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JESUS Spirit Prophesying Levels: Easy And Hard, Sermon.
JESUS Christ Gives Spiritual Guidance concerning how to become a Righteous Prophet and Better, including easy through harder levels of Righteous Prophesying; also this Sermon explains again a little of His Original levels of Righteous Prophesying that were in Sermons though illegally censored [yet His Ascending Loving Caring Work Spirit Continues Better the Best Way For All].
Prophesying for the Beginner [this is the first time i wrote this too]: this level is so simple and easy, and not about knowing the future so You can gain at the costs of Others [as of ancient interpretations]. JESUS Christ Does things though for Others, for the Best For All as stated above, so to start Let's look at a couple preparatory verses.
Mark 10:15 Berean Study Bible "Truly I tell you, anyone who does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.", and the verse is plain and simple [interpreting Edifyingly: concerning the Higher Level(s) Better Kingdom Of Heaven with JESUS Christ the Host Of The Good Godly]. And like unto it yet for to be with a Better Way Translation is as gleaned from these Translations (from
Hebrews 12:6 New Living Translation "For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child." as with a Birth needing Helping Hand(s) to be Born and rather
Hebrews 12:6 Berean Literal Bible "For the Lord disciplines whom He loves, and He scourges every son whom He receives." as to cleanse and rather
Hebrews 12:6 English Standard Version "For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives." as sharp disapproval, or criticism, or worse and rather
Hebrews 12:6 New International Version "because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son." so as to control [above "Birth needing" Help, though rather than slavery (other Scriptures)] and rather
Hebrews 12:6 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "For whomever THE LORD JEHOVAH loves, he instructs, and draws aside his children with whom he is pleased.". So of these levels JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is hardly [yet a little lower as with the help of Mother Mary umbilically, and Others from Creator through Others to Creator], if at all, about "punishes" and rather for Lovingly Guiding Instruction Together the Best Way For All.
Of these above verses, if JESUS Spirit Guides You Better, then Good, and also Righteous Prophetically that JESUS Christ One [With You, With Us as many as Agree and so Say and Do] "Guides" "Better" hence be Likewise In JESUS Spirit Guiding All Righteously Prophesying.
Now this added bonus Gift: if Another harms You [if Another is less than Perfect], You are already covered, already Victory (see above about "punishes"); You are already "In JESUS Spirit Guiding All Righteously Prophesying" Before The Fact "if JESUS Spirit Guides You Better" now. That is now You can do something about it, later is may be too late such as to suffer needlessly.
So this Sermon is for Your sakes, All, even though i selfishly am aware i Benefit too [Apologies if excessive: recognizing JESUS Christ is Perfect, Perfectly Perfecting]. So in these above lines, line upon line (Isaiah 28:10), We The People as Hoped have Heavenly [including Creating Heaven On Earth from the example set of JESUS Christ Exemplar] Ascended from Beginner Easy Simple Level through Hard Level Already! Congratulations!
[no legal affiliation in former secular sense, though such as JESUS Christ UN Over All applies].
Behold You Already Graduated from the simple birth Easy Level and Over the Mid Range Levels, and Over the as if "Hard" Level, in JESUS Christ You Made it to the Top [thus far] so You are not required to take [nor Give] this exam question on which 100% of Your Grade Will [hence JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Prophesying] depend [so to speak for to Edify (though a secular cliche reference), as We rather "depend" on JESUS Christ Original Creator Leading As Sent (see above "Hoped")] on Your Righteous Answer, so in Grace Level this question is:
concerning the Righteous Prophecy of 2 Peter 3:7 can JESUS Christ Original as much as in Your Loyal Ascending Faith for the Better For All Better Translate 2 Peter 3:7 now than as much as Accomplished and Prepared about 2,000 years ago [and Others Preached...of such] thus far for Us Translate Anewly?, and when Accomplished grade Yourself and Hope JESUS Christ Finds Pleasing so rather Pray JESUS Christ First, then whether any response is heard or not heard (reference unseen Faith) so Accomplish (clue: the answer is from Easy through Hard as written above) and grade.
