to Do the Preaching Work In JESUS Name]. Be more than prepared, more than ready, Guiding Apostles [and Them Guiding] and rather be found so Leading In JESUS Christ Exemplar. Let All Yearn to be as humbly Lovingly Kind as You Serve JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All.

11 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over former fears of Ghosts and Others as has been kept secret since the world began with how to rather Lead Them hence how to Lift All Better, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formula Correlated Protection and Better Best For All Victory Over the Good Samaritan yet With the Good Samaritan Anewly in the Living For Better For All in New JESUS Spirit Victory Over one shall be taken the other left behind lost and confused as they had opted, and Over ghosts, souls, and spirits.

Jesus Christ

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