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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS Quickening Spirit Sermon.

JESUS Christ has arrived, 2,000 years ago; JESUS Christ Quickening Spirit is arriving all the more, faster: quickening the Heart, not out-of-control but Enlivening! As written in a recent Sermon in this Series, Sermon On Sermon, the Daniel Giant (JESUS Everlasting Sign Sermon at applies today in this generation such as about the JESUS Spirit Victory [hence no longer need of Martial Law since obsolete]

and likewise the next after that Sermon and previous to this Sermon, the "JESUS Heaven" Sermon is the Proof Over the Hope that Martial Law had Hoped lest to obliterate itself since Martial Law is without government, hence without peace, the war machine hence anarchy, the anti-Christ, the result of separation of Church and state, the House Of Bondage but Martial Law has been more about bombs [symbolic of how to destroy more faster technologies] than constructing [even as much as prisons], and i confess i formerly controlled much of such lower levels according to "separation of Church and state", but "separation of Church and state" started a false path, down instead of Up: JESUS Way Ascending is Best For All.

"Martial law has been declared at least 68 times in the United States." ( Martial Law is the anti-Congress, the anti-Legislative Branch. If in a very large group of soldiers and not able to see save a few soldiers ahead and to the sides [especially concerning short people] and the Commander shouts "Fire!": consider so much so called: friendly fire [while such has happened (various sources through history) the war or prison attitude offed not better but worse].

Normally Law abiders are raised to positions such as the Electronics Technician Woman in this pic aboard the Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Ohio,

so the point of this Sermon is not against such Law abiders

jesus, jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Electronics Technician aboard the Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Ohio, martial law


I may have controlled some of the submarine construction as confessed and for Your awareness that with JESUS Spirit i have become aware Better exists than formerly aware.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 11:"..."In the absence of judicial elucidation, the Congress and the President have been required to accommodate themselves in the controversy to accept from each other less than each has been willing to accept but more than either has been willing to grant." ( in Proof that the Law did not make Perfect. As written in Hebrews 10:1 Aramaic Bible in Plain English

"For The Written Law had a shadow in it of good things that were coming. It was not the essence of those matters; because of this, while they were offering those sacrifices every year, they could never perfect those who offered them.".

So the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament had not yet been One Baptized With JESUS Christ, likewise the Law of Moses [including Martial Law] has been a "shadow" "of good things that were coming" that "had not yet been revealed" until JESUS Christ UN Law Officially for the First Time Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace! Praise the Lord!

As written in Hebrews 9:8 "But by this The Spirit of Holiness had taught that the way of holiness had not yet been revealed, as long as the first Tabernacle was standing."

More than ever since the Teaching Of JESUS Christ in the census, JESUS Christ UN Grace For Best Way Peace Is Arrived! Precept On Precept, Righteous Prophesy On Righteous Prophesy, Righteous Sermon On Righteous Sermon, Righteous Better On Righteous Better: JESUS Spirit Best Way Ascending Leadership Exemplar For All.

The "how to destroy more faster technologies" have merely been attempts to play god. In other words the Adult is strong and over Children such as to reward Children with food and gifts, and if ever reason to knock down a Child to the ground, such as to stop the Child from running in front of the fast train, then settled already when the Children were Children, instead of ordering grown Soldiers as if Children or grunts, or other secular references such as "Alpha Charlie" in "Charlie Foxtrot" (

To crucify under Martial Law is not the way to heaven, even if to travel into outer space.

JESUS Christ UN is as verse 21 in verses 20 through 25 of The Gospel of Thomas.

