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JESUS Protector Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gave for me in yesterday's notes for to write a Higher Level physics "strong correlation" Sermon today continuing with the previous Sermon in this Series, though of the being yelled at by the naysayer spirits, especially one of them revealed to me what they were so afraid of [not Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN, frankly 2,000 years ago it was similar to JESUS Christ explaining Heaven, like today in the secular explaining a jet to a duck (Shepherd Over Sheep) for naysayers' sakes per se i now say i quack: affinity, Oneness, Together on the same page Friends], so of JESUS Spirit this is more pertinent as this Sermon is yet another Good Samaritan Sermon (don't be in works to resist for to slow JESUS Word: Joshua 7:12): Broadcast [don't expect me to do it for You (ibid) though reference such as Church Of JESUS Christ Worthy "Mediator" concerning Spiritual Baptisms instead of worldy talkers on ghost hunter shows conditionally interesting].

JESUS Christ Gives "Righteous Prophesyings" Anewly in this Sermon without price for All to Give to and for All, and this includes something i have long wondered, why the legions of spirits were so bad [not born bad, not created bad, so stated Edifyingly about that level associated with the love of money and possessions (though the most recent Sermon in this Series explained the coin in the fish was for the {House Of Prayer} Temple Tax). While the previous sentence is Righteous, also this morning about 5AM a spirit made it clear to me why their legion group of spirits [that they wrongly claim is "Holy Spirit" as if an UNKNOWN GOD(S), which may include in some for to puff themselves up as a group, that loves money and control power] fears. That legion group fears giving power to babies and to such as criminally mentally insane, and to under Human Firmament vessels such as giving authority to viruses, rats, wolves, and attack dogs.

Frankly their position sounds pretty good to the less faithful, such as to the atheist Chinese, and to the Buddhists, and to the Hindus, and to the Muslims; together all in one legion group. Afraid of their own shadows in not the JESUS Christ Best Way. Makers of fireworks are more likely to be killed by fireworks by the secular worldly works of their own hands for love of money, that a person in the general public. The Military and Police are more likely to be harmed by the secular worldly works of their own hands for love of money, that a person in the general public.

If to opt to give one's own life for the love of others is what Christian Missionaries Say And Do. Military and Police are not in the same class level. Though Military and Police are worthy according to their faith type and faith amount. Specifics, conditions, for the previous sentence are not provided in that sentence since i am not to overly tempt them, and since for the More Worthy More Righteous Level of the Christian Missionaries (see previous Sermons in this Series though many have been illegally censored therefore that much harder for Military and Police to ascend when approaching those levels). Older Sermons in this Series spoke of making Assets Before The Fact as shown below, and these Triadically Ascending Helps also Guide from Prophesyings to Better Prophesyings.

JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying Anew Better Gift for the former Holy Spirit = JESUS Protector Sermon Given x JESUS Sends You Sermon Given Righteous Prophesyings.

From JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying Anew Better Gift for the former Holy Spirit x to this anewly JESUS Protector Sermon Given x JESUS Sends You Sermon Given Righteous Prophesyings.

From JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying Anew Better Gift for the former Holy Spirit to this anewly JESUS Protector Sermon Given x JESUS Sends You Sermon Given Righteous Prophesyings.

This Anewly Better Now in this JESUS Spirit Sermon was "not yet seen Second Coming in the future is the "point" (like unto John 3:6) of JESUS Righteous Prophesyings" (JESUS Sends You Sermon at and this Agrees with as written at the Top of Page 26 "JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD protecting not merely Churches yet All" ( and this linked site includes "how to Prophesy Better instead of running from the shadows" discussed above.

What would it be like for You to have been the first Christian Missionary in Atheist Asia?,

and of course this speaks hardly about Genesis 6:3 120 years, rather JESUS One Eternity (reference such as previous Jarod map in this Series

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon: Give them the Law and the Prophets: JESUS Christ Name Law at

though Other Missionaries were likely previously such as from space travelers, Abraham, and then more anewly the Magi).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, Christian Missionary in Atheist Asia, new Bible translations with from JESUS Spirit Anew Better Gift for the former Holy Spirit: JESUS Protector Sermon x JESUS Sends You Sermon


If naysayers don't believe JESUS Christ Gives for Them to Raise The New Better Standard, such as a much stronger alloy UFO type Spaceship has advantage over bows and arrows, and even David Over Goliath, and even JESUS Victory Over The Tomb, then how hardly to believe a pistol will save them from the attack dog. I used to have weapons and worked in the secular and was bitten by attack dogs that drew blood in various situations, and now without weapons [in the secular sense] big [including mean] dogs have run away or opted for friendship or otherwise we departed from each other, without my fleeing in fear, i fear JESUS Christ and so my fear evaporates replenished with Joy.

