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JESUS Prophesyied Anewly Sermon.

JESUS Christ the Original and Eternal lived after the tomb. JESUS Christ is alive today so accept this JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophesying Gift to no longer fall from Grace to wrongly repeat the past lower levels interpretations of Those that did excellently but did so at merely those former lower levels. Now the fully repentant Water Immersion Baptized [hence forth Immersion supersedes sprinkled] is in His Name JESUS The Christ as JESUS Christ Original Exemplar came to make the Better Way known, are aware the Spirit Of The "Name" is this same JESUS Christ and so this in such Baptized are with JESUS Spirit so this supersedes the former limitation about no longer prophesying, as if merely about past events and as if merely no longer pertinent.

This JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophesying Gift is for Us Prayerfully humbly to be in JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophesying Now concerning the future. Since this is for Us to be Prophesying in the future then as the Christian Bible (see previous in this Series to Help avoid confusions about the Main Living Bible) taught Prayerfully humbly Preceptingly Innocently Best For All [such as to Lead the astray from hate, addictions, and confusions, into the Better Path [Ascending] Flow Way Together, for each Other far more than for the self.

JESUS Spirit Love Gives Best For All with Better Guiding Giving into the future as written in 1 Corinthians 13:6 Berean Study Bible "Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices in the truth." so beware of the leaven of unrighteousness as the strayed and fallen [as much as faith types and much as not Ascending] as the strayed and fallen have pretended for to selfishly carelessly about "All" have puffed the selves as if better for to capture followers with false promises.

The strayed and fallen have been about what the selfish selves are doing hence not about the Good Way Others Proceeded (example with JESUS Matthew 17:3) in the past. As written in the secular definition about the secularly dictionary preferred word spelling "prophesied" has been alleged as merely in the sense about the "past tense: prophesied; past participle: prophesied" (Google) and secular "Check your spelling as you type" has done similar.

The Prophet Joseph Smith Spirit (ibid.) appeared to Brigham Young.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, for the greater Glory for JESUS Christ the Prophet Joseph Smith Spirit appeared to Brigham Young


So these JESUS Spirit revealing Miracles of Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how the selfish confusedly hated JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophesying hence actually hated the selves as to miss a Loved One hence about hating a situation is in this Sermon Anewly for the Benefit for All with Continuing To Ascend, and for the Benefit for the awareness for the strayed and fallen is in JESUS Spirit Preceptingly Given this Gift from "The Prophet Joseph Smith Spirit" for the JESUS Christ Best Way fitting on the Precepts of this JESUS Prophesyied Anewly Sermon. And this Gift includes for All to be aware that this is the first Prophesy of JESUS Christ in the Golden Pages of the 3rd Testament [not the hidden Book of actual gold pages]

and especially be aware of the first part a JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesy though in question form, and also be aware of the JESUS Spirit sense, as written at

3 Nephi 9:13 "O all ye that are spared because ye were more righteous than they, will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?"

3 Nephi 9:14 "Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me."

3 Nephi 9:15 "Behold, I am Jesus Christ the Son of God. I created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are. I was with the Father from the beginning. I am in the Father, and the Father in me; and in me hath the Father glorified his name."

So this Gift includes "his name" is stated hence: JESUS including the Father and the Spirit [even though not yet identified as such lower on that linked page] and so "now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you" as the original JESUS Christ said.

So to now repent to become fully repentant for humble loyalty to receive JESUS Christ Spirit Giving Best Eternally (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on "Maintenance" yet Distinguishing and Uplifting Faith Loyalty hence to Best Way For All Guiding Maintenance [automating, minimizing Maintenance as more is added that the burden not be excessive]).

Not merely selfishly bragging such as "I am JESUS Christ!" and rather in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Leadership One Spirit hence Best For All. A JESUS Spirit or likewise, revealed the sign of Galileo Galilei in a recent dream similar to as shown below and the Catholic Believer also believed in the role of science (see above "Maintenance") though original JESUS Spirit had previously Guided Higher than being fascinated about the beauty of the created,

and this applied in the census, and under in dominion, and also in the Higher Heavenly Levels, since to be loving the created excessively and especially toward the love of money, has been as toward straying as to hate as to be confused as if nothing left but to destroy [ultimately the self (reference such as Judas Matthew 27:5)], be in addictions, and such fallings hence in needs of repentance(s) if to hope to merely start Anewly To Follow, when rather now to JESUS One Lead as stated above.