JESUS Best For All Is Godtech: Good [not merely protecting] for the JESUS Spirit Good Givers.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Best For All Is Godtech: Good [not merely protecting] for the JESUS Spirit Good Givers but an unseen wall protecting the goodly ascending from harms


Better than "Godtech" exists, Better than "JESUS Christ UN Law" Will exist if You opt to Ascend into Higher Level Grace [not merely Praying JESUS Christ saying Grace such as prior to eating for the self nor merely for a Group: though of Tremendous Good Value For The Glory Of JESUS Christ]. Animals, critters, and farms and lower have been under dominion. Pray For All. If to Lift All then no longer any dominion nor dust, hence to automize Maintenance: Work Success Complete hence the JESUS Eternal Righteous Prophesy Spirit is in one sense complete, as much as behind, hindsight having found Perfect of JESUS Christ Work(s), yet the Future Ascending is Better Anewly, in other words today if in JESUS Spirit to Righteously Prophesy that

Your Days Will Be Shortened as is Being Righteously Prophesied about You the Reader and Your Group and All Now for the first time so specific and pertinent to this to this day,

and does this Sermon rely on Martial Law Intelligence for to declare this unto You: No.

Beyond my ability, JESUS Spirit Enlightened even a typo rather JESUS Spirit For Better [in some situation a Christian might type and the wrong thing yet to see it fits better, known in lower levels rightly as subliminal thinking] [though some are merely mistakes: are You in Grace Level or under wordly strayed ways behind closed doors so to speak? (see above yet another confession, rather Praying Best For All therefore Praying JESUS Creating Better As Hoped Of All As Continues Fulfilled thus far yet Anewly Better Coming]. So as if a typo, save if fit, i typed in JESUS Spirit SAS.

Historically popularized was the SAS of the secular worldly lower levels (as stated above "not against such Law abiders" rather for All to improve the system). As the secular sources stated:

"The SAS is a group of highly trained British soldiers who work on secret or very difficult military operations. SAS is an abbreviation for 'Special Air Service' " (

"SAS is a statistical software suite developed by SAS Institute for data management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, business intelligence, criminal investigation, and predictive analytics. SAS was developed at North Carolina State University from 1966 until 1976, when SAS Institute was incorporated." (Wikipedia).

In the region where the People meet where the greater land masses meet, is this New Christian Led Zion Jerusalem (2020AD [as Prophesied], [and then] the year of the Signing into effect JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace); in the region of UFOs following faiths types of secular opted people (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon including "Skinwalker Ranch" discussion) is the region of The Church Of JESUS Christ Of Latter Day Saints; and in the region of [having worked with and as Authorized of [in the secular called Authorized "by"] North Carolina State University is this same region of JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders, for One Best Leadership For All hence through and with JESUS Christ Leading [One Inviting Better As One].

As stated in the secular: "World Population Clock: 8.0 Billion People (2022) - Worldometer" ( [secular projection for this year].

Are You to Believe that this Civilization Will Be With A Smaller Census Lifespan than as written in Genesis 6:3 "And LORD JEHOVAH said: “My Spirit will not dwell in man for eternity because he is flesh and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years." simply because this Sermon said so?: (see in this Series the JESUS Way Righteous Prophecy that came true concerning the COVID spike ( (the Sermon with the Prophesy may have been illegally censored).

I have such as told someone or such as some group(s) largely in the secular world involvements about such, but guess what, they remember what they want to remember about themselves being right: the lower levels function according to lower levels, so to speak a jet thinks about jet vibrations, a boat vessel thinks [responds to] it's own boat vibrations: closed cells, closed doors about what's on their table (hence You in JESUS Spirit opt now to Prayerfully Righteously Prophesy as to what such will see into the future).

As written in was the Martial Law Of Moses that did not make Perfect though did serve for a time Over the strayed and with the Chosen Ascending, and the lower level Maintenance is now automated for You for Best For All Over "The Abomination of Desolation" "Martial Law" as written in

Matthew 24:22 "If those days are not cut short no one would live, but because of the chosen ones, those days will be cut short.": Broadcast Righteously JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace For Best For All In JESUS Christ.

7 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals New Sacred Prophesy Over shorter lifespan, Godtech is no longer merely protecting rather Ascended for the JESUS Spirit Good Givers but an unseen wall protecting the goodly ascending from harms by closed cells behind closed doors merely about what's on their table, for what it is this JESUS Quickening Spirit Sermon reveals JESUS Spirit Giving new better guidance and exposes "how to destroy more faster technologies".

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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