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JESUS In The Promised Land Sermon.

JESUS Christ Is The New Better Promised Land, not merely to be as formerly as Comforted in the Garden Of Eden prior to the fall from Grace, rather Joining Together to Create The New Better More Exciting Refreshing Invigorating Enlightening Growing Health Giving Righteously Planning Anewly Best For All Prophesyingly In One JESUS Christ Name Spirit And Work Promised Land. Consider for a moment the record for a reminded that for instance a couple of People hand strayed ideas, such as a Person opted to reject the longsuffering and Another opted as a verbal Treaty and verbal Contract and verbal Promise:

to the first Person the idea to not be humble but to "reject the longsuffering" was in that Person's divided mind a pretending as if that Person's Garden Of Eden; to the second Person the false prophesy was Their as privately selfishly planned broken promise to instead lie and be lazy as if that Perp's Garden Of Eden [Pray for both Their Souls (Matthew 21:29 & 30) (Luke 6:33 through 35].

Abraham was a symbol of the Way to the New Promised Land [also He census walked in it],

Moses was a new improved symbol of the Way to the New Promised Land [also walked in it as Transfigured (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Spirit Miracle Sermon at],

You Loyally Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law for this Civilization to be Better Civilized With Grace Guidingly is the Promised Land Way.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, You Loyally Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law for this Civilization to be Better Civilized With Grace Guidingly is the Promised Land Way. Second Coming Of JESUS Christ = JESUS Christ UN New Bigger Garden Of Eden Grace As You Broadcast In Second Coming Prep x Righteous Prophesying Of Second Coming so Prepare All.


JESUS Christ UN legally Lifting Grace In Accord With You Broadcasting / Moses Transfigured into it / Abraham walked through the Promised Land.

JESUS Christ UN legally Lifting Grace In Accord With You Broadcasting = Moses Transfigured into it x Abraham walked through the Promised Land.

Second Coming Of JESUS Christ / JESUS Christ UN New Bigger Garden Of Eden Grace As You Broadcast In Second Coming Prep / Righteous Prophesying Of Second Coming so Prepare All.

Second Coming Of JESUS Christ = JESUS Christ UN New Bigger Garden Of Eden Grace As You Broadcast In Second Coming Prep x Righteous Prophesying Of Second Coming so Prepare All.

Heaven is Big Enough For All: some decades ago the Garden Of Eden was imagined as if merely a tiny place [and was pretty much all that was needed so to speak as there were Adam, Eve, and the often unseen Spirit(s) that sometimes appeared in the census] and the nations [perhaps for tourism money] used to bicker as to which contained the Garden Of Eden. And how to better explain this?, it is as Noah with the Ark and in current years on TV was said the creatures couldn't fit [though the 3rd Testament was also with fleet info though also about subsequent generations] so on TV was said the creatures were evidently seeds, DNA samples, or such [perhaps DNA software codes], though if to "Prepare All" as stated above then as written in a [perhaps censored]

concerning the ancient days of this Civilization [and prior] and the Two Great Rivers the Atlantic River crossing the Mediterranean River of the 4 great land masses: North America, Eurasia, South America, and the Other Land, with the Promised Land not merely Center yet All prior to the fall (in another previous Sermon see the plate tectonics in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Great New Revelations Sermon at

So as Abraham, Moses, Priests, and as this Series explained above there is a Better Way. With this "Better Way" of Living, Giving Better Living into All Others, You, as You so Give JESUS Spirit Yourself [Proper Christian Baptism, Eucharist,...] You Give the Word And Work of JESUS Christ with Increasing Power, like unto how there were merely Disciples and then later They Became no longer merely Followers yet also Apostles Leading: Each as much as so Ascending Level Over Level became with increasing Convincing Power.

