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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Pure Sermon.

JESUS Christ Offers the Best Way, and there is merely 1 Best Way. Hence to be able to comprehend. Hence of the infinite number of ways to be in works thinking about, to be in works of algorthyms about, to be in works of hands for love of money about as if to buy the way into heaven(s) unknown unseen; out of all such worldly secular strayed paths notions that all lead to failure Save "1", and then out of all those choices to then figure them out in all the ways in all the values types of qualities and definitions senses and descriptions of each and all types of transfiguring anomalies that appeared merely for a split second, and the quantifying of each amount, and the categorizing and the vote of each census person [not merely about as many as vote, not merely as many as belong to a particular club] and to measure each rate of change throughout not merely the secular wordliness about the so called known universe, and to do this such as during the term of office or such as during the moment when there's a census family emergency such as a child running toward fast traffic; all might agree as impossible save a miracle or same but worded in other words.

Comprehensive = 1 JESUS Christ Best Way For All [including Accord] For Better For All For Best For All - all the works to fail.

Note to exceed a limit is hardly the same as to fail so such as a Tensile Test may stretch something until it "fails" as it has been called, is merely from one perspective for instance if to pull apart taffy for to Share is not failure at all (reference such as Transfiguration, and such as the lower level appreciating and trying to describe the Higher Level such as 2 Corinthians 12:2), and likewise in Healthcare a positive result can be good and a negative result can be good depending on given situations and current interpretations, example: positive signs of life on that planet unless dangerous viruses then such as negative such signs would be good per se.

The worldly secular has been in works to measure the things in the background.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, UFOs, spirits, spirits in the sky, crucifixion, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, cause and effect, and for every action there is a reaction, slow rate, wrong way signs, STOP, DO NOT ENTER, You don't want to know, You can't get there from here, Save full repentance Broadcast JESUS Christ UN the First Amendment


Fallen spirits in lower levels works have been missing the clear most obvious point.

What if You see a sign with the word [go] "SLOW"?, then hardly to keep the child from "running toward fast traffic". So rates apply, so to added as conditions over the above formula. Multitudes of other conditions apply as each finding effect [and affects] others (reference such as secular Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, cause and effect, and for every action there is a reaction).

What if You see a sign with the word "STOP", what if the words "DO NOT ENTER", or what if a Person tells You "Do not find out" such as in the sense of a warning such as in secular cliches "You don't want to know" and "You don't want to find out".

What if You see a sign that is ambiguous such as in the pic below left, the turtle seems to mean drive slowly, though it might mean it is a protected wildlife sanctuary with a turtle crossing.

The flip-of-a-coin requires time, more flips = longer than this census civilization existed.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, cause and effect, and for every action there is a reaction, slow rate, wrong way signs, STOP, DO NOT ENTER, You don't want to know, You can't get there from here, Save full repentance Broadcast JESUS Christ UN the First Amendment


JESUS Christ Original came into the census because as the secular explained "You can't get there from here.", though true for the strayed if to opt other, instead repent: JESUS Christ is the Way. The above pic (with ibid.) concerns the First Amendment and some extreme confusions such as not about the point of the content in question, but about the sign "size" of the sign [intentional straying from the point].

People, if You really are for JESUS Christ then Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law; otherwise You are against Yourself and in favor of the Propaganda Czars including often against [in secular cliche] "their own people", intentional confusions, lies, hence as it has been often called "friendly fire".

What is JESUS Christ UN that All should "Broadcast"?, is it merely peace to not harm criminals?, rather to make no criminals, with as written in Zephaniah 3:9 New King James Version "For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language, That they all may call on the name of the LORD, To serve Him with one accord."!

If to play a video war game [as in reality], it is practically impossible to not aim toward Your own team members as they run in front of Your weapons. Many have taken apart good brains to figure out how good brain function, such as to shoot gamma rays through, and other types of rays, and to pass chemicals through such as radioactive and ionizing, in heavily funded research studies with volunteers and against others unawares without permissions given. Enough accidents happen already, We don't need more; and enough records are already being Perfected as JESUS Christ explained with the Living Bible, the JESUS Living Spirit For JESUS Perfect Way, and for the Better for each and rather All.

