JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Rights Sermon.

JESUS Spirit Transfigured some info for me when Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, again showing His Holy Convincing Energy And Power Over former ways, including Over Straight Up Ascending for to bring All A New Better Beginning and so Providing the Fulfilled Hope of the Most Loyal and the Best For All. Spiritually it was heard that there was a bit of work to be done, and as indicated in me for to be Perfect. JESUS Transfigured that info at it struck my Heart, as the Heart of JESUS Christ as JESUS Christ empowered me to notice for All To Be Perfect, like unto a Fave Band striking a chime in the right situation in an excellent song because of JESUS Christ more than because of the personal Fave Band; with such Ascending to the naming of this Sermon.

Some pay attention to this, some pay attention to other things,

JESUS Christ is Victor Over psychological response mechanisms and conditioned responses.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, the band Rush, Fave Bands, chimes, times, Victory Over psychological response mechanisms and conditioned responses


For to Edify concerning JESUS Christ Victory For All, be aware of various values even in the secular as "psychological response mechanisms" [as stated above], "involves changes in expressive behavior, subjective feeling, or physiological"..."This definition encompasses not only negative emotions but also" (

If one faction goes toward careless freedom (reference breaks, vacations, and such) and another goes opposite toward regimentation, "noun. the act of regimenting or the state of being regimented. the strict discipline and enforced uniformity characteristic of military groups or totalitarian systems" (, then between the two is the median and the norm though in the worldly predictive sense, often overlapping the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Better Way Best For All sense.

So, what is "often"?, 5 times?, 1,000,000 times?, "often" is a relative term (4th Testament Relativity), while the JESUS Christ Best Way is Eternal (ibid. on Absolutivity and rather GodMath); so the "often" amount of Faith in JESUS Christ applies in Heavenly Grace as if away rather increasingly with Ascending toward the centerline Straight And Narrow Tube [with margin] above the JESUS Christ UN Firmament hence in Grace, while under JESUS Christ UN Firmament hence under Law if to merely break one small part of Law it is as to abandon all including the self.

If to stray from Higher Grace then to be at risk, the Tube Margin applies laterally, though the risk type and amount applies vertically. To make a mistake trying to interpret the Scriptures for instance (note my computer just made a mistake while typing the previous word "instance", that i corrected so i Thank JESUS Christ Worthy of the credit) is a Marginal Grace event but it can have consequences against self and others, look how long from JESUS in the census until such as King James toward being with the Best record(s); though the vertical mistake such as planned works under subterfuge against the Law can be as to risk failure such as a grade or such as to go to prison.

Lively is symbolized above, stoic is symbolized below, yet it is JESUS Christ [Him: in His Heart Soul Name, also within Function:] The Creator as much as You Agree Say And Do that Makes Life Worth Living!

In Ivory Towers and in the Corporate world there are many steps to the top.

Many count steps for fun, though designers and engineers are about precision,

and many as in Maintenance and Security have done likewise as for repairs (see previous Sermons on Safety).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Ivory Towers and in the Corporate world with many steps to the top


The Transfiguration moment started the Ascending from new to old as a census person has done [though some are with Better JESUS Christ Victory Already (Matthew 17:3)], hence from Child Rights through Elderly Rights because of JESUS Rights. As a child in school the school instituted a new system of isolating prisoners into such as 3'x4' cubicles each with a chair and desk with high partitions to see no one nothing else, and each had a headset of ear mounted speakers to hear nothing else with a microphone. The machine would say something and We would repeat, and the teacher would grade Us.

The Elderly frankly tend to Give themselves breaks, while Children tend to be told what to do no exceptions, whether chores at home or what to do at school; yet through JESUS Christ as now We can apply Elderly practices more for the less experienced [at least] Children, such as to consider not about any "Fave" of the Children, such as not able to opt whether to go to school or to start their own [perhaps better, not likely] school, and since "not likely" then We The People need to Do this Helping for the Children.

An Elder expert for instance, and even if they love their job, will for instance work on something a short while such as analyzing parts on an assembly line and then take a break because as Elderly experts have agreed the body wears out. Consider there are many body types and many Elderly experts excellent in their jobs can hardly run a quarter mile. When young another student in high school said He could beat me in a one mile race aware that i had for years been in track and field, and i finished the mile and He hardly ran 1/4 mile, exhausted.

This helps explain an important key as to why JESUS Christ many months ago asked me to shorten the lengths of my Sermons; also reference such as how short many TV ads are, and this explains the short attention spans of so many in the [as they call it] Holy Spirit, that is rather the JESUS Spirit at least since the 2nd Testament [so the former is hardly what it used to be according to proven analysis (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series, and such as some of the Preacher Les Feldick Teachings on fitting precepts together).

This also involves the situation of experts over very complex things in various fields of endeavors, see older Sermons in this Series on Ivory Towers such as in the JESUS Christ Time Travel Tech Sermon having stated "Ivory Towers is a state of privileged seclusion" (

In secular prison videos the bad prisoner is put into solitary confinement, but the norm of Our Children is that they have committed no High Crimes. Because You were mistreated or opted to stray into difficulties is no reason to do injustices against others. This is to Leap in JESUS Christ Faith.

5 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit answers