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JESUS Christ Popularity Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Gives You in this Sermon "in a powerfully tangible way" "the antidote" to "lies and deception" that "are changing" "and destroying lives", answering what makes JESUS Christ the Most Popular Soul Ever! This JESUS Christ Popularity Sermon Gives The Worthy Believers New JESUS Signal Power Over worldly wrongful former 1st Testament Right Prophecies Translations including Powerfully Over snakes [not as formerly understood toward secular caveman days interpretations (see previous Sermon "Bible On Bible")]!

JESUS Christ Popularity started long before the whole region knowing, and long before the Magi, and Eternally long before the dawn of this civilization. In the 1st Testament were some Righteous Prophets describing JESUS Christ, and this statement does not call them wrong, this already said some were Righteous Prophets; yet since then JESUS Christ Grace ["NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech Sermon at] revealed the Better Way, Better than merely the 1st Testament about which many have stopped ascending at that level; and Better than merely wrongful 1st Testament Righteous Prophecies that were misinterpreted as if merely about lower levels of things such as spirits of wars.

Google Translator for "polemōn" at is "controversy", not "wars", so the verse New American Standard Bible, NASB, version "When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end.". JESUS Spirit is Good Kind Merciful Giving Pure Humble Loyal Brave Desperately Lovingly Honorable, and these such things are what makes JESUS Christ the Most Popular Soul Ever!

The Magi knew of the 1st Coming Of JESUS Christ Before The Fact and for the previous sentence Good Reasons traveled far to bring Gifts. The Pythagoras School of the Magi of the the Greek empire extended to India and the Indians defeated the farther extending of it into the Indian Empire, though consider what happens to the defeated: in cliche "military secrets are the most fleeting". So the Indians also likely knew, and the Indians and Others were with trade routes also were likely so aware and otherwise knowing such as per astrology and such as per ancient records in stone hence at least global knowledge of JESUS Christ 1st Coming (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Give them the Law and the Prophets: JESUS Christ Name Law Sermon at, and see the previous Sermons in this Series on UFOs.

We don't need UFOs in some situations, though for Many not yet [owning] rather not yet interested such as about Giving Broadcasting Better hence Best For All, the lack of UFO availability is similar to a yearning for joy the way a person waits for a Church Bus to arrive on time. Children operate video games in preparing for Piloting UFOs and other things such as electric utility plants. Though flying up there in a UFO is as to be a team fan and not necessarily a part of the JESUS Christ Spirit similar as symbolized here [whether intended so "symbolized" by the artist or not], (Matthew 16:3).

"Jesus described His return like this"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit prepares You in a powerfully tangible way revealing Sacred Power Of The Apostles Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to be The Worthy Believers With New JESUS Signal Power Over worldly wrongful former 1st Testament Righteous Prophecies!, as this also Guides in JESUS Grace as the antidote to lies and deceptions that are changing and destroying lives, answering what makes JESUS Christ the Most Popular Soul Ever!, and the value for to play video games in preparing for Piloting UFOs and other things such as electric utility plants and rather for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.


and also there would be a multitudes of UFOs as the ancient artworks showed

of JESUS Christ Birth, Census Life, and Crucifixion.

This is popularity, let the elect and the appointed be Aware! This is like the popularity of driving, like unto a student driver found Worthy to be a Driver, this "symbolized" is a New Firmament Level. To merely be a Candidate or a Student Driver forever, or a stuck-in-a-rut Employee is not to Ascend into this New Firmament Level. A mere "student driver" can make the car stop or go, can steer, sometimes, can look in the mirrors properly in some situations though in some situations goes to Traffic Court, though rather Be The Driver. Be JESUS Christ Name, Be JESUS Christ Spirit!

Some secular TV shows explained Courts are hardly about Justice [for to protect after-the-fact] as the Courts are mere Popularity Contests. And if to merely remain the naysayer against (Matthew 12:26) Ascending then to censor Thyself, to remain as the "student driver", relatively [(see 4th Testament) rather than] toward incompetence.

