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JESUS Spirit Prophets Sermon.

JESUS Christ Original Plan for His Church includes 1 Corinthians 12:28 Weymouth New Testament "And by God's appointment there are in the Church--first Apostles, secondly Prophets, thirdly teachers. Then come miraculous powers, and then ability to cure diseases or render loving service, or powers of organization, or varieties of the gift of 'tongues.' ".

JESUS Christ Translation "Weymouth New Testament" was the only translation that bothered to Righteously put "Church" with a capital letter. The Greek "ek" is English word "I" [per se] and in one "ekKaleo" is ["I"] "Could not climb" (Google Translate) Save as JESUS Christ is the "I". After the Title line of this Sermon, of the first sentence the most important of these are with capital letters [Given from JESUS Christ left to right for His Church for All Best, and Ascendingly from right to left]:

1. JESUS Christ / 2. Apostles / 3. Prophets.

Gamblers want to be Righteous Prophets [correct, accurate, able to always predict the answer] hence a foot in the door for Evangelists. Political Candidates want to Prophets, as do Administrators Of Accounts, Stock Investors, Hedge Fund Managers, "teachers", "miraculous powers" workers [such as Tesla likely was: very skinny "Nicola Tesla" "died penniless" "the end of his brilliant and tortured life" (Smithsonian Magazine)], and many others often suddenly from riches to rags such as when a tornado strikes or the company unexpectedly goes bankrupt.

Give Birth to Higher Level Spirit, and for almost all, evidently as so many are under secular struggles, this means in JESUS Spirit Ascend Loyally to Righteous Prophesy Level. As written in 1 Corinthians 14:32 such as in Berean Study "The spirits of prophets are subject to prophets." interpreted in this situation as Power Over the making of Prophesies, yet in Weymouth New Testament Translation the verse is made more clear: "and the spirits of Prophets yield submission to Prophets.": this means the Righteous Prophet in JESUS Christ as You become today, Agree With and are According to the Righteous Prophets of the past and of Key Importance JESUS Christ The Righteous Prophet Over And Of Sum Of The Best Righteous Prophets [Save as much as One applies].

So if the previous Sermon in this Series, "JESUS Christ UN Victories Anew Sermon" at was Over the Apostleship since as Proven [as much as stated] then that Faith Amount Over Righteous Prophesying: so this is of JESUS Christ Anew Gift, a Measure of the Ascending Flow Amount of the previous Sermon Situation: as stated above "miraculous powers" as with JESUS Spirit Guiding Helping Teaching and Granting New Hope. So the UNSEEN is now with JESUS Christ Giving Spirit for All to Be With this New Miracle, as a marker of a trail, as a stepping stone over the swift transverse stream, and as the Birth of a New Better Value As Promised.

Some Give Birth, at least in the census; but some opt the opposite. Note some opted to bear no children, but now that JESUS Christ UN is here They might reconsider. Similarly many opted to divorce, yet now that JESUS Christ UN is here there is Better reason to Be With Better Marriage (see recent Sermons in this Series of JESUS Christ Better New "Hope" at

Happy Mothers Day!

Mothers and Others: make this Civilization Better, in cliche " 'Who? me!' 'Yes You!' ": #1. JESUS Christ One!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Mother Mary with Baby JESUS

(Mother Mary With JESUS Christ at

The Apostle can be as High a Level as JESUS Christ in Oneness [but not Higher Level (Matthew 10:24)] as written in Matthew 10:25 "Enough for the learner to be on a level with his teacher, and for the servant to be on a level with his master. If they have called the master of the house Baal-zebul, how much more will they slander his servants?" "So do not be afraid of them." (from Matthew 10:26). JESUS Christ Lifts The Worthy so be careful concerning the interpretation of "And do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna." (Matthew 10:28)

rather meaning: "do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul" but fear JESUS Christ: Matthew 10:28 fails "Google" Translation though pertinent is the "soul" [often of mixed spirits] with the "soul" of Higher Level than the "body": JESUS Christ is Over the Soul [as much as Good Spirit JESUS Faith] but JESUS Gave the Gift to be able to opt into each census "body": so Fear JESUS Christ [hence be with Love and Eternal Giving Joyously in His Name] the Creator of the Eternal Soul [hence consider what it means to be with a New Beginning if Pure Best or if other.

