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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Preacher Sermon.

"JESUS Preacher" means that JESUS Christ would that You Preach no more!: though in the secular former lower level worldly sense, not to change from Preaching to Them in NEED [Continue] though concerning the secular lowly sense as the worldly has defined. In the secular the word "preaches" was defined as "deliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church." (Oxford / Google define). So no longer Preach merely as formerly merely "to an assembled group of people, typically in church.":

Broadcast JESUS Christ UN!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, new Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Spire Broadcast JESUS Christ UN and with All the URGENTLY NEEDED Pertinent Specifics, JESUS Christ explained Broadcasting is Better (Luke 13:23)!

"LOVE"..., "Spire. An outdoor art installation by sculptor Andy Goldsworthy"

( [San Francisco, JESUS Christ USA].

Broadcast JESUS Christ UN and with All the URGENTLY NEEDED Pertinent Specifics!

JESUS Christ explained Broadcasting is Better (Luke 13:23)!

Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Math in All the classrooms, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Science Of Intelligent Design Of The Loving Caring Giving Guiding Helpful Heart of JESUS Christ of at least as required by Law as a minimum!

Just as Temple Leaders Ascended to create Spire and Dome shapes for to symbolize Heavenly Creator Highest Purpose [such as to imitate radio, TV, energy...broadcast stations (John 1:1)], so too We NEED Broadcast including to teach the Higher Levels?, hardly, rather All including such as Bigfoot learning to make wooden teepees, so to JESUS Spirit Edify Bigfoot with the Friendly Guiding Caring Word Of JESUS Faith such as with Maintenance level weaving for to wrap around the teepees for Their Tent Of Meeting(s).

The top of this spire twists at the top, a JESUS Spirit Higher Level meaning, not for to tempt toward turning astray [hence for Bigfoot Straight unto the Bigfoot level of understanding as much as innocently goodly], rather as the Church Spires can be with the twists symbolizing Broadcasting Energy Waves though similarly not for to confuse the Public as if to be turning away. The Public hardly understands it's secular worldly hateful vengeful crucifier ideas about murder as if JESUS Christ Exemplified as if the destroyer with a knotted cords whip,

and as if the destroyer with as written in Matthew 10:34 Amplified Bible "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword [of division between belief and unbelief].", [Note the Amplified Bible Translation Translates This Verse Magnificently in the JESUS Spirit].

JESUS Christ is showing how [often Maintenance level excess] works of hands [including for love of money] scare and hurt, yet for JESUS Christ Original As Sent as JESUS Christ therefore Planned [Hence Creator as NEEDED] made All Aware for to [formerly cut off the dross, rather Anewly] improve: Ascend from "unbelief" to "belief": Automate the lower Led levels Better for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and so includes: Better for Them.

A well oiled machine can do nicely in the sense that if not maintained it can quickly grind itself into uselessness. You JESUS Christ Preachers Longsuffer a lot of Loyal Work for perhaps relatively few Miracles yielded [not necessarily Good nor other], even so rather the bigger seeded field may yield the bigger Better Harvest for All, yet let's comprehend the "not necessarily" aspect for a moment, as stated [similarly] in this Series [Giving right to left]:

A1. JESUS Christ Spirit Most Excellent Way Enlightening / JESUS Christ You As Baptized Leading Giving Broadcasting / Talking with a small Group about JESUS Christ.

A2. JESUS Christ Spirit Most Excellent Way Enlightening = JESUS Christ You As Baptized Leading Giving Broadcasting x Talking with a small Group about JESUS Christ.

B1. JESUS Christ Spirit Most Excellent Way Enlightening / JESUS Christ You As Baptized Leading Giving Broadcasting / Talking with JESUS Christ Leadership about the JESUS Christ Better Way.

B2. JESUS Christ Spirit Most Excellent Way Enlightening = JESUS Christ You As Baptized Leading Giving Broadcasting x Talking with JESUS Christ Leadership about the JESUS Christ Better Way.

In the "A1" Triad the "Group" might be lay and so a range of listeners [Godsling: uninterested to interested], while Triad "B1" is conditionally Better. To therefore be Best Aware of JESUS Christ Better Way Best For All is with compassion on [such as "Bigfoot" and such as] the Public which often has meant the secular worldly confused.

