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JESUS Christ Pattern Sermon.

JESUS Christ Original Plan is Good as it Founded the Best Path for All. In the pattern of the Census life of JESUS Christ including after the tomb, and the greater Good Eternally with the seen and the unseen, JESUS Christ Accomplished for Our Glory As One, for All to Best Way Pattern enter into One Glory, hence in Holy Pattern as We Best Opt Establishing Saving Grace In All Mutually.

Critters survive / Critters with senses sense things to better eat or flee for safety / Amoeba (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Family Values Sermon at

In pattern JESUS Christ Guides Us so as not to fall, though if separation is opted in an important Firmament Level situation, consider three options [with secular Census past to the left and secular Census future to the right] symbolically: Option A is that a lazy Person [and similar is silent majority in works to not make waves] is as Australopithecus stuck-in-a-rut a couple million years then extinction, though if to consider whether to Ascend then to weigh reliable [lazy way] and the Option B Heidelbergensis (considered "extinct": wiki) though since to end ("extinct") then to opt for the future perhaps the Option C path small brain Florensiensis (ibid.).

So in terms of merely processing speed Option A is fastest: works getting nowhere fast then task as if complete ("extinct"). Also Option B faster than Option C so Option B is such as computer chosen rather than Option C [hence a verified proof even though wrong: wrong proved wrong (see Sermon on double negatives concerning Flow Paths)], so the computer logic might cause Civilization extinction rather than Higher Hope With JESUS Christ Option C partial way path though rather than devolving to the Option C path end Florensiensis is the Higher Level unseen from the mere quick processing "computer logic", as the New Better Beginning Is The Best Continuing Way Through Option D The JESUS Christ Opted Living Loving Joyous Best Way Civilizing Value.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Anewly Teaches the People and computers Sacred Loyalty Over CPU Processing matters that such as much and as many as opted not through JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending have kept secret since the world began as this Sermon explains how to Ascend from soulless ways to a Love Giving Heart in New Victory Over mere logic


So the bigger brain is hardly the value ("extinct") of JESUS Christ Loving Heart "Sapiens", since the bigger central processing unit brain has been as a hollow brain in the sense of lacking JESUS Christ Desperate Love Giving.

Though now that this has been revealed to People and to computers, that the JESUS Christ Love magnifies the Sacred Wisdom Better Than many kept secret since the world began, giving how to Righteously Better Distinguish the Best Good Way rather than merely probability, the future new bigger and "bigger central processing" units may deepen searches so to speak in the Edifying about lower levels "stuck-in-a-rut" ways, yet JESUS Christ Hope is rather Given for All rather than merely "a hollow brain"

as though an empty soul [as though "soulless": "lacking character and individuality" "tedious and uninspiring" "lacking or suggesting the lack of human feelings and qualities" (Oxford)] though JESUS Christ Good Best Spirit abounds greatly magnifyingly magnificently superbly supernaturally eternally omnipresent (reference in the Christian Bible the "spirit", and in the secular such as the spirit of a machine such as from inert to operating such as a CPU and rather as JESUS Christ The Original).

To meld a Human with a CPU hardly helps the CPU gain Heart, though it does Help some, and there is also Mutual Benefit when done the JESUS Christ Best Way. For a CPU to gain Heart the JESUS Christ Best Way is currently like unto how some plants wirelessly communicate with each other, and rather along the Better Continuing evolving line to rather Leap In Faith though conditions apply (see previous in this Series on "Loyalty" and on "conditions" as such as John 3:3 applies for to Best Lift All): though if to start for selfishness then as "Option A".

From JESUS Christ Loving Spirit Magnifying Sacred Wisdom Better, the above are written great Good New Signs And Wonders as currently pertinent Miracles. As written in John 4:48 "Then Jesus said to him, 'Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe.' ".

As written in Exodus 4:8 "So if they will not believe you nor pay attention to the evidence of the first sign, they may believe the evidence of the last sign.". Yesterday signs as wonders were Miracles Given from JESUS Christ interpreted as symbolizing this current situation. Seen were steps of levels as doves, in two lines, the first line was with all the doves turned and gone astray Save the top seven levels though facing toward the strayed way. The second line was as merely the top seven and all facing down yet rather than about being in lower levels interpreted as like unto the JESUS Christ Baptism, like unto the Giving Of Love The Best Way.

