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JESUS Victory Sermon Over: Fights.

JESUS Christ is aware that if to be with the Tree Of Knowledge instead of Friendship [in census or typically unseen Fellowship In Spirit Able To Transfigure] Loyalty, then a transgression, a breaking of the Faith, a decision to opt for to fight as to beget worse fights. Eve as created Helper [Position, Level, toward Ascending Oneness (see below verses conditions)] of Adam could see Adam but could not see God [JESUS] all the time, so if JESUS left for the Comforter [JESUS One With: hence Adam With Garden Of Eden {and even With Eve One Loyally until later (see in this Series on Maintenance)] to come such as if separation might have been interpreted as if disloyal but it was not, it was for Their sake.

Generally to see and touch for Their sake is such as to Anoint Them to a Higher Position, to Nurture Them, to Heal Them, and in the more rare "Test me" (see previous in this Series) situation (see the following two verses); and similarly to be in JESUS Together such as to Ascend Together even if as with a handshake verbal Agreement; but to touch for a selfish reason is to harm others as much as if not for Higher Level Purpose(s).

Loyal to and For JESUS Christ the Best Way, Best For All!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS One With Adam and Eve in the Garden Of Eden and the fall reason misinterpretation, Loyal to and For JESUS Christ the Best Way, Best For All!


Here is a "Test" situation New International Version "When Isaac was old and his eyes were so weak that he could no longer see, he called for Esau his older son and said to him, 'My son.' 'Here I am,' he answered.", so in Genesis 27:21 "Then Isaac said to Jacob, 'Come near so I can touch you, my son, to know whether you really are my son Esau or not.' ", [note it is often hard to know in census and in Spirit Realms who is speaking (Proverbs 3:5)].

Today as much as Generations Ascended as with the printing press for many experts on Bible verses and interpreting improving, and so Leaders Preaching the Better Awareness, We The People are [of default, put into this Given situation of] with "Better Awareness" as ancestry Hoped, including concerning the Comforter (see somewhat older Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series), hence JESUS Victory Over much temptation, misinterpretation, and rather concerning JESUS Spirit Loyalty even if unseen: known as Faith.

So Eve had thought She was being sufficiently Loyal: Word to us: we all too often imagine vain things hence Moses of God JESUS Father Spirit Gave the 1st Commandment (All in One [pertinent Sermon was illegally censored]). Yet rather look how kind JESUS Christ Original is rather than disloyal, for to Comfort and for Integrity, Heart Love Soul Ascending Oneness, even JESUS Spirit Victory Over not giving since for to Give the Higher Purpose Good rather than merely to "not give" as written in "Psalm 113:9 ESV / 191 helpful votes" "He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord!" (;

This verse refers to a brother and sister woefully together hence for to not touch so as to be with no need to punish: "Then God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know you did this in the integrity of your heart, for it was I who kept you back and spared you from sinning against Me; therefore I did not give you an opportunity to touch her." with Pulpit Commentary "Verse 6. - And God said unto him in a dream, - 'It is in full agreement with the nature of dreams that the communication should be made in several, and not in one single act; cf. Genesis 37,' " ( Amplified Bible).

"Mary Magdalene – Most Mentioned Woman In The New Testament"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS leaving the tomb with Mary Magdalene the Most Mentioned Woman In The New Testament


Look how JESUS Christ Appreciates Women, as much as Loyal, as shown above even more Loyal than any man [Possible in You Women Readers, Yes!] Save as many as were not in the situation such as [conditional Pertinence applies] John The Baptist, and Father Abraham, also [as statue(s)] Guard(s). So JESUS is in the "Guard(s)" as in such as "Abraham" though an amount of Faith applies [and faith type such as "Guard(s)" faith in strayed ways such as confusedly to crucify as if to save a nation or perhaps merely other strayed reasons].