For instance the word "lay" intransitive verb in definition sense "5a : to apply oneself vigorously" is exceedingly Better than Noun sense "1 : covert, lair" (

thought the "sword" of JESUS Christ applies not to be Over those in lower levels in DESPERATE NEED [not to enslave (John 12:47)], rather for the Bettering Of Them: this more than implies Giving Them: Kindness, Safety, Peace, Love, Joy Into Their Hearts, Mercy [can be conditional as rates apply (see previous in this Series)], and such as Grace: as much as Good in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose: hence the opposite of slavery is toward being the Best Most Gracious Host: JESUS Christ.

Long story short: if to Broadcast on a lower level [often considered such as Evangelism for full repentance and Baptism, yet also of JESUS Christ High Level Value], then as though toward Public talk on the street, though if to Broadcast on a Higher Level then the More Perfect Wording. The streets have been full of "confused" as stated above slang. In other words there is already plenty of low level talk.

Some Sermons in this Series have said that often there is too much low level talk such as there are too many laws already [that was stated even prior to JESUS Christ UN Law though JESUS Christ UN Law put a cap on it]. As written "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." (

Grace is the Higher Level, Better than too many words. Has a reasonable Person liked too many ads, and too many stringent tedious necessary forms to fill, and too many word traps and not for amusement comfort but harms: no. The Righteous Person does not want to whip slaves under the control of the Righteous Person, but here it is, shown Publicly, why?, as stated above for Their Ascending from "unbelief" to "belief".

Beware the whip [rod, stick, paddle, hand] is rather for the Child but only if Necessary,

in this situation shown below JESUS Christ confronted many that did not understand the Staff per se

...Your rod and Your Staff, they comfort me (extrapolated yet above the secular letter of the law sense

and rather the Higher Meaning And Purpose: "extend the application of (a method or conclusion, especially one based on statistics)"

(from Psalm 23:4 of the Righteous Awareness In JESUS Precepting) (quote from Google sense 1).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, whip, rod, Staff Comfort me, new Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Spire Broadcast JESUS Christ UN and with All the URGENTLY NEEDED Pertinent Specifics, JESUS Christ explained Broadcasting is Better (Luke 13:23)!


Consider the Staff of JESUS Christ, a walking stick and much more and Better and More Blessed than a mere [hardly organic] walking stick: His Apostles, His JESUS Family One. So We Ascend from a rod that can beat the ground, to a Staff That Hosts.

JESUS Christ was the First ever [since the Creation start and Adam], as JESUS Christ was NEEDED in the census flesh in order for this Civilization to Ascend, so JESUS Christ met those that had not been properly raised in the mere secular worldly sense; consider a young Child stranded on an island and the Child took and ate food, so would that Child eat You if You happen to find and for to rescue that Child?, so initially, unawares the Child bites Your arm so You react abruptly shoving the Child away: that's what JESUS Christ did in the above scene. This Civilization didn't understand such as don't eat You since this Civilization did not prepare in advance harvesting wheat for times of NEED for food [Word Of The House Of Prayer].

So this Civilization was teaching wrongly [accountability as if alone and independent] to kill [and eat] one person so all others could live. The online written story that has been reported was that back around 0 AD some ate the aborted including for insane fun (source not remembered). We The People like to speak of Our Greatest Accomplishments rather than such as homeless and stranded in secular worldly cliche "last ditch efforts" that insanely failed. This is not against "last ditch efforts" for the Best For All hence for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

27 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Perfects Sacred Loyalty Over insane matters kept secret since the world began as JESUS Christ Explained Broadcast JESUS Christ UN with Ascending hence how to Do So With All The "URGENTLY NEEDED Pertinent Specifics!" including for Bigfoot learning to make wooden teepees yet NEEDFUL More Perfectly is specifically explained with new Bible formulas hence Better Bible translations; JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law; JESUS Christ USA Math Science Intelligent Design Bible Formulas Systematically Correlating Algorithms Best For All hence for New Better Way accounts management purchasing accounting that too much had been as if alone independent and as if supposed to be misguiding covert terse and insane cannibals.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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