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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

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For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS Passes With Children Sermon.

JESUS Christ would that You write Your Living Bible, Do so Christian Family in His Name with Publishing. To not read the Bible Gift has been a problem, to read the record of the dead has been a problem, to write notes in the Bible in learning to then write Your Living Bible is no longer merely verses "of the dead", rather Giving Life Lovingly Caringly hence Creating in JESUS Spirit Better Precepting; not merely dead former precept on dead former precept (reference secular predictions The Gospel of Thomas verse 43 at, rather JESUS Christian Enlivening Anewly Precept With JESUS Christian Enlivening Anewly Precept. This is the Way but not the formula:

JESUS Christian Enlivening Anewly Precept With JESUS Christian Enlivening Anewly Precept / To read the record of the dead / To not read the Bible.

JESUS Christian Enlivening Anewly Precept With JESUS Christian Enlivening Anewly Precept DOES NOT EQUAL To read the record of the dead x To not read the Bible.

The words "DOES NOT EQUAL" applies as explained in the previous Sermon "two negatives do not make a positive" Save the luck of the toss [coin, dice,...(Creator One JESUS Controls)] (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Terrorism Victory Sermon at

JESUS Christ can walk on water, Leap in Faith Creating New Conditions, and Transfigure, but did not do that on the cross.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Ghost can scare away, can walk on water, Leap in Faith Creating New Conditions, and Transfigure, but did not do that on the cross

(Jesus Gif Find Share).

This stated above "JESUS Controls" is Victory Over the secular House Edge, quickly or eventually. And This applies Preceptingly With Passing Through The Name Of JESUS. JESUS Spirit, JESUS Census, JESUS On The Cross, JESUS Resurrection,...this applies to You Passing Through All this as JESUS Christ Said And Did in One Work Best For All. So this includes to Longsuffer Prayerfully First In JESUS Christ Spirit Highest Purpose The Best Way, though not for to suffer inappropriately. Inappropriate behavior loses the control such as concerning the House Edge, such as a perp risks the self in many ways such as to slip and fall in the dark while trespassing and dropping a stolen sculpture that breaks cutting a hand while hurting a knee increasing the perp trail of evidence.

Yet JESUS Christ can move with Power causing fear in the less enlightened as written in High Level: Mark 6:49 New King James Version "And when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a ghost, and cried out;" in fear, terrified (Mark 6:50) and JESUS appeared as if to continue walking past Them (Mark 6:48), faster than the ship [the ship left previously (see in this Series on: rate(s))] of Disciples [His Children] going to the same location.

The Innocent Child Loves The Loving Parent yet growing in wisdom the Innocent Child learns to fear the Parent also. So the Child both Loves and Fears, yet in One Innocent Child. 2 in 1. 2 Spirits for the Best, in 1 Spirit Together, in 1 census Child. The Child Fear Ascends and becomes increasingly greater Respect for the Parent, as long as both the Child and/or the Parent Continue Loyally hence in Eternal Good JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Spirit Power Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to terrify and cause them to fall backward and continue, and how to Enlighten for Continuing Loyal Enlightening Ascending Value as once to light a room then hardly so much to wonder even if the light has been moved away


In The Gospel of Thomas (including as discussed and linked above) verses 40 through 59 JESUS Christ Spirit [Disciple Thomas Spirit through JESUS Christ, enabling JESUS Christ Spirit through Thomas as Thomas wrote and now with such from JESUS Christ Thomas This Typist Spirit One at least while typing] said, "Become passers-by.". This does not mean walk past such as to walk past a Person in need, this means Be In The Spirit Of JESUS Christ "One" including [Preceptingly for Best] in the Spirit Of The Good Samaritan One.

What spirit and value does the above stated Parent Loving the Child have if to lose the Child, and what spirit and value does the above stated Child Loving the Parent have if to lose the Parent?, such becomes such as lost and confused and angry, Save JESUS Christ Perfectly Loving His Children. Love JESUS Christ.

3 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Terrific Spirit Power Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to terrify and cause them to fall backward and continue, though this Sermon Gives High Level Reason to Continue Loving JESUS Christ and how to Enlighten for Continuing Loyal Enlightening Ascending Value as once to light a room then hardly so much to wonder even if the light has been moved away, JESUS Christ Spirit Ghost can scare away, can walk on water, Leap in Faith Creating New Conditions, and Transfigure, but did not do that on the cross; JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law In Highest Purpose The Best Way For All.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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