JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Planting The Tree Of Life Seed Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gives for All to be Blessed with Faith for to be with Gifts Of His Creator Faith. And so JESUS Christ Anewly Gives for All now to accordingly be Anewly aware of where JESUS Christ was prior to His Immaculate Conception In Blessed Holy Mother Mary.

Where was Eternal JESUS Christ before He was born, and before He was conceived?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Baptismal Character and the Beginning Of Life Yet Also Eternal One as these two Agree As One in JESUS Christ, JESUS Christ Immaculate Mother Mary


JESUS Christ is Eternally everywhere, but that has been in many people too often too hard to understand (see below "flawed" discussion) since there has been sin, though here is a little explanation about this sentence, if to drive a car oppositely and the wrong direction on a street, the bottom of the tire is actually going [spinning (moment of intertia) (tangent)] the Right direction [the top of the tire going the so called under Tree Of Knowledge "wrong direction" and the balance of the tire other, in other words the tire is a null set, Save The Living Eternal JESUS Christ]. So we can hardly blame the car nor the tires nor the road: so we should not point fingers to place blame elsewhere.

As written in Matthew 1:21 Berean Study Bible "She will give birth to a Son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”. So JESUS did exist prior to conception according to Law, also "prior to conception" JESUS Christ was in the "Lord" and then in the "angel" Gabriel (Matthew 1:20) with as written in Luke 1:19 " 'I am Gabriel,' replied the angel. 'I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.' ".

Concerning the statement "JESUS did exist prior to conception according to Law", for instance [including such as global matters and the greater as much as pertinent as in treaties, in federal, and in state and local governmental levels] such in the secular is being taught such as at Universities [including so funded for such] such as the secular teachings of Descartes (see Descartes in previous Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series such as in JESUS Let's Find Out Sermon at

Descartes taught that if to be with an idea, therefore it [the idea at least] exists. Similarly though in ironies as the secular worldly strayed ways have been in works to figure out what it's all about, in the funny comedy The Secret of My Success (see pic below) Helen Slater as Christy Wills [later mootly mired in legalese jargon turned illegal spy] proffered "There is no right or wrong. There is only opinion." to which Michael J Fox as Brantley Foster and illegally also as Carlton Whitfield, replied "You know, in some states, you can get arrested for saying that.".

When nations battle corporations and corporations battle nations, here is a pertinent Spirit of the [JESUS Christ UN] Law example, "Item 601(b)(5) of Regulation S-K In connection with a rights offering, a foreign company registering: (1) warrants evidencing the rights to purchase American depositary shares representing ordinary shares; (2) provisional allotment letters ("PALs") evidencing rights to purchase ordinary shares; and (3) ordinary shares underlying the warrants and PALs, must provide an opinion of counsel as to the legal issuance of the warrants and PALs and the fact that they are valid and binding obligations of the company, in addition to the opinion regarding the valid issuance and fully-paid and non-assessable nature of the ordinary shares." (, and here is a pertinent Power [of Enforcement Counseling (Matthew 5:25)] in action such as (2012AD) and (2006AD)...

while in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series ongoingly is Taught to solve Best Way For All through JESUS Christ Before The Fact The JESUS Spirit Righteous Truth as this is "self evident", such as in the more recent JESUS Bible JESUS Sermon at JESUS Spirit is Proven again in Law (including such as "gov", "Descartes", "Universities", "2006AD", "2012AD" and even as "ironies" reveal in works for to better help all to best way guide everyone and for that each and all to better help each other the best way).

The Tree Of Knowledge ("The Constitution of the World" at

taught Immaculate and maculate, but many have preferred the maculate.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Baptismal Character and the Beginning Of Life Yet Also Eternal One as these two Agree As One in JESUS Christ, JESUS Christ Immaculate Mother Mary


JESUS Christ is Immaculate, Mother Mary is Immaculate.

JESUS Christ is Eternal, Mother Mary became Eternal in JESUS Christ (see below "Baptismal Character").