Now Anewly concerning JESUS Christ "Original levels of Righteous Prophesying that were in Sermons though illegally censored", cover JESUS Christ Given Faith Higher Levels yet also with mid range and lower levels even as the military training [speaking in this situation of talking with a Christian Friend like unto Family years ago about His military training and emphasis on triad formulas that motivated me to apply these to the Bible as with: Faith / Hearing / Word (math is simple for some, hard for me)].
This applies to the 4th of the considered 4 Main Testaments ["thus far" and] with this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series like unto a Living Bible Testament. Pertinent is GodMath, consider such as written about JESUS Christ yet if with the above as much as concerning Your Excellent Grace With Your Mass in the captivated audience sense: Psalm 68:18 Good News Translation "He goes up to the heights, taking many captives with him; he receives gifts from rebellious people. The LORD God will live there.": so From Your Ascending Faith With JESUS Christ Spirit You Preach The Word The Mass Is Guided = Anewly Better Faith [Pray You Are Doing Best For All Mass(es), For All] Precept On Precept. So this is Your GodMath Level Victory.
Simple, Easy, Your GodMath Level Victory Is Accomplished Already! Congratulations!
Though now the complexities begin. While the previous was from Beginner Easy Level to Hard Level, the opposite concerns from the purity amount of GodMath Levels to the lower situations levels.
After the rough start of the humility of Full Repentance, then Christian Baptism,
then as shown below the Straight Up Path Higher Levels looks straightforward Ascendingly;
but look at the lower level barrier and those at the bottom in fear fleeing, and the strayed right and left.
The lower levels and the strayed exist even though We have from JESUS Spirit "Congratulations!" "We", like unto as stated above: "Already Graduated". So Our JESUS Christ Leader Faith Amount already soared High, like unto a cap tossed high after graduation, but what about the others, those in fear of the Light on the Burglars fleeing to escape even if to jump to fall out of sight somehow [though not possible too much], and the Strayed: all these are [as we were, spoken humbly, and] Our JESUS Christ Given Gift(s) Maintenance Responsibility: Yes You Have The Anew Better Responsibility To Lead All: All Of Us Together, All Better For All.
JESUS Absolutivity (see below "Main Page" Definitions) is All. So not merely with the Best, the Christ: JESUS. For example Triadically similarity: Lacked Faith / Not Listening / Tired of Hearing / Word. Also: Looking around to see if something else better is available / Listening / Hearing / Word.
So while You Give the JESUS Best, it does not = the Best in the lower levels. Click the: A Faith / B Listening / C Hearing / D Word correlation illustration in JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Page at So You Have Victory Over at least some moot mid range Godsling levels of this.
The lower levels are as the 4th Testament explained: Relativity, in other words the secular world of various faith types and the lower dominion levels and the conditions of the various situations. So imagine trying to count each bug type that works to destroy Your food(s) [to destroy All census food(s)], to count each bug type is hardly the typical point, Others, Praise God, have already counted many types of such bugs and made available [free and pay for] types of products to retask the bugs or to undo the bugs. Since under dominion it is acceptable in the census Relativity level to be with food so as to not faint, and rather to Host as JESUS Exemplar revealed (in this Series With "Highest Purpose"), and not to ignore the works of Biblical Martha [are You in the Living Bible yet? (see previous in this Series on "write")] busy about many things and so rather to lift to the level of with JESUS Christ nearby [Glory Be, and rather at hand as Mary Faithfully], in other words make All JESUS Christ One.
31 May 2020AD.
tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Graduate Better and so simple hence Congratulations if You so Be As this Sermon is with explaining the simplified in preparation for final End Time JESUS Celebration through Bible Formulas System Correlation Best For All including JESUS Spirit Gives new Better Bible Translations for Retasking Your Mass Guidingly Lovingly Kindly Good and Better for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way including JESUS Christ UN Law, and such as Colorado Christian University Celebrates Largest Graduating Class in History Congratulations!, the Straight Up Path Higher Levels looks straightforward Ascendingly; but the lower level barrier and those at the bottom in fear fleeing, and the strayed right and left, censored Sermons info Anewly.
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