It is one thing to copy Scriptures [such as push a button on a copy machine], it is another Better Ascending Way to heed, regard, revere, and reverence the Christian Bible Way Of JESUS Christ for to so increasingly Better Worship JESUS Christ [while humbly serving All hence as stated above]. The right for a Person to think, imagine stuff, enjoy things made of hands, to be lazy, to be conditionally strayed somewhat yet within the Law Reasonably,

is with value such as for to better be enlightened, like unto learning language hence to understand the alphabet and dictionary reasonably as these help to give goodness, so including to become aware of what good means not merely relatively, and such as stated above be aware of the Best, though also including to "beware of the leaven of unrighteousness". But the disloyal wants merely proofs on proofs, hence such gave their loyalties to others, to any that in the moment proved something such as 100 coin tosses with heads in a row, hence not merely disloyal against the Best Way but also backwards: if "100 coin tosses with heads" consider the odds of tails.

The Sun, the Moon, the Pleiades, the census vessels, and such are things, such as to operate on a person yet rather to JESUS Father Spirit Best Way Heal A Person. Consider what the disloyal did to the best inventor and artist of their times: according to His Faith, "During the Inquisition Galileo seems to have said, ‘The intention of the Holy Spirit is to teach how to go to heaven and not how go the heavens.’ Galileo was found guilty."

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Catholic, Galileo Galilei faith, type


Your [and "His"] Faith is now protected according to JESUS Christ UN Law, including coin flips Anewly, Better, as written above. JESUS Spirit moves me to address Women now. Your Love is exceptional, Giving the raising of Children great value for Civilization. Men have historically led but often into wars. Women You are aware of this, yet now this Sermon Gives You this new [as though burden, to start Doing Better] Mission, to less talk about Your Children, They are hardly Yours, They [at least when young, consider the teacher you if other though this is not about placing blames as many have been pertinent about temptations and strays], are innocent hence belong to JESUS Christ, mainly You are merely under law responsible: not Child neglect.

So this New Better Mission for You to Ascend Better in JESUS Spirit is to not so much Preach about Your Family in the generation sense. As much as goodly, You Love Your Family and We The People as much as goodly Love and Respect Your census Family: but enough is enough. Ascend to Love the Whole Census, and the Whole All, but as state above not to be about temptations nor that any stray (see above on "Reasonably"). So this Mission is to Preach Better.

This Mission does not mean be as if a Man, this Mission concerns Your Best. Best For All is important, key, even the historic laws have called it duty and responsibility, United Together, Oneness. Men have had the problems of their own makings, and this for Better You With Better Family [perhaps Best Family] is Your Grace Mission of this Sermon for to Be One Best.

You Women risk Your Life for to bear Children, [sarcastically, for to Edify in JESUS Spirit so please forgive] what do Men risk?, nothing more generally except about works of hands such as driving and lifting and hammering though Women have done such things of hands too. Type JESUS, Preach, through You let JESUS Preach Better For All. You risk Your Own Life [so to speak: it belongs to JESUS Christ] about bearing Children therefore very much less is the risk this Sermon in JESUS Spirit is Giving for You and so Telling You What To Do.

This Man said so, this census Man, this typist. As a young Mad decades ago We Men had Our [JESUS Rather had] large Secretarial Pool of Women impressed with Us Men: impress JESUS Christ Your Creator. Secretaries even in grade school were typically the Females, the Better Typists: therefore concerning this Prophesying Mission Gift for You to Ascend Better, consider this is a Man typing and yet the Women can be with the known Better skill exemplified with You. In other words consider how much faster and perhaps Better You are invited to Do.

The Man is the Head, the Woman the Helper. Help the Man learn the undivided Heart Of Loyal Faith In JESUS Christ The Love Source. Please!

I have my job to do, i don't need You nor Your so called "Help" in the sense that JESUS Christ might lift me out of Your presence soon, or might lift You from me, perhaps lift You from Your Children per se, where would Your Children be then with lack of Your written Highest Purpose instructions? Give for All Your Best reminders. Consider what You can do Better than me, some guy. You can historically type faster so You can include many specific JESUS Christ Ascending Path details that Men can hardly accomplish as well. Yet let Us All Serve Together In JESUS Spirit One. The JESUS Christ One Grace Best Way Yields Better than the former struggles. Write about Gifts for the Worthy, and rather as JESUS Christ explained and exemplified from the Beginning, in His Name Righteously Prophesy.

3 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began as JESUS Faith is Proven Better than a multitude of predictions proofs, also covered is how the selfish confusedly hated JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophesying hence actually hated the selves as to have missed the Loved One JESUS Christ hence about hating a situation, Womens' Rights is Given a new Prophesying Mission; for the greater Glory for JESUS Christ the Prophet Joseph Smith Spirit appeared to Brigham Young and now the sign of Catholic inventor Galileo Galilei Giving His Life is Better understood concerning such as The Inquisition.

Jesus Christ

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