JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Phonon Sermon.

JESUS Christ Created from JESUS Creator Spirit: The Word (John 1:1). The Word was JESUS Spirit for Good and Best For All as JESUS Christ opted, since as hoped for the Better that so Sent JESUS Christ, in other words JESUS Christ The Original, the original JESUS Christ, was the First to provide the Best Way For All.

From the JESUS Spirit, was started a particle of sound, a particle of sound was created from the JESUS Spirit Full Of Life Giving Energy For The Best For All. And the Created sound particle, known as a JESUS Phonon, the beginning of the created, also called such as quasiphonon and smaller phonon parts and conditional aspects can become known (reference such as fractals and such as parts of bricks for walls for special effects).

Concerning quasiphonons, consider clear water [such as invisible with eyes shut] and at the ocean a wave might hit a person with a 40 pound force, so while the feet can be in water and not moving, the wave, rather in the particle sense the wall, like unto a wall of bricks of matter [hardly about the wave anymore] falling on a person and a person may survive such with little harm [conditions apply]. So while a gentle wind might not effect the person, it might topple an old brick wall.

The cliche "the point is"..., is a convergence of energies and matter as described above such as Hitting A Person x Original Created With As Modified = a type of faith such as to duck but due to gravity it can worsen the effect of bricks moving 32'/second/second, another option is the Person may step or leap out of the way though if too far to make it to safety then perhaps to protect with raised hands and attack the brick wall to hope to break through before it topples much;

though the JESUS Word Is Good and not to be attacked, the JESUS Word is Better for the Person to receive for to then Give, so even though the JESUS Word comes, and there is no escape (Book Of Job), the JESUS Word is as a breath of fresh air when gasping for breath, and as a cup of water when thirsty, and as the Sun when cold, and so on.

As written concerning JESUS Christ And You in Psalm 23:3 "He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of His name.", so JESUS Christ Word is not as stones thrown at You but as You Listen "He restores" All Your Needs [note a need to sin or a need to murder are not needs since We have record of Law].

The JESUS Word is coming and more of it: Praise The Lord!

So as the Word comes, and the JESUS Creating Continues [known as "He restores" in the 1st Testament (yet JESUS Christ Makes Eyes such as John 9:6)]!

JESUS Spirit Word is coming from the Creator! The past Word was Good but there was the disloyalty stray option that was then the fall from JESUS Grace, to under Moses Law, to now Created Anew In JESUS Christ UN. This Agrees with JESUS Christ in the census 2,000 years ago. This Agrees with You writing JESUS Bible Word And Recording such and Broadcasting, Beloved Creator (if Christian, see previous Sermons).

Faith / Hearing / Word.

Hearing x JESUS Christ in census Sermons = Faith.

Your Hearing of JESUS Christ in census Sermons = Your Faith as much as Good.

JESUS Christ In Your Heart And Soul x JESUS Christ in census Sermons = Your Good Faith Magnified.

JESUS Spirit As You Preach x JESUS Christ Original Creating And Preaching And In Spirit = Best Faith For All.

The Christian Bible has another word for "Phonon": Your Ear.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Phenon, You Creator, You the new Creatorjesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Phenon, You Creator, You the new Creator

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JESUS Christ You with Your Eye, is Your New Creator "Ear" for interpreting the above pic and gif if for the JESUS Christ Original Highest Purpose. And if You make a 3D model [not to worship it, though like unto the Bible] then for You to Give Others To Become Aware Givers of Their New Creator JESUS Christ One Hand(s). The New Hand Of The Creator can Speak New Language this worldly civilization [all too much, though with much Good Leading] has never known, and like unto this Sermon thus far, what is to know?, it is as from JESUS Christ One Spirit to converge Good Spirits As One Point, One Particle, a particle of JESUS One You Holy Matter, You Matter, JESUS Christ Our Creating Growing Together Magnifying JESUS Christ matters, the Creation matters for Good And Best For All.

