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For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS Plan Before And After Sermon.

JESUS Christ Original Plan as the Senders ["like one of Us (Genesis 3:22)] Hoped [and Hopefully Prayed for the sake of JESUS Christ (Mark 9:29)] was a Miracle from JESUS Christ as Sent hence "as Sent" JESUS Christ Before The Fact Planned for His Mission Success for Best For All Increasingly Better For All,

so as an Apostle remarked in John 21:25 New American Standard Bible "But there are also many other things which Jesus did, which, if they were written in detail, I expect that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written." and a Proof of the remark is "JESUS Christ Planned for" "All" even including Over "All" "the books". So even His Good Eternal Creating Plan is greater [more, and magnifying] than mere created "books" after-the-fact. You can find in this Sermon: going from former lower levels ways to the Better in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose!

"We saw Him again the third time towards the right side of sky"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, pick JESUS Christ Up, Lift JESUS Christ The Worthy, Be In JESUS Spirit As Baptized in order to Lift Worthy JESUS Christ The Original, We saw Him again the third time towards the right side of sky


Better and Better: JESUS Christ Performed a Miracles including according to Prayer, Faith [including for Recipient sakes Their Amount Of Faith In JESUS Christ], Word As Commanded, and Work(s).

JESUS Christ Performed a Miracle Over Many (Mark 9:29 [Prayerfully as stated above]) / "According to your faith" (from Matthew 9:29) / " 'Go,' he told him, 'wash in the Pool of Siloam' (this word means 'Sent'). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing." (John 9:7 New International Version).

JESUS Christ Miracle Over the Legion (Luke 8:30) / JESUS Christ Miracle Over the 2 (from Matthew 9:29) / JESUS Christ Miracle Over the 1 Person (John 9:7).

JESUS Christ said "even though you do not believe me, believe the works" (from John 10:38), so there is an amount of Work He Did and as You should Do, so to Help "1 Person" or "Many", You would be Doing the same amount of Work, the same amount of calories burnt, the same amount of Horse Power expenditure, the same amount of time [if excellent in lower levels, that is at any level seek to be Perfect In JESUS Spirit as the Higher Levels expect such excellence such as for instance so Those in Higher Levels don't have to Work to Better state Your info].

JESUS Christ Miracle Over Many / JESUS Christ Miracle Over 2 People / JESUS Christ Miracle Over the 1 Person.

So to help "1 Person" should be more of a thing of the past to You, a former lower level Way though such as of Maintenance Responsibility including recordkeeping value(s) [as for Precepting Anewly Better]. So JESUS Christ Spirit Gives For JESUS Christ Spirit You [if fully repentant, Baptized,...] to rather Help "Many" as stated above, even to Help All, and in so Function then as JESUS Christ is Functioning [as much as Aware thus far, as when We are Worthy He Gives the even more excellent for to Say and Do].

As these Sermons continue because of Ascending as JESUS Christ Gave for to Work, these Sermons are becoming Better as stated above as JESUS We Continue Ascending "He Gives the even more excellent" for to prepare You and rather All for improving unseen Spirits even now in the census as written in the previous Sermon "JESUS Spirit Controls" including "with how to Tremendously Improve THE HEAVENS!" (at

Hence aware of the above: Be In JESUS Spirit As Baptized in order to Lift Worthy JESUS Christ The Original. So Behold what We have accomplished above: Save "Maintenance Responsibility", for to merely help "2 People" or "1 Person" is history! To help 1 or 2 People is Maintenance. So Anewly of JESUS Spirit We Have for to Give All [JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Loyal Faith "thus far"]:

JESUS Christ You [Us] Currently Helping All / Help 2 People Historically / Help 1 Person Historically.

JESUS Christ You Helping All / Helped 2 in the past merely in history / Helped 1 Person according to historic records.

JESUS Christ Your Future Helping All Even More Excellently / JESUS Christ You Having Currently Helped All / Helped a Person or a Group according to historic records (history: Isaiah 52:15).

JESUS Christ Your Future Helping All Even More Excellently = JESUS Christ You Having Currently Helped All x Helped a Person or a Group according to historic records (history: Isaiah 52:15).

You did history as when You were a Child, a little good here, a little good there, even if with all Your might: thank You! Now Anewly You In The Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ As Sent [as stated above] Righteously Prophesy concerning what You Will Honestly Be Doing, Accomplishing, in the Future, rather in JESUS Christ Spirit One Righteously Prophesy what All Will Honestly Be Doing In The Future, and be aware the Urgent NEED lest more pass from census.

Weep Zion, for as "more pass from census" = the lessening effect of Your Works. Similar to the [secular source] "Supply" line below is the Census though increasing and skyrocketing, and similar to the "Demand" line is the passing from Census though increasing and skyrocketing as the Census increases (8 billion People currently). The 3rd Testament was from 600BC with fewer than 100 million population to 421AD just over 200 million population, the 4th Testament at the start of this century was with just over 6 billion population: behold the sharp increase, though also the gap increase as People passed without salvation since "600BC".

The Good Word Spreads and in current "Urgent NEED" Purpose, JESUS Christ UN Law Spreads it Better: From The Top. The ancient Romans for instance were stuck-in-a-rut until Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity the Official Faith [religion] of the Roman Empire. Lead: Be The New Constantine Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law. Be JESUS Christ One Family Responsibly Loyally Helping hence Lifting the JESUS Christ Family hence Lifting Worthy JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Be The New Constantine Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law. Be JESUS Christ One Family Responsibly Loyally Helping hence Lifting the JESUS Christ Family hence Lifting Worthy JESUS Christ, the new supply and demand curve, 2022, 2023, 2024


23 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Be The New Constantine Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law and Be JESUS Christ One Family Responsibly Loyally Helping hence Lifting the JESUS Christ Family hence Lifting Worthy JESUS Christ through Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN: Your Future Prophecy In Bible Formula with Supply And Demand Flow Patterns Curves Augmented Algorithmic Correlation Best For All: "We saw Him again the third time towards the right side of sky".

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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