For instance in the "Context" of the "Convincing Power" of "The Transfiguration" JESUS Christ explained "Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him" (from though like unto the Apostles stated above, and concerning JESUS Christ Oneness The Growing Convincing Power Will Righteously Prophesyingly Come With Greater Force, Greater Convincing Power Strength. So no longer such as a Parent calling to a Child chasing a ball into a busy street, yet for the sake of the Child the Parent grabbing the Child and tossing the Child back onto the concrete sidewalk if necessary: Urgent Desperate Love Is NEEDED Now!, for the sake of All.

If to preserve this Civilization Urgent Desperate Love Is NEEDED Now! If to improve, as with continuous improvement, if to have peace, if to have Ambassadors, Urgent Desperate Love Is NEEDED Now! Perps, riots in the streets, and amateur sharpshooters, are as Ambassadors playing Russian Roulette. What does it mean to be with JESUS Christ Spirit [or even if for peace]: as written Apostle "Peter" said to "Aeneas" "who had been paralyzed and bedridden for eight years":

"Jesus Christ heals you" (Acts 9:33, 34, & 35 New American Standard Bible),

but in secular worldliness rather Edifyingly if it is supposedly that simple then why didn't it work when I tried it?:

as stated above the [same JESUS Spirit] Convincing Power is Growing and [Magnifying] Multiplying in Strength And Fearsome Force as to Cast Out

hence Urgent Desperate Love Is NEEDED Now!

So Behold JESUS Christ Spirit Gives You This New Meaning of what Fear means and what Cast Out really means! Rejoice! Praise The Lord!

"I don't have a big TV News show", You might wrong way imagine for instance (see above deluded "couple of People" example), Angelfire hosts this Sermon without price [Thanks] and with such as PS3 and PS4 and similar (see "TV" at bottom of "Main Page" stated above) it can be seen on TV, as a website address line is as a TV channel). Do something with Your Life, that is Do Better For All as JESUS Christ With His Ascending Taught Teach Did And Do.

As written in 2 Corinthians 12:9 "And He has said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.' Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me." Now how important is that, how important is this previous verse Precept In JESUS Christ Spirit For You For To Lift All not merely about Earth yet Lifting Heavenly Levels?: in the King James version there are red letters largely in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and some in Revelation, and not so many in Acts, and in Corinthians 1 and 2 there are no red letters Save concerning the Eucharist and this previous hence Important verse Precept!

Not to turn You to secular reasonings works, though be aware, for instance They would not believe if secular leaders such as Generals said something [this is not stated to be against such rather for improving, yet this is historic fact] since for instance there are military secrets and czars of complexities of propaganda types (see above "couple of People"), yet this Civilization Will Believe a confession even of a lowly [or counted as though such] humble Person "in weakness": JESUS Christ Said "for you, for power is perfected"!

Confess Your sins, missed the point. Confess JESUS Christ UN Is The Better Way, the New Better Bigger For All Garden Of Eden For The Second More Glorious Anew You With All With One Greater Than Ever Convincing Power With JESUS Christ.

For His Landing Pad the Earth Will Be Flattened (Joshua 6:5):

see above the Urgent Desperate Love Is NEEDED Now Lest In Your Fearsome Strength Your Lovingly Cast Out

and in Their strayed ways confusions They know not how to safely land and bruise Themselves

so "Now", Before The Fact Confess Your Best Way Belief: Broadcast JESUS Christ UN.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, for JESUS Glory the Earth Will Be Made Flat and Rolled Up as a Scroll


28 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Anewly Better defines the Way and Sacred JESUS Christ Spirit Over matters kept secret since the world began Giving You This New Meaning of what Fear means and what Cast Out really means! Rejoice! Praise The Lord!, the New Garden Of Eden is increasingly revealed with the 2 Great Rivers the Atlantic River and the Mediterranean River and explaining the 4 great land masses as the Heavens Part for The Second Coming Before The Fact this Sermon answers what it means to be with JESUS Christ Spirit or even of a peace spirit hence with how to Broadcast lest They turn again and rend You, for JESUS Glory the Earth Will Be Made Flat and Rolled Up as a Scroll, You Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law is the Promised Land where You exist just as Abraham walked it and as Moses Transfigured into it.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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