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JESUS Remote Seeing With Doing Sermon.

JESUS Christ Law introductory comments were updated a minutes ago for Better Clarity and Better Helpful Guidance including Better Pertinent Specifics from JESUS Christ Spirit hence Better Way as All Hoped, hence All or at least as many as so visit would be "Better" Lifted of JESUS Christ The Original: JESUS Christ UN Law at

JESUS Christ Remote Seeing With Doing is Accomplished Already according to the Faith amount(s) as stated above "All or at least as many as" Remotely Seeing, and since as written "faith without works is dead" (from James 2:26 New American Standard Bible) therefore the Remote Doing is according to as many as having seen and read, if such opt to be BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN AS IS NEEDFUL (as stated in recent Sermon Righteously Prophesyingly JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech Sermon at

The previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Fabric Sermon at

explained Preceptingly the Christmas Tree on Christmas Tree expansion (stray) and convergence (Gathering) layers

and one Christmas Tree layer is symbolized with the rocket with plume, and "layers" as each frame of this gif.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, changes from rate of lift speed to JESUS Mission Pertinent Best Way For All, specified including very old age Eternal Good Health even in the Census abounding in New Miracles such as the Biblical revelation concerning whether to eat refrigerated foods and/or canned foods; and these with NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Law Anewly Written


The JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is the rocket if on JESUS Mission and On Course / Prayerfully Properly Prepared, and the plume is under the letter of the Law, the exhaust garbage [rather more perfect (reference cliche "zero waste")]. So You see the frames of the above gif and as the rate of ascending increases the proportional passing through levels is magnified. The previous Sermon spoke of the fabric of spacetime and the cutout envelope protective "cube" as JESUS Christ Best Protector Provides.

So the fabric can be condensed [one way concerns folds (rather John 10:16)] such as to shear: symbolically DNA can be straightened to be longer than normal, the normal DNA twists such as symbolically around a centerline vertical axis. So JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye Remote Seeing With Righteously Prophesying Before The Fact Then With Doing is JESUS Spirit Straight Up [The JESUS Christ Given Mission] while if the JESUS Christ Given Mission includes for to be with JESUS Spirit and with drones, Census People, equipment, and supplies, then as the ["normal DNA" and as the] Coriolis Effect and the Gyroscopic Effect;

for instance You may wrap horizontally and vertically woven fabric around a pen and while holding the bottom twist the top of the fabric the fabric woven layers shrink starting at the top like unto the above rocket frames. Though concerning JESUS Christ Better Way [than twisted, if the woven fabric is at 45 and then applied to the pen, there is no twisting], and if the fabric is closely knit then layers are condensed Before The Fact. So there is the above rocket gif about the increasing rate of ascending, and this Anewly from JESUS Christ Spirit prearranged "condensed" layering: Precision Before The Fact as Righteously Planned rather than subject to such as whimsical mavrick microbursts, side gusts, and birds.

So while this discussed the Census and cargo Ascendingly Anewly of this JESUS Christ Best Guiding Spirit Remote Seeing With Doing Sermon, how might this apply more to You if You do not work for NASA so to speak; rather prepare, whether You are a Cook or Hospitalized or Other, prepare, as written All these Spirits and things will be added to Your Life for Good in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Better For All (Matthew 6:33) in Your Living Spirit and yet also in Your Census (Proverbs 9:11) and all these things for Good according to Your JESUS Christ One Ascending Faith Agreeing.

Yet because of John 4:48 here is some more pertinent to and for You: Miracles from Faith in JESUS Christ. Genesis 24:1 New International Version "Abraham was now very old, and the LORD had blessed him in every way." So Behold this Miracle Over the above stated "Hospitalized": this Path is Good Health even in "very old" age, and yet Blessed also with Wisdom: instead of forgetful, instead of an idiot, instead of wrong because Righteousness JESUS Christ Gives as written:

John 1:17 World English Bible "For the law was given through Moses. Grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ." and legally specified Magnifyingly through JESUS Christ UN. So even in "very old" age to be with Good Health, and what to Do with that Good Healthy Living?, Desperate Love, humble Kindness, Gentle Best Leading With JESUS Christ Perfectly Perfecting and so including as written above.

Also the frames of the condensed [including 3D fabric, such as JESUS in the Census]: the Spirit is the condensed (recent Sermons as the Spirit can fit through the Eye Of A Needle in the current sense of a sewing needle), and yet Good Spirit is everywhere Save as much as for You [Us One With JESUS Christ Leading] to Overcome Best Guidingly. So to be not merely with the Blessings Of Abraham, yet also as stated in the previous sentence "including as written above" hence including "Anewly from JESUS Christ Spirit" hence "Better": as never before in this Civilization: Blessings For All As Never Before.

I humbly confess, yet as much as is Better For All Eternally i humbly Rejoice in JESUS Christ Spirit Ascendingly For All; i had longsuffered to wonder the many decades through my life about food preservation according to packaging and time of shelf life and at home in the containers, and in the refrigerator, because of such as written in Deuteronomy 16:4 "Yeast is not to be seen in any of your territories for seven days. The meat is not to remain from the evening of the first day until morning." and Leviticus 7:17 "but whatever remains uneaten from the meat of the sacrifice by the third day is to be incinerated.".

So the JESUS Spirit Given same Timespace Layering Principles apply such as compressing (see above frames relative to timespace remote sensing rocket travel and if with a remote control switch for to launch then with doing at least in the secular levels), and such as above stated "layers are condensed" hence reference such as condensed soup. The point of this JESUS Spirit Sermon On JESUS Spirit Sermon is these function Better Together As One Best Way To Solve for All to Benefit with above stated "Wisdom" and Blessed "in every way".

So concerning the above stated Christmas Tree expansion and specific to the below illustration gray shaded Piston "P", if to move it down faster than the steam enters then to cool and Transfigure the steam the proportional Faith rate amount; and/or if as remotely causing types of layers (see above "gif" "frames"), and in a recent Sermon the "Venturi Effect" of Tube Diameter (see above "fabric" [of outer space, of atmosphere, and]) of pertinent Mission including recent Sermons "cube" "fabric" then to modify Biblical timespace in Your Refrigerator.

Thanks and Praise Be To And For JESUS Christ Original Spirit With The Spirit Of This Series Likewise For These Miracles, Gifts from JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, specified including very old age Eternal Good Health even in the Census abounding in New Miracles such as the Biblical revelation concerning whether to eat refrigerated foods and/or canned foods; and these with NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Law Anewly Written


21 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Precepting Specifics Solve Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Control Time at home, with for this Civilization Blessings For All As Never Before are specified including very old age Eternal Good Health even in the Census abounding in New Miracles such as the Biblical revelation concerning whether to eat refrigerated foods and/or canned foods; and these with NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Law Anewly Written Intro Better For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way For All.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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