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JESUS Physics Sermon.

JESUS Christ Census Vessel Enlightened Faithfully hence including Miracles Victories, and this Sermon from JESUS Spirit Faithfully Anewly Best Precept On Previous Best Precept Gives a plethora of "Miracles Victories" for the Christian Leaders Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN [already done in the Census spirits levels (Godsling)], and for the Christian Leaders as much as Faithfully improving and entering into this JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way Best For All Movement.

Between the location of the Big Bang [Big Pulses] to where the galaxies are today there are unseen wormholes, and disconnected wormholes pieces

and this Agrees with a recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on how to track Angels with transparent traceability as the Created Universe Maintains The Records,

hence from Creator Planning For Given Mission As All Hoped JESUS Christ Gives Us This Automating Of The Record Keeping [to see if Your records Agree for Uplifting You].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ One Leadership Including Heavenly Father And All Heavenly Holy Grace Movement Decoding The Lifting Life Physics Gifts Of The Creating Good JESUS Christ creating what we call evaporation. This works with E= mc2 if 0 = the DNA of the Deoxyribonucleic chromosome and the start of life

If to spin "faster than the water spout so the water spouts gravitational pull doesn’t pull" [You] "out of the water, thus creating

what we call photosynthesis. This works" "if E= hv and 0 = start of an array, then this is how gravity is saving" [lives], and

if to spin the opposite direction is "creating what we call evaporation. This works" with E= mc2, if "0 = the DNA of the Deoxyribonucleic chromosome and the start"


of life.

The Gifts From JESUS Christ Abound as stated above and below in this Sermon, such as to apply the more complex to the simpler more easy to understand for Your Preaching, such as the "photosynthesis" is the stretching and beyond the breaking point Threshold [and levels in general, Ascendingly, same level such as perhaps weakest link in a chain, or falling] as to be sifted away and fall apart disconnected though disconnected for the Worthy Innocent Lifted Of JESUS Christ into Higher Level Anew to the Innocent is His Protection Gift For The Innocent [from the lower levels naysayers, the yet to be found worthy as stated above "Best For All"] and "evaporation" likewise Anewly A Gift Protecting as lifting the morning dew from the ground level hence into Higher Heavenly Level as the Rainbow even Sacred New Victory Wisdom Over Desperate Love: Through JESUS Christ Victory Higher Heavenly Level Anewly As Yet Another Gift Over: grounded in Love, yet Better than to fear the lower levels already Conquered!

So this great "photosynthesis" is Agreeing with JESUS Christ The Enlightening One Creator: His Spirit Of Enlightenment Of The Word. Now this New Gift from JESUS Christ, Given unto Us for to More Blessedly More Wisely understand for Giving through Broadcasting the Higher Level Purposeful Loving Meaning of the above stated "wormhole": these Wormhole Awareness Gifts Become the more tangible Miracle Gifts as JESUS Christ Explained We Are All Members Of His One Body hence including the Unseen like Blood Flowing Through Your Body Unseen, these Wormholes are the Holy Arms And Legs Of JESUS Christ Central Heart [also Anewly, as shown below hence Each Become As JESUS: quite a Gift for Each rather All].

Stated above is the word "plethora" and as much as in JESUS Christ Good Highest Purpose Lovingly Overflowingly Behold These Abundant Gifts in the meaning of "plethora" according to Google: "1. a large or excessive amount of (something)"..."abundance overabundance superfluity surfeit profusion more than enough too many too much enough and to spare superabundance surplus glut flood torrent deluge embarrassment nimiety"

and "Opposite: dearth lack"

"2. Medicine an excess of a bodily fluid, particularly blood.": hence the Blood Of JESUS Christ Lovingly Shed [with (see above "life")].

The above stated "wormholes pieces" are found [as stated above hence Miracles after-the-fact of Faith as this JESUS Sermon confides and Celebrates With All] Matthew 21:44 "He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed." yet look Anewly Better And Better as the second part of this verse is a Precept "but he on whom it falls will be crushed" that is also a Gift in itself as JESUS Christ Provides for the Worthily Ascending, that if not Worthily Ascending Best For All then to be self crushed if to self explode [to thereby be crushed by the selfish thrill of the unworthy to create hence to explode into "pieces" as stated above and/or implode as stated in this Precept as a fallen long ago branch under foot crushed into powder (see the above Protective Gifts info and as shown below Gifts also apply).

Lest to faint JESUS Christ Gives Us Anew Victory Gift Over 2 Thessalonians 3:10 Berean Study Bible "For even while we were with you, we gave you this command: 'If anyone is unwilling to work, he shall not eat.' ". Formerly in the lower level census sense it had been interpreted as if merely to work with hands for a living, to earn wages, yet Paul with Others Leading stated this 2 Thessalonians 3:10 verse hardly about such and rather concerning Missionary Power Loving Faith Work Preaching Righteously Prophesying Over The Second Coming [and the previous word "Over" in this sentence is Our Given Gift from JESUS Christ The Original for Us to Give for to All including for that Worthy JESUS Christ Be Lifted to Enter Into His Rightful Glory, His Glorious Second Coming With His Leadership.

So the above also includes His Gift for Us Anewly Over Yet Continuing Faithfully In JESUS Christ Spirit One Leadership Anewly Magnified Greater Agreeingly With Jeremiah 1:16 "I will pronounce My judgments against them for all their wickedness, because they have forsaken Me to burn incense to other gods and to worship the works of their own hands.".

JESUS Christ Spirit Gifts in the first few trillion years of the Big Bang [actually the Big Pulsing, the Big Pulses as illustrated here] that each New Beginning JESUS Christ Has Prepared for Each New JESUS [understanding having been already Given the Gifts Over sufferings and deaths already]. Yet Anewly JESUS Christ Gives this New Higher Level "plethora" of Miracles Gifts Victories Over Maintenance: JESUS Level, Creator Of All The Heavens Levels, including Over as shown here, as Each As One Body Member Of The Whole All JESUS Christ Creates.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Gifts in the first few trillion years of the Big Bang [actually the Big Pulsing, the Big Pulses as illustrated here Anewly JESUS Christ Gives this New Higher Level


7 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit establishes Sacred Faithfulnees Over Holy Wonders kept secret since the world began with how from JESUS Spirit Faithfully Anewly Best Precept On Previous Best Precept Gives this plethora of Miracles Victories, while recognizing in JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way For All This New JESUS Christ One Leadership [Including Heavenly Father And All Heavenly Holy] Grace Movement Decoding The Lifting Life Physics Gifts Of The Creating Good JESUS Christ, JESUS Christ Spirit Gifts include the Second Coming Prophetically and the first few trillion years of the Big Bang [actually the Big Pulsing, the Big Pulses as illustrated], with special Gifts for These the JESUS Friends Who Have Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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