This same JESUS Loving Caring Higher Level Purpose Better type of Faith Loyalty Applied Over 1 John 4:12 "No one has seen God at any time": this means to see the Good Perfect Merely, as the balance of the verse in the Amplified Bible "No one has seen God at any time. But if we love one another [with unselfish concern], God abides in us, and His love [the love that is His essence abides in us and] is completed and perfected in us.", so we are to become JESUS Christ Level Perfect to Eternally See Everything [Comprehensive] then to know really the Best Thing To Say And Do (see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: PCS Sermon at

An example of JESUS Victory Sermon Over: Fights, is a gang leader orders a gang member to beat another gang member because of disloyalty, but if "to beat another gang member" then that beater becomes disloyal against that gang and so disloyal also. Word to and for enforcement to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law, convince Ambassadors to so Broadcast: the Ambassadors [and regional Leaders] are [generally] over enforcement therefore to improve the system so enforcement is protected. The Next Future JESUS Pertinent Precept is the Best One To Fit On the already established JESUS Pertinent Precept. To fight One's citizenry is not noble (see above "woefully together hence for to not touch"

since it is not better than a person should die [nor be harmed] for to save the others John 11:50 "Nor do you understand that it is expedient and politically advantageous for you that one man die for the people, and that the whole nation not perish".

Yet concerning lower levels such as under dominion, and such as vessel parts for instance as written applies: Matthew 5:29 "If your right eye makes you stumble and leads you to sin, tear it out and throw it away [that is, remove yourself from the source of temptation]; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell." (if Good do not put it asunder, if other then as much as legal the option: this solves the abortion mystery)!

This too applies though this is likewise another type of Higher Level see in JESUS Christ: the census is a count of vessels, but currently such is merely a JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesy matter yet to be Prophesied since We have not so much as performed the JESUS Christ UN Addendum 1 Charity, nor even so much as Prayerfully Broadcast JESUS Christ UN sufficiently, nor even as little a thing as the Baptized in the name JESUS Christ Broadcasting JESUS Christ Spirit Together As One, even an amount sufficient to and for Ambassadors per se as written "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.", (from James 5:16 New International Version).

Psalm 113:9 New American Standard Bible for instance emphasizes the word "As": "He has the infertile woman live in the house As a joyful mother of children. Praise the LORD!" hence rather more toward the JESUS Christ One Whole World And Beyond Heavenly Family: not a competition as to which sister Weds first nor which one can produce the most offspring, not a fight for first place, rather the more Graceful Opting Applies. Mary is Lifted as shown above, Women can opt to Ascend. Broadcast, convince Civilization to not be disloyal against JESUS Christ, do not fight JESUS Christ.

As stated above Be Lifted of JESUS Christ for to enter into a "Higher Position, to Nurture Them, to Heal Them", and so how does "Broadcast" words in any way fit Preceptingly with "Nurture" and "Heal"?: as if a secular thing You can Broadcast about radon in homes and such, though start with Broadcasting the JESUS Pertinent Highest Level most Comprehensively with Your Already Given JESUS Words In The Bible rather than about as if isolated instances. Radon has been associated to cancer.

Other things too have been of algorithm formulas systematically correlated to cancer so solve for all of such as the system found and rather as JESUS Christ Is Best Eternally Aware, such as Over all cancer concerns [and even More Comprehensively Over All for The Best For All, note some have cancer cells similar to zoo studies so this is not about feeling sorry for cancer cells that attack and kill as destroyers against the more important values (see above "enforcement" discussion, and with the Dominion discussion).

And so this dwelling on the lower levels of things such as about cancer concerns the catalyst as to why this Sermon was written for to Help Bless a Spirit that was in pertinence concerned, as i had been Preaching JESUS Spirit somewhat in a Spirit Realm and Healing Over cancer was discussed, and the Spirit was anxious for more info. In an old Sermon in this Series was a Sermon that utilized a lot of disc space and a Person mentioned in the Sermon complained so i deleted it (see above on JESUS Grace though an option: reference such as Mercy Of The Court but this is not for to dwell in lower levels as this was more an exception [see above somewhat pertinent "Test"]).

So reports were online of before and after, with cancer then with pertinent Bible Food (the center of fig fruit bar soft cookies eaten also applied topically where pertinent) then Healed: so Pertinent Is To Be The Healer Of Nations, to Enter in Together [Do Your Part (Better than above stated "merely" and rather "Mary")] to Prayerfully Broadcast JESUS Spirit With JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace.

20 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began solves the abortion mystery!, explains more about why Eve strayed from Creator Loyalty, and how to Heal many People of many diseases and many strayed mental feelings and multitudes of other types of sufferings if You Prayerfully Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law; JESUS leaving the tomb with Mary Magdalene the Most Mentioned Woman In The New Testament, Bible Precepting Formulas Over Guiding algorithm formulas systematically correlated Better For All.

Jesus Christ

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