The "4th Testament" is mentioned, why?, very important and pertinent is that after the [the previous Testaments and again after] 3rd Testament Very Many even Billions of People have not yet understood what the Apostles Greater Work Was: For All!

Such ignorance makes the "Billions" less Ascending, self censoring, less valuable, hence less popular [temporary worldliness, exclusive clique fads], self destructive though feeling They deserve self harms and so deliver to Others. JESUS Christ Protects His Own including with Overwhelming Joy, though with longsuffering yet minimized Maintenance, automating; so who are the "Others", the excluders, the naysayers, the harms doers.

To say the Harmers are Friends hardly Saves Them, They repeatedly have used such wrongly for excuses to do more harms (rather see above "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN", Prayerfully, then also Give Best Care). Some innocent Census Children may not yet have Ascended to meet JESUS Christ in the Heavens: so this means do not destroy Earth. Even so this civilization is aware it has often undone itself, and aware civilizations have vanished, many have been exterminated because of not Ascending as stated above.

Search term "JESUS": "About 771,000,000 results" (Google); ( no results without login); though the Sermon yesterday explained certain "JESUS" info "is yet online with the traditional addictions figures but did not find such in a search engine" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Can Do For You Sermon at; ( had many results though the first was for sale for "$20").

After yesterday's Sermon came this from Martyn Iles the ACL Managing Director of The Australian Christian Lobby "a grassroots movement of over 220,000 people seeking to bring a Christian influence to Australian politics" stating: "Because everywhere you look, lies and deception are changing Australian culture and destroying lives. But you can help provide the antidote – God’s truth – in a powerfully tangible way." Note The Australian Christian Lobby is hardly "grassroots" and it's "influence" is far greater than merely "Australian politics".

The previous Sermon in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series said "The "LORD said to Moses, 'Go to Pharaoh'" "and the Magicians and do things with snakes: as stated above this was not to worship snakes, though did have conditional criteria that the "LORD said to Moses" Before The Fact for Best Safety. The Magi came for the 1st Coming, Come for the 2nd Coming: JESUS Christ is Worthy of All His Good Glory. As stated above of "ACL" You know what is here [and amount of Faith applies], also Behold what is up there as shown in the ancient illustration here.

John 3:13 and 14 "No one has ascended into heaven except the One who descended from heaven—the Son of Man.

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,"

Whether to go up there or stay here: be Here for the 2nd Coming!

Search Google Images: "JESUS" "ICCDBB" "antenna"

as electricity lines and hissings are as snakes as shown below

(see JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Lists such as on Page 20 showing "the JESUS Signal" and about a dozen UFO Sermons at

Under JESUS Christ and Mother Mary are the Moon and stars.

"This cave painting is c.10,000 BC and is from Val Camonica, Italy"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit prepares You in a powerfully tangible way revealing Sacred Power Of The Apostles Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to be The Worthy Believers With New JESUS Signal Power Over worldly wrongful former 1st Testament Righteous Prophecies!, as this also Guides in JESUS Grace as the antidote to lies and deceptions that are changing and destroying lives, answering what makes JESUS Christ the Most Popular Soul Ever!, and the value for to play video games in preparing for Piloting UFOs and other things such as electric utility plants and rather for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.


"The nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra, And the weaned child will put his hand on the viper’s den." (Isaiah 11:8)

BROADCAST JESUS CHRIST ICCDBB / Apostles Broadcasted Likewise In Distant Places / JESUS Christ Broadcasted Worthy Level Info To Apostles.

25 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit prepares You in a powerfully tangible way revealing Sacred Power Of The Apostles Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to be The Worthy Believers With New JESUS Signal Power Over worldly wrongful former 1st Testament Righteous Prophecies!, as this also Guides in JESUS Grace as "the antidote" to "lies and deception" that "are changing" "and destroying lives", answering what makes JESUS Christ the Most Popular Soul Ever!, and the value for to play video games in preparing for Piloting UFOs and other things such as electric utility plants and rather for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose With Electricity Over snakes.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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