So if a person opts to disclude and pretend to separate [Church and] JESUS Christ from their life, then their new beginning plan is without JESUS Christ theoretically so then a life without the one that came from Heaven and died once for all, hence what seem as though eternal hell; even so JESUS Christ is Better than separatists.

"Search the Greek Dictionary ... Rather, fear (phobeisthe | φοβεῖσθε | pres pass imperative 2 pl) the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell." (

"Gehenna" = "geennē" = gene [census body, vessel, concerning excessive self love clay idol worship, known in the secular as hell such as many have considered their jobs for want of money].

Secular definition sense 1: "gene" "(in informal use) a unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring. 'proteins coded directly by genes' " (Google).

Proclaim secrets and Broadcast JESUS Christ (Matthew 10:27) though Before The Fact be Aware: Luke 11:49 Weymouth New Testament "For this reason also the Wisdom of God has said, 'I will send Prophets and Apostles to them, of whom they will kill some and persecute others,' " therefore Do Best For All so none find reason to harm You. Even so be Aware concerning Matthew 10:36 "and a man's own family will be his foes.", so if You for instance in JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesy for the sake of Your Neighborhood, Your Neighbors that You sought to Help might turn against You according to Their lacks of understandings, Their lacks of being JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophets.

So All the world is against me, Friends. Broadcast JESUS Christ UN and key because JESUS Christ Found You Of Value for Him to Create [and even suffer for You] Broadcast also so in Maintenance Level at least: They All become JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophets [Likewise Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Best Way Grace For All With Peace]: JESUS Christ is the Righteous Father Of All Nations.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS the Father Of All Nations, Righteous Prophets


Now concerning JESUS Christ UN Righteousness, under the Law [though this is not to accuse nor a legal push to change advertising], if to publish a coupon ad then it might be counted as a bribe [depending if over the pertinent amount], though now with JESUS Christ UN a Church can in Grace "publish" (example First Amendment). In other words as stated above, if " All the world is against me" and Us as You "publish", then so much harder for those not with JESUS Church Religion having to in secular cliche "watch their backs" all the more such as concerning "bribe"s. Frankly coupons can be fun (see above "Gift"). Also reference such as legalese over Warranties, and this certainly is not forbidding goodly efforts. But as in the movie Sister Act 2 there was a coupon notice wrongful bribe for murder. Instead of a bribe and the ensuing results, One might Give such as a Mothers Day Card.

Children like to think about exploring and being astronauts and concerning JESUS Righteousness, Hopes, and Publishing types of Notes, preceptingly of the previous Sermon was a discussion of Bigfoot, and Bigfoot has been associated with living in forests and in caves in secluded underground situations, yet also associated with UFOs. If to consider the Book Of Enoch, be aware as stated above, there were many as the stories were told and as evidenced, that came in their own names or as so reported such as of TV interpretations, similarly reference So this is pertinent for Political Candidates as stated above, and pertinent for All including for setting the story Straight Broadcasting such as JESUS Loving Church Family [Families] can Do.

8 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit measured a Sacred Prophet Faith Amount Over Flow matters kept secret since the world began for to fear Prophets Vested In JESUS Victory Over they will persecute and kill, Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Grace, Best For All Mothers Day Fathers Day Families Children, Weymouth, Political Candidates Accounts Executives, Stock Investors, Hedge Fund Managers, teachers, miraculous powers workers, Nicola Tesla, Gamblers, coupons, Warranties, Bigfoot, forests, caves, UFOs, bribes; movie Sister Act 2.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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