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JESUS Righteous Love Sermon.

JESUS Christ Second Coming, was also considered for the title of this Sermon. Awakening while talking with 2 unseen Souls starting to consider Ascending, a Man and a Woman with the Woman explaining to the Man words similar to: I think he's [me] doing something profound for this civilization.

And then no longer hearing the 2 i was floating backward from a somewhat dark grey place [toward here] and as i was gently moving away (though "floating backward", Preceptingly In JESUS Christ Spirit fitting the last sentence of the previous Sermon: ..."to listen and track You even as You go from room to room" JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Highest Purpose Sermon at i saw similar to as shown below, not lit but dark (see below pic caption), and also with a top center capstan and from the side appearing as the Holy Of Holies Tent Of Meeting shape as shown in the Drawing though with walls twice as high as in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Timeless Sermon at

hence as tents of Tribes Of Israel and as modern houses are of similar shape though what i witnessed was of a flying saucer as interpreted from merely a side view and so round [rather than seen from above square and rather than rectangle]. So being darker currently, perhaps a reason for strayed to not so easily see: for the strayed to rather have Faith, Faith it is there as was seen telescopically [if it is the same JESUS Christ Second Coming Vessel].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with a Totally New Second Coming current awareness from JESUS Christ Original Ascending Plan as JESUS Spirit Gives New And Better Bible Verse Translation, with Desperately Giving Love for how to Better translate and interpret this Biblical Current Situation, with UFO Flying Saucer and Church Bus example

[the secular strayed worldly guess:] "The only logical explanation was that the city was inhabited by the souls of the dead."

[rather:] "As one of my sources put it, 'We found where God lives' "


JESUS Christ is in Righteous Love, in Desperate Love Giving Righteousness (1 John 3:18) though having Ascended from lower levels under the Law Of Moses [hence currently with JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Recognizing Higher Level Grace] the knowledge through logic hardly applies as similar as rather Loyal Faith in JESUS Righteous Love Giving Applies.

Anewly In JESUS Christ Spirit, if i tell You "do not believe" then You might Righteously say such as "Not so, rather I Believe"; so Anewly look at all the former strayed translations at that are all so negative [similarly such as "stop"]; rather Anewly More In JESUS Christ Ascending With Increasingly Magnifyingly Lovingly Better Righteous Love Giving The Best Way For All be Anewly Aware: "πιστεύετε" means "do you believe" ( So such as former lower level translation:

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.",

becomes Better stated in JESUS Christ Ascending Righteous Loving Spirit New Translation "such as":

Beloved, do you believe every spirit, rather test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

It states "test the spirits, whether they are of God" hence in JESUS Christ Righteous Love Grace to look for Good though for Lifting the Finding Of The Worthy, rather than formerly under Law that persecuted the bad [and very often the innocent]. So the test of Faith fails in the courts: it is illegal to test Faith, Save as JESUS Christ UN Law provides Grace. So here is the Higher Level of JESUS Christ Righteous Love Grace, as written rather than in court as one party against another, as the Better Way is as JESUS Christ the innocent confessed for Us at "Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three.", so rather than mere logic such as a light switch on or off, there is the Godsling like unto a Church Bus traveling in One JESUS Christ Desperate Love Work rather than merely sitting at a destination.

So of JESUS Christ Spirit In Righteous Love Giving We are to be humbly Praying For Better For Best For All With Righteously Prophesyingly Distinguishing, like unto the Church Bus as shown, for to be Aware of the Righteous Best Direction and so Move, and to Gather along the Way the Pertinent Ascendingly, and to Bring to JESUS Christ without price nor exception,

"What does it mean that Jesus is God with us?" "He is not merely a symbol of God with us; Jesus is God with us in person." ( 2022),

hardly as a slave, rather when He finds We NEED Him Most in the moment in the dire situation as JESUS Christ is Our Salvation and Behold Anewly For Desperate Love For Them All As You Write And Broadcast His Sermons He, JESUS Christ, at least in His Spirit [also rather Let Him So Find You Leading As He Does] is as He stated as written in John 17:12 New King James Version "While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.".

So JESUS Christ did not persecute when Authoring His Original Plan, so such as 2 against 3 is rather as the Church Bus having traveled from Lifting 2 People for to Ride To Church with yet 3 People yet to Gather For Church In His Righteous Love.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with a Totally New Second Coming current awareness from JESUS Christ Original Ascending Plan as JESUS Spirit Gives New And Better Bible Verse Translation, with Desperately Giving Love for how to Better translate and interpret this Biblical Current Situation, with UFO Flying Saucer and Church Bus example


23 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with a Totally New Second Coming current awareness from JESUS Christ Original Ascending Plan as JESUS Spirit Gives New And Better Bible Verse Translation, with Desperately Giving Love for how to Better translate and interpret this Biblical Current Situation, with JESUS Christ Second Coming UFO Flying Saucer Golden Cube discussion and with Church Bus symbolic example.

Jesus Christ

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