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JESUS Peace Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gave His only begotten Son (John 17:21) that Together We Create Peace. Peace is hardly about the self such as any other name, as Peace is JESUS the Christ, filling the gap between the Omega [Crucifixion including of the Law (including JESUS Christ UN legally recognizing Better) and as legally stated King of the Jews] and the Alpha [He is Risen from the Crucifixion and Tomb, Gracefully]. So similar to Christian Marriage, and treaties, and contracts, this Peace We Create, Protects.

So as We Broadcast [key] and more importantly as Hearers Hear and Do Likewise, Our Peace grows. So We Protect Better than ever, such as to protect children, and such as to protect Police better. So this protecting is not about things made of hands, save this JESUS Spirit Work Creating This Peace. We need help. We need hardly each other (as stated above "Peace is hardly about the self such as any other name"), rather We need All for to Lift All of this civilization (as stated above "including" recognizing "JESUS Christ UN"). So JESUS Spirit Gives without price this Help example.

Attention "The Observer", this Sermon patronized You, and while under no obligation You may opt to recognize this Sermon Boasting Of You: Peace!

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Proverbs 27:2 New American Standard Bible "Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips.".

Full repentance and Christian Baptism is the others that had counted themselves as separate and as strangers, bragging on Us, for Our Giving the Peace Oneness in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including the Best Way, hence Best For All (Matthew 9:4 knowing their thoughts & Matthew 12:25 [Heartfelt Awareness, reference secular levels such as feeling pulse to see if alive]) (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on "Accord" [such as there have been peace accords]).

So there is little need to brag on the self and/or the self group, Save Maintenance levels, as there is little value for to brag on the self though there is value in such bragging 2 Corinthians 11:30 "If I have to boast, I will boast of what pertains to my weakness.". So JESUS Christ was not about boasting about Himself (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on minimizing Maintenance) therefore had to be Sent.

I have heard the "Holy Spirit" daily for years for separation hence as the Legion of the 2nd Testament, since the Christ as Sent and as the victims Hoped, came from the Eternal Creator JESUS Christ Aware (see above "Matthew 9:4" & "Matthew 12:25") and Heavenly Levels Agreeingly and from Mother Mary and Joseph, but the Legion spirits opted not for the JESUS Spirit; so have been complaining against JESUS Christ and hence against me, though my Joy is more than such, as my Joy is in JESUS Christ [+ Maintenance until nothing exists Save: JESUS].

It is a big change from Maintenance [secular worldliness under laws] to Faith [right to left]:

JESUS Christ One Protecting Best / JESUS Christ One Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN / Peace ideas of the past [flips of coins, prediction, logic, letters of the laws that did not make perfect].

JESUS Christ One Protecting Best = JESUS Christ One Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN x Peace ideas of the past [flips of coins, prediction, logic, letters of the laws that did not make perfect].

JESUS Christ One Protecting Best = JESUS Christ One Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN x The Best Peace Ambassadors can imagine.

So this protecting All is for the Best Peace Way for All and if for Better for All then no sane disputes [such as medical exceptions, save JESUS Christ One Healing(s)]. So lest JESUS Christ boast too much too long if "nothing exists Save: JESUS" and since if All had become "JESUS" then none left to hear the boasting: hence this is why JESUS Christ One [why JESUS We Will Righteously Prophesyingly Speaking] Will Instantly (1 Corinthians 15:52) Create the New [and of course Better] Beginning, so Victory Over boredom, same old same old of having gone through every scenario of each tiny possibility countlessly, and this Better is with purging of the records that sustained us thus far: hence to select and Send after nearly an Eternity of events.

So this protecting All is the Best Peace Way Will Create a situation with no disputes, though a slow Ascending rate has applied and many strayed and fell. So with "no disputes" no longer any need for police nor military, Precept on Precept through JESUS Christ with full disclosure properly, yet with awareness for the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Giving Full Credit lest the leadership stray to self boasting excessively.

This Maintenance level concern is proportional to the thing that Leads it: JESUS Christ Best Way Faith: Faithful Loyalty with Best Way Ascending in JESUS Christ Spirit Together [as many as Gracefully Agreeing and Doing, and above stated Accord applies and police and military according to "Test Me" (see previous in this Series) as such become Advisors since many forget to make records and so forget and many have records but not available in moments, many are exhausted, many were thinking about other things even perhaps higher level than a given situation,...].

What value in the midst of so many news sources is the above "The Observer" info?:

Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein for the Washington Post in the movie All The Presidents Men.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, All The Presidents Men, Wallstreet


The above is merely a secular level example, though when they found the right lead [facts best they could imagine] they stuck with it (faith, though a secular type and amount).

Other faith types spake of destroyer(s) hence not Whole Peace (Victory in Page 25 of these Sermons). Disciples of JESUS had swords but put them down (toward Micah 4:3).

As an enterprising young adult an Elder asked me how much is enough [the movie Wallstreet used those words too], and i responded about some cities, though had little idea JESUS Christ would Give for Each of Us [whether currently stuck between a rock and a hard place or not, even if in a coma] to Lead Us Up from confusions into Doing His greater Good [He's the One that was Sent as individually counted, similar to how the many were counted but merely the Chosen People were to recognize the Promised Land: let this Be Once For All so We don't have to repeat Jerusalem Recognition.

This control over Earth is not significant [Save JESUS Christ] as the secular often declares beholding exceedingly more than the known universe according to math and indicators, and exceedingly more than time [counted under laws of physics as if] itself. This is more that You [counted as though individually] Will control than All Of We can imagine, Save JESUS Christ. This is far Better exceedingly in a moment and eventually than all the thoughts and all the writings, though not excuse to stray: this Sermon concerns Peace hence the Best Way is Together. Some said United, some said Union, some said other things: All these Prophesyingly Will become exceedingly beneath You as the ant is today as a Person steps on it unawares, even if You have to pass through death in the sense of dreamless sleep.

Even High Heavenly Spirit Levels Will exceedingly Ascend and even the "ant" too Anewly. Hence "Anewly" as written in Luke 21:6 New American Standard Bible "As for these things which you are observing, the days will come when there will not be left one stone upon another, which will not be torn down", so You Are "observing" a situation, and it does not say You will observe: not one upon the other; so how then would You find this true?, easy, in JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying now: You Will see with a New Eye [And Hear...] JESUS Christ Faith, or You may opt the first death. Broadcast.

21 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit explains a key reason JESUS Christ was Sent and how the new Protection Forces Will Work, and provides New Prophesies with no disputes, and why We Will Make the New Better Beginning Will hence the desperate loving need for You to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law to protect Loved Ones and Friends in courts and elsewhere, Bible Formulas = no need for military?

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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