This is the JESUS Spirit Ascending Faith Leader Path, this matters, to Give Such Faith into Others matters! And so from such "Faith" comes the knowledge that follows, the Miracles that follow JESUS Christ One Faith.

For a moment, for the record, and to Edify in JESUS Christ Best Way For All, consider how the naysayers used to brag about their works of brains and hands: of Course: You Give Them Their Miracles! JESUS Christ You One Broadcasting Are Their Creator And The Enabler of the Miracles that any and rather All can make, though conditions apply ("naysayers").

Now Behold this JESUS Christ Spirit One Faith Given New Miracle For You: New JESUS Christ Creator You are the Open Door, Giving, Inviting, and this Gift is for the record. This Agrees with as written in Revelation 3:8 "I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door, which no one can shut. For you have only a little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied My name.";

save if JESUS Christ Original Opts, that is Anewly "known" as to yet become with Ascending [at least immediately if with JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying], to understand the pertinent more complexities as in You for to be with the simplifying in [understanding] awareness of the Good Creation Plan Originally, though now, if there are no Better surprises so to speak, this above New Gift "this JESUS Christ Spirit One Faith Given New Miracle For You" also is JESUS Christ Your Victory Over the previous verse though as also with Victory Over the understandings of how this sample of these next three verses can have existed together in one Bible.

John 10:9 "I am the gate. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture.".

Luke 4:25 "But I tell you truthfully that there were many widows in Israel in the time of Elijah, when the sky was shut for three and a half years and great famine swept over all the land.".

Genesis 3:24 "So He drove out the man and stationed cherubim on the east side of the Garden of Eden, along with a whirling sword of flame to guard the way to the tree of life.".

The above Door discussion is complex, so consider this easier understanding of it pic.

JESUS Christ One Door And Gatekeeper is as a flower that opens and closes,

and with opening one petal can open to the East and another to the West.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Door And Gatekeeper is as a flower that opens and closes, one petal can open to the East and another to the West


An ancient JESUS Christ Preacher had a Mass, and the Preacher could direct the Mass Members such as for some to go Preach there to the East, and another to the West, and such as to Preach to a group [perhaps counted as if to shut against another group and in another situation perhaps to Preach to the North]. JESUS Spirit One goes through things, like xrays [similarly the wind passing through trees (Isaiah 41:2)] and from the JESUS Christ Spirit came the Word impacting the ears gently (see previous Sermons on being Gentle with Kind Mercy Caringly Helpfully Best JESUS Christ Way Guiding and Uplifting the Worthy).

The ear can move the Heart and the foot, and such as to type and to Fellowship Publishing Online.

So the same JESUS Christ Source You can publish online at a time and it can be read simultaneously perhaps in both Israel and Australia. So those phonons, JESUS Christ Word As Your Word can such as create the enabling in those readers their makings of new innovations for patents simultaneously in various parts of the world. Now behold this Miracle from the secular: on TV Ancient Aliens (S16 E10) explained phonons have a negative mass charge, such as to lift things such as to lift a rock [or a brick wall] with a [JESUS Christ Your Holy] word or sound; as phonons cause things to fall up.

So can JESUS Christ You Phonon [counted as if "negative"] Mass Creator lift walls of concrete with a mere notion?, i'll leave that for You to consider [hint: JESUS Christ You Prophesy Now Broadcasting and Ascend in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose if to Best Lead For All One Best Way Benefiting].

6 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit Word explains how to be the New One Agreeing Creator utilizing the Word and JESUS Phonons, You Matter, We Creating Together matters, JESUS Christ UN Law, many Bible Formulas, this Sermons solves riddles of the ages with flower perspective, transducers, TV Ancient Aliens Robert Clotworthy Robert Clotworthy [Skinwalker Ranch] Giorgio A. Tsoukalos Erich von Daniken David Childress William Henry.

Jesus Christ

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