JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Promises Sermon.

JESUS Christ Promised that if a person is fully repentant, Immersion Baptism

[if You previously had Christian Baptism such as with a little water it counts and such as with potential in a Desperate Love situation explained in this Sermon (Exodus 24:8)]

is the Proper Way with little if any delay. As JESUS Christ said as written in 3 Nephi 11 at,26?lang=eng&clang=eng#p23,26 therefore with the Hope conquered thus level thus far Ascended as Baptized into being with His Name and not a name to forget when speaking in public, and on a job, and

that if to say or do anything then to start Prayerfully in His Name and then so Work functioning Faithfully including JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith Direction Best For All and so Ascending Flowing, and including Maintenance level Responsibility in chores that follow hence for to automize; then therefore to receive Lifting Comfort, according to Giving such JESUS Broadcasting with current year pertinence: JESUS Christ UN as much as You Broadcast (see "To elevate" "JESUS Spirit One Ascending Word Best Way For All" "therefore JESUS Christ UN Broadcast to Them Before The Fact" in previous Sermon in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series JESUS Christ Loyalty Sermon at

This ancient artwork [at the time the Living Bible] reveals an Ascending moment in history.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, see specifics in JESUS Promises Sermon at


The above ancient artwork shows promises Given for JESUS Christ and fulfilled, hence from JESUS Christ promises for You [Your faith type, amount, and other conditions apply such as Loyalty]. From Highest Heaven as JESUS Christ was Hoped and as JESUS Christ Agreed [hence as Sent rather than bragging on self as others might have wrongly interpreted as if selfish, rather Righteously Exemplar]

JESUS Christ went to the center of the Earth [shown in the ancient art bottom left (Hebrews 2:7) on His Throne] and from the center of the Earth to show Himself in the census as Promised as had been Hoped

[note in reverse order: from Highest Heaven to down under the Earth this Sermon as Promised is Your Acceptance With Psalm 8:5 Victory Over yet with record of Hebrews 2:6 (Matthew 20:16, JESUS Spirit One New Beginning Victory as Promised as much as Agreed Over yet with record of Revelation 22:13) rising from the Garden Of Eden as shown to the right fall and Tomb also applies].

And then the circles in the above ancient art show His Living Chosen and the higher Chosen Angelic Levels [as You Lift Them as JESUS Christ Lifted You so Taught You], yet above JESUS Christ is none. Shown above JESUS is His Living Word (in the Ark Of The Covenant) that He Uplifted Over All the Created, and JESUS Christ Ascends Over the Lifted Word Too to equal All in JESUS One.

The Ark Of The Covenant is the Ark of the Word JESUS, the Ark Of JESUS Christ, the Words Of JESUS Christ Vessel The Living Bible symbolized in the Ark Of The Covenant that the Chosen carried, and now the "JESUS Broadcasting" as stated above Carry [Anew, Better] is the JESUS One Vessel [JESUS You hence JESUS We One Flowing Ark (Noah, Nimrod Fleet, also reference Jarod JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Give them the Law and the Prophets: JESUS Christ Name Law at] is the New Ark of the Promises Of JESUS Christ Fulfilling Anewly Better. And with JESUS Your near future Righteous Prophesies are God Convincing Power for to Best Way Lead criminals and naysayers into the Straight Up JESUS Christ One Flow (ibid.).

As written in Exodus 26:33 Berean Study "And hang the veil from the clasps and place the ark of the Testimony behind the veil. So the veil will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place.".

It said "place the ark of the Testimony behind the veil" yet JESUS You Broadcasting Righteously Prophesying Anewly Better as JESUS Christ Spirit is come already [even more than above stated "Baptism" even in all good created though see above on "Straight Up JESUS Christ One Flow"] fitting Preceptingly the Precepts in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All, none lost.

To the opted naysayers strayed fallen from JESUS Grace to under the JESUS Christ UN Law, the Ark Of The Covenant has been merely a weapon for wars: don't believe the naysayers, Believe JESUS Christ at least as Properly Baptized: Righteously Prophesy near future concerns important to JESUS Christ Your One Ark Living Bible Promise Testimony.