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Baptismal Character and the Beginning Of Life Yet Also Eternal One as these two Agree As One in JESUS Christ


If to bend a dry stick it can break, though if green and alive and/or if to steam the stick such as for a couple hours, then the rod might bend such as the Shepherd's crook as shown here; though also Precept On Precept another point of this sentence concerning the above stated counted as if "too hard to understand" is that whether the stick breaks or bends or remains straight, it does not mean the stick is flawed.

Beware when playing secular court odds of former ways, when the stronger opponent comes

the "hired hand" "runs away because he is a hired servant and is unconcerned" per se (John 10:13).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Proven In Law Often, Shepherd JESUS Christ Protects Best And Before The Fact


Shepherd JESUS Christ Protects Best And Before The Fact.

To understand the Immaculate, consider the Alpha and Omega of it in the sense of the pre Beginning the same the the after the End [save Better because of JESUS Christ, yet vessel and spirit faith types, amounts,...apply], so for instance the Easter egg can be cracked open [if unflawed "Immaculate" then to open perfectly if to open (JESUS Christ Perfect Highest Purpose Plan Applies)] and the typical egg value Miracle becomes revealed, and at the "pre Beginning" it is in JESUS Christ Immaculate already Righteous Prophecy Eternal Fact. Hence the JESUS Living Spirit, hence a moving Spirit hence with Power (reference such as amps, watts,...) is already in the egg and if to crack open then the inside to agree with the external.

For instance how hardly a stranded thirsty person barely surviving in the hot desert could keep the mouth closed when another provides a cup of cool water. The mouth openeth, the mouth agrees with the invitation given in Faith and cup of water Miracle [known in the secular sense as Fact, such as a Fact Of Law, and such as biological physics motor responses, see previous in this Series such as on Reptilian Complex]. If parties in JESUS Spirit Best For All Agree then not a Firmament shut gate barrier, yet a Beautiful Flow for the Better, hence no longer about each party nor either, nor "or".

This Agrees in JESUS Christ with the as similarly symbolized [though 1 not many] as shown in the large lower illustration, scroll to the far right, in the previous Sermon (see JESUS Christ Humbly Signaling Sermon at

If the Pure Egg of Mother Mary "openeth" to the Pure JESUS Spirit Agreeingly as stated above, then as is the Righteous Truth Grace, there was no us or them type "party", no party of the first part or party of the second part. This applies to and for Best for Everyone and All, as stated above; also as Baptismal Character Agrees.

"The baptismal character embodies Christ, it gives a share of his priesthood, it enables us to continue his mission in the world" also there was a very old person and "his death time had arrived. Someone asked him how old he was, and he said: to tell you the truth, I am only two years old. Nobody was able to understand his response, however, then the old man said: it is not a difficult thing to understand, I started living right after having been baptized; it’s like if my previous life does not exist anymore." ( (

JESUS Spirit openeth our ears and eyes according to opening Our Hearts from the Beginning of the JESUS Christ Original Plan. Consider a couple in love such as indicated in the above "The Secret of My Success" movie, as as often happeneth amongst couples while apart they pine for each other, then when one sees the other approaching they each and both hold out their arms to welcome and embrace (JESUS Word for womens' rights yet as the Bible Best Guides for to Best Help Women's Rights) (reference Love as in the Bible for Men's Rights) (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on Emma Watson and Christian [former] President Don Trump discussion on love, peace, and "the Christian Way" in JESUS Christ Futures Sermon at along with previous Sermons for the reasoning for to so discuss).

We don't have a lot of time in this moment and in this Given span, to make Better and Enduring Future Values.

11 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, Baptismal Character and the Beginning Of Life Yet Also Eternal One as these two Agree As One in JESUS Christ, Shepherd JESUS Christ Protects Best And Before The Fact, Emma Watson Christian former President Don Trump love peace Christian Way, JESUS Spirit is Proven again in Law including gov Attorney Counsel and even as ironies reveal.

Jesus Christ

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