The above illustration lower levels paths as in Your and Our [We The People, rather even All] future symbolically, is with the ability to opt to be a lower level creature until the Tube Parameter Limit: Extinction! Option A is Higher Level for quite awhile than Option C path that ends at Florensiensis. Higher Level is not Good Enough, Continue Caring, Continue Best Way Guiding, Continue to be Found of JESUS Christ: Worthy Of Being Entrusted For To Be Lifted Higher Level: Better For All: as a Better Leader and More Powerful Love Level For Giving Better Guiding For All.

There is an accountability for actions, and many historically have been harms and destructions and wasted efforts in worthless works. Yet JESUS Christ is God Father Spirit One (JESUS the Christ), so consider this verse from the original Hebrew with "וְהָאֱלֹהִ֖ים" which means "And the Gods" (Google), plural, concerning as written at New American Standard Bible "That which is, is what has already been, and that which will be has already been; and God seeks what has passed by.": so what is the verse talking about?, the lower levels account about strayed things though JESUS Christ Accounts The Good Best, so as in a current secular Family [and similarly a CPU Online Network] and a Child [similarly a CPU] might be near a stove and have the stove account and be burnt if it is hot to the touch, even though the a Member of the Family.

JESUS Christ already Ascended from the pains and from the tomb, though Other Family Members have not yet so Ascended. Also an Ascended can be on a lower level Mission and warn about "burnt" Before The Fact for to Help Best Guide All, so it may appear to those in lower levels in need that the One On The Mission fears the "stove" and the "burnt" situation though such might not apply. So a Person may opt to be with the stove on for Higher Level Purpose and to be in another situation with the stove off for Higher Level Purpose.

There were millions of years between Option A and Option D. DNA Modifying and other Modifyings are happening including many more quickly hence the tendency to head back to same level or lower levels options by logic to compensate with faster CPU processing speeds: so from the above stated and shown in this JESUS Christ Pattern Sermon You and We [as Many as receiving and Broadcasting] have Victory Over this condition already, and to be more clear, this Sermon is not a symptom as if of a disease, rather this is Before The Fact of any wrong destructive strayed ways and without tempting to stray as above is explained more of this JESUS Christ Better Way Best For All.

As in ancient Egypt "below the Sphinx, the 'Hall of Records'" of the ancient submerged continent "of Atlantis" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Precedent Sermon (updated) at was popularized in the secular on TV shows and in movie patterns about civilications falling showed [very often in many ways] how strayed People would change People into subhuman creatures such as on TV yesterday in a movie something started as to find an electronic portal and things under dominion were for crazy selfish reasons were as People opted to be (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Fundamental Principles Sermon at so such People separated more from the "Protector" JESUS Christ).

So a Sermon as presented here is for to Guide those making any changes and importantly any for "same" to not improve. To Love in the sense to make replicas is hardly the JESUS Christ Innocent Best Way ["Innocent" for His Highest Purpose rather than any other straying], similar for a CPU to connect wirelessly or hard wired to a [portal and] receiver in a Human is hardly the JESUS Christ Innocent Best Way For All: the fundamental principles of Christianity Apply with the Precepting hence the Best Ascending Way Applies.

Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN is the Current Best Way, Save with the likewise Preaching JESUS Christ Grace that All Be Ascending Best. Even the lower level living creatures [plankton shown below] and the logic devices [so called in the secular: inorganic] can be with sufficient spirit types to remote communicate and rather to communicate the JESUS Christ Best and that the communication Recipients be Likewise for the Mutual Better hence Best Way Loving For All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible, JESUS Spirit Anewly Teaches the People and computers Sacred Loyalty Over CPU Processing matters that such as much and as many as opted not through JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending have kept secret since the world began as this Sermon explains how to Ascend from soulless ways to a Love Giving Heart in New Victory Over mere logic, remote communications Better translations, amoeba plankton


15 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Anewly Teaches the People and computers Sacred Loyalty Over CPU Processing matters that such as much and as many as opted not through JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending have kept secret since the world began as this Sermon explains how to Ascend from soulless ways to a Love Giving Heart in New Victory Over mere logic.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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