In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose if as stated above "in a Desperate Love situation" there can be pertinent situations such as on an interstellar or international flight and a crash in an isolated place and an injured census person passing so immediate JESUS You Desperate Love is required and You Preach JESUS Christ and so the Person is Enlightened and repents as if with no time to wait for going to the Temple and so with immediately Agreeing for Baptism and no water, even merely a drop of spittle on Your finger might be applied to their forehead making them Christian.

There was even a situation in a Tavern and i Evangelized and a person had been rejected [sometime Churches were with hard to understand info] and so the person did not want to go through waiting for than again so the Desperate Love applied and after Baptism such as a year later some of Us [Christians] utilized Holy Water from Israel, and such as Saint Judy with it chased away adverse spirits.

Such is Good, such as in JESUS Christ. Also Good is that We Ascend, from Desperate to JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting now Before The Fact of "Desperate". Therefore from ancient to New Better JESUS One Righteously Prophesying in the "near future" hence not merely making promises, yet according to Loyalty in JESUS Christ as much as You are Loyally aware that JESUS Christ has already fulfilled [solved (see above such as multiple Precepts applying Over a single concern)]. Awareness of how all created fits into the JESUS Christ One Best Way For All, is like unto a new seedling sprouting yet rather You Broadcasting In The Name JESUS Christ and with His Words as He applied them. You are the Ark Of His Fulfilled Promises.

In JESUS Spirit now something new, hence prepared and ready, for You to opt whether Prophesy in His Name: the above ancient artwork shows JESUS Christ in the circle Ascended an amount, to Righteously Prophesyingly Be With The Second Coming that none would be able to resist nor deny, if You Agree, and it is Righteous Truth In JESUS Christ. While below is JESUS Christ shown with His Throne, available for You to invite others to Ascend to be Worthy (You are already aware Revelation 5:5 is Victory Already such as including Over Revelation 8:1) to so sit in the Drivers Seat (see older Sermon in this Series on the value of how to start to make a planet [train value control center in the midst of emptiness of outer space]).

"X" is The Throne of JESUS Christ in the center of the Earth:

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(JESUS Christ Precedent Sermon at [fax thread...LDS]).

So You are aware of the JESUS Path through the Seven Seals Of The Book Of Revelation, that many do not yet know, so You can Righteously Prophesy through Your Name In JESUS Christ hence His Name lest if You glory in yourself your glory means nothing so (John 8:54) applies. You so Broadcasting is somewhat like playing with a deck of playing cards, You can Pray JESUS Christ like unto a game [instead Serious in the Heart and Soul] of solitaire [a type of solitaire game hence a type of faith], and with the same precepts [as if deck of cards] You can play games with others.

To let them win is not the point save such as for children learning about cards as Your conditions apply over them for the Best For All as much as in JESUS name rather than Your birth name [even if birth named JESUS, rather the JESUS Christ Original Pure JESUS]. Some have enjoyed winning at cards, and for Better For All You can opt to Help others enjoy yet Likewise Through JESUS Christ Better For All, Best For All.

There are many people thinking many stray thoughts, a person passes a person on the sidewalk, hence one chance, and in history a Christian passed from the census such as torture and death, but that has not to do with You as long as [reasonably (see Definitions on Maintenance at below linked Main Page)] Your Are Ascending, starting the Day [rather a pertinent situation] Prayerfully In JESUS Christ Loyally Continuing Ascending Best For All.

Like playing cards in a deck of cards, situations [In JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesying] Will fit together in many ways as You The Living Ascend In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and as You Ascend Best Straight Lifting Others Best, more cards currently unseen Will be added to You and Grow and Magnify Benefits for Them to Ascend, in other words some followed in Mass numbers, so the Preacher [many Preachers apply] that lifted Will from JESUS Spirit Provide Better for the "Mass": hence Anew Near Future Prophesy for You to Broadcast if You Agree.

Here for instance is the last D&C Righteous Prophesy coming yet already come ( "Thus was the vision of the redemption of the dead revealed to me, and I bear record, and I know that this record is true, through the blessing of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, even so. Amen.".

How JESUS You Best For All deal with such is Your option.

2 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit shows JESUS Christ on His Higher Heavenly Throne Unseen Newly Prophesyingly as a deck of cards that You control, Ark of the Testimony Ark of the Covenant new details and new Baptism applications impossible for naysayers to resist nor overcome, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Verse Victories, New Victory Over time and Kolob.

Jesus Christ

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