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JESUS Preaching Facts Sermon.

JESUS Christ One Preacher is Preaching Pacts: the Christian Preacher Preaches Facts. Rather than probability the Good Righteous Christian Preacher Preaches Facts. A Person finds a coin landed face up 7 times, the Boss said check it again and the 8th time it landed face up, the Boss had an independent third party check and the 9th time it landed face up, now that it's been thoroughly tested in accordance with the Safety Program, what will happen the 10th time?

All People are Ascending, for instance a Perp worked to think about stealing something and not get caught

and after the item was stolen worked to sell it for low price and not get caught and so returned to think about becoming a legal sales Person.

People Ascend at various rates, often Many do not Ascend much as They postpone and resist [stray to the right in this gif].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit magnifies the Sacred Wisdom of Better Than in many matters kept secret since the world began with how to Righteously Better Distinguish such as the Good rather than the other with Victory Over probability, how to make money and how to avoid traps, and how people ascend stray or fall at various rates gif


(see many Drawings in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series with specifics on the curved "purple" line).

JESUS Christ Lifts All though many opted to go down to repeat confusions of unfactual ideas.

Rather than for love of money the Good Righteous Christian Preacher Preaches Facts. JESUS Christ knew how to make money though warned about not being as They had been (Luke 20:24), such as about selling valuables that could fit on a camel's back rather than requiring the hiring and maintaining of caravans to carry heavy bulky cargo (Matthew 23:23), hence He drove them out and started Healing Those In NEED, the Blind and the Lame in the HOUSE OF PRAYER (Matthew 21:12 through 14).

To "postpone and resist" the Way of JESUS Christ Proven Facts (Precepting), has been to cost the self: merely selfish "love of money" has been risk similar to the "Perp" and money laundering. The "love of money" has been as if to purchase Heaven, a false belief, belief in a lie. To love things is a lie, a falsehood, a belief system in the temporary that fails, when rather to Believe in the Source Of Love and Life and Better For All Living.

If the archaeologist for instance is about facts [(as was proffered in a movie) such as things, artifacts] and not philosophy, then the archaeologist finds great treasures every time the archaeologist digs, but that's not the situation, the archaeologist is known for "digging in the wrong place" (ibid.), and worse, having dug where there were the dead because of diseases and where there were booby traps contrary to Life and the JESUS Christ Best Way. Many archaeologists have voluntarily gone into mine fields and worse to find loot in war zones. Many archaeologists have discovered items but later experts revealed such were fakes.

Rather than concerns of a selfish Group the Good Righteous Christian Preacher Preaches Facts Of JESUS Christ hence Best For All. Rather than about owning Slaves the Good Righteous Christian Preacher Preaches Facts such as the Better Value to Help Individuals and Minorities and other Groups.

Rather than the mere entertainment value of jokes the Good Christian Preacher Preaches the Facts and the Righteous Truth of the Better Greater Value including the Righteous Prophesying Future Value For All to be Best Way Ascending.

Rather than about the risks about if to do this or that the Good Righteous Christian Preacher Preaches Facts and the Best Way rather than other stray options. Many with unusual problems visit the Preacher to ask "What should I do?". There is a Righteous Reason the "Many" visit the Preacher and so "ask" and the Reason is the Preacher is Righteous, with the Truth of JESUS Christ and the Better Way, and the Facts after such Faith Prove It generation after generation, as much as the Preachers are Loyally Serving JESUS Christ such as written in the Christian Bible as in Hebrews 7:2 Aramaic Bible "And Abraham distributed to him a tenth of everything that he had with him; but his name is interpreted, 'King of Righteousness' and again 'King of Shalim', which is, 'King of Peace',".

Good Christian Preachers are better than Fools and foolishness. The JESUS Christ Best Way is better than fiction confusions (see previous in this Series on Maintenance levels, on excessive works of hands, on vacations, on recuperation, on not fainting, and on redeeming social value). JESUS Grace Way is better than resistance objection and conflict. Agreeing with the JESUS Christ Original Plan is better than refusal or ignoring it. Faith that JESUS Christ Exemplar is Right is better than the doubt of the faithless mired in incessant questions. Best is better than Worst. Good is better than bad. Love is better than hate. Peace is better than war.

Innocent is better than perp. Holy is better than sin. Broadcasting the Better Way is better than censorship and behind closed doors plans. The Christian Bible is better than sneaky naughty things. Good Grace is better than military school and learning how to attack People. Liberty is better than having to guard prisoners. Liberating is better than persecuting. Good Graceful Advising is better than arresting [without trial: to arrest handcuff and incarcerate with not yet trial is hardly innocent until proven guilty]. Bible Food is better than abomination and poison [even if to live through such as set before You or forced to eat or injected]. Praying is better than forgetting.

Good Living is better than wasting You life away. Gathering into Church is better than casting out Precious Souls into the street. Ascending is better than falling as lightning. Evangelism is better than idle and same old stuck-in-a-rut routine lacking satisfaction. Worth is better than useless. Pertinent is better than less suitable. Best Guiding is better than wrongly tempting Others to stray. Functioning is better than out of order. Joy In The LORD is better than selfish fun. Good Work is better than lazy.

Bold In The LORD JESUS Spirit is better than worrying about what Others might think. To be with a Loving Heart is better than to be with all the knowledge under dominion. Pure Spirit is better than about lusts in the flesh. Righteousness is better than riskiness. Best strategy is better than too late tactics. Good Wholesome Planning For All is better than regrets and sorrows. Joy in the LORD is better than pains. With JESUS Christ Best Leading Together is better than to merely follow. Agreeing in Grace is better than receiving orders.

The JESUS Family is better than the Outsiders in Desperate NEEDS. To Be The High Priest is better than to be the Usher of Great Good Value too. Without price is better than heavy taxation against Those most in need. A good economy is better than wanton usury with strange fees. To automate chores is better than redundant works. Wisdom is better than ignorance and stupidity. The Best Straight Path is better than aimless wandering or loitering. To Help is better than to harm. To be Over and In Charge is better than to crawl and be subordinate. To tell it on the mountain is better than to hide it in the pit. Fellowship is better than pranks. Honesty is better than slight of hand deceptive magic fakery and card tricks. Victory In JESUS Christ is better than quitter.

Spending hard earned money on Peace is Better than putting holes in People and destroying things People worked hard to construct.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit magnifies the Sacred Wisdom of Better Than in many matters kept secret since the world began with how to Righteously Better Distinguish such as the Good rather than the other with Victory Over probability, how to make money and how to avoid traps and destructive tendencies.


12 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit magnifies the Sacred Wisdom of Better Than in many matters kept secret since the world began with how to Righteously Better Distinguish such as the Good rather than the other with Victory Over probability gif, how to make money and how to avoid traps.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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