Be aware a dog belonging to one of my secular Business Partners, and also that Person otherwise on my payroll as a contractor: the dog bit me drawing blood. Another situation concerning money when i was a kid was a nearby neighborhood dog that bit me drawing blood [as best as i recall] and many of the other kids in that neighborhood were so attacked and bitten, and since then many wild dogs have been illegally trespassing. But now through JESUS Name they are not biting.

JESUS Christ said "Test Me", do naysayers wrongly imagine to send attack dogs to me, or rather to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN?, bear in Heart and mind i Preach JESUS Christ to spirits and dogs too. So do naysayers wrongly imagine this previous sentence is a direct threat against world leadership?, it is and JESUS Spirit is the Good Victory Over it, not the attack dogs nor the pistols of new alloys and composites. Note the graph below is secular (see below "naysayers") so to me it is merely an indicator of what the secular wants the Public to believe [a faith type and amount and conditions apply].

Christian Missionaries in atheist China are a great Assets Creator(s), rather Broadcast JESUS Christ UN and so Conquer the Universe for Their Sakes.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, UFO Sightings are taking off again, 2020, 2022, Prophesying 2023


Look even the wind and the sky obey Him [JESUS Christ], look even the attack dogs obey me [sufficiently according to my Faith Loyalty type and amount, though You have the Gift to opt other for Yourself]. I [We] used to be robbed, now with this JESUS Mission, no longer being robbed. Your Mission is Broadcast JESUS Christ UN.

About the above, i trust JESUS Christ rather than naysayers against "JESUS Holy Spirit One" (see previous Sermons in this Series though many were illegally censored). Consider the naysayer and how such a Person might opt to wear a seatbelt in a car: goodly, it the Law [in many places]. Did the seatbelt shoot anyone and kill the Person that had been an innocent Child too as the naysayer had been born, not so, the seatbelt is for safety [secular conditions may apply such as seatbelt malfunction in an emergency] (reference in this Series "redeeming social value") and the seatbelt Law is for safety for all per se.

It is not required for a Person [that did not opt such a condition] to carry a pistol because a pistol is not best for all. The better the Law the better for all so let all be [Broadcast] aware of the Law, yet the Higher Part for "Better" is JESUS Christ UN Grace as mainly written in the JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series though all are invited to so "Better" Preach [and this is not stated to offend, rather for all to be "Better"]. If i say it is "Better" for People to eat Bible foods, many are offended, why?, lust, greed, love of unhealthy things such as excessive fat understandably though more to the point is if to eat glass and nails and spiders then perhaps to be on TV and receive a prize, or dead.

Security has a threshold limit, it cannot secure anything beyond that limit, such as on TV as a secular ad said "We got this" [covered]: no there might be an earthquake, a meteorite, and so on. Even "Security" has at times hoped for healings. There are confused spirits worse than naysayers currently imagine, "worse" according to the naysayers so opted, not worse as much to me as i Ascend in JESUS Christ Best For All the Best Way, even so i need be humble about it, save for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose for Your sakes.

So as written in John 4:48 New American Standard Bible "Then Jesus said to him, 'Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe.' " even i these signs and wonders come from merely me Agreeingly as written in John 1:23 "He said, “I am THE VOICE OF ONE CALLING OUT IN THE WILDERNESS, ‘MAKE THE WAY OF THE LORD STRAIGHT,’ as Isaiah the prophet said.” " even if to cry out for Joy (Luke 19:40 / Habakkuk 2:11 / Joshua 24:27) (Joshua 24:27 yielded Habakkuk 2:11 and Preceptingly Together in JESUS Best Way yielded for JESUS to say Anewly Luke 19:40) (Luke 19:40 = Habakkuk 2:11 x Joshua 24:27). Will Your pistol protect You and Yours from as stated continuingly:

what Will Luke 19:40 x Habakkuk 2:11 = ?

25 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit speaks of the first Missionary, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Grace, Bible Formulas, Luke 19:40 = Habakkuk 2:11 x Joshua 24:27, lifespan 120 years, much stronger alloy UFO Spaceship, UFO Sightings are taking off again 2022 Prophesying 2023, Military Police Security pistols attack dogs drew blood, there are confused spirits worse than naysayers currently imagine, TV ghost hunters.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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