Already, in the previous Sermon was exposed the Anewly Better Translating the previous Mark 2:27 verse through JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Spirit For All the Law was made for Us and not Us made for to please the Law in the lower level sense about the letter of the inorganic [hence "lower level"] legal records, while the Higher Level Grace Maintains the Best [or at least a better level amount of the] Spirit Of The Law as much as Good and Best For All (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Saving Grace One Sermon at

Many have done works in favor of the Propaganda Czars as if to so be protected, but how to describe this Edifyingly such as within the above stated "Spirit Of The Law"?, it is like unto a Parent Giving a Child a toy as a Gift, but the wrong answer is: when the Child is bad the Parent takes the toy back to the store [or exorcism, cast out, throws away, or destroys]. It is not for the Parent to take the toy back, it does not belong to the Parent, the Parent should not be an exemplar robber. The toy actually belongs to God, the Child too, the Parent too. Do not symbolize God as if a robber.

What if i say Declassify Everything [conditions apply (see below "JESUS Christ UN Law" link)]?, see above otherwise "the Propaganda Czars" option; rather be Good the Best Way that All Benefit Better and Better (see above). To "Declassify Everything" would be a great gift. Many naysayers would counter [as previously spirits did while fighting me and each other], such as a lot of work went into Classifying; so i say Thank You [as JESUS Christ Leads for such Thanking], and that Classifying work may have been the best the People in the Given situation could understand to do; now let Us move on to the Better Higher Level Serving All Best. "Classifying" was toward "the Propaganda Czars", the result of that "Classifying" path, and the work was as the work to make the "toy".

"Declassifying" is like unto to the "toy" also, for instance if the "toy" was a handheld and the Teen Child worked to form Their favorites playlist, then with memory of the goodly Parent per se at least, but for the Parent to remove that handheld "toy" is to also cost that [census] Family extra hence to fall toward worse types of miseries amounts including unseen amounts and enduring somewhat (see above "repent" NEED). How to Declassify: first see above JESUS Christ Prayerful Broadcasting (concerning "JESUS Christ Prayerful" see somewhat older Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on "accord" specifics including an option [such as a Person might opt such like unto above stated "peace", if not Christian]). Hence how to Declassify includes the Best Way for All increasingly including at an increasing pace [rate: speed on point, velocity with Mass Improvement (see in this Series "Test Me" hence Declassify hence Broadcast such recordkeeping)].

And in easy light burden for to better understand [though after-the-fact level], consider what has been already Declassified, and so about Bettering that rate [look how the Public accused as much as the Public has liked to point fingers, and rather the more important goodliness the Public has Appreciated Government]. This "goodliness" is more the point. Even the secular has said "Lead by example" and rather Of Being Exemplar as JESUS Christ Exemplar; for instance see list including such as "Way (7551 Occurrences)"... is the good way (Psalm 1:6 Proverbs 8:20; Proverbs 12:28; Proverbs 15:10 Isaiah 26:7), which is that course of conduct enjoined by God and exemplified in His ..." (

Righteously Prophesying or at least strategically for to be Pure [hence for JESUS Purity Level] in id [in the Psychological Self Psychoanalysis sense: id, ego, and super-ego] sense as concerning the Heart, Soul, Self, Mind [that follows typically (an important value concern too: see above such as "conditions")], hence Pure Work, hence enabling Pure Team Leadership [also Pure Team can yield Pure Members] [positions at the top are available of concerns for Ambassadors and Others], hence Pure Language in cliche "Language of the Gods" rather of the at least census level known JESUS Christ.

3o June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit exposes Sacred Faith Over the comprehensive matters kept secret since the world began explaining what the Spirit Of The Law Actually is For Best For All, with how to Declassify Specifics Prioritized, if for JESUS then Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace Above The Law lest self defeating in favor of the Propaganda Czars, measuring UFOs, the First Amendment Over Classified, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, cause and effect, and for every action there is a reaction, slow rate, wrong way signs, STOP, DO NOT ENTER, You don't want to know, You can't get there from here, Tensile Test, Comprehensive = 1 JESUS Christ Best Way For All [including Accord] For Better For All For Best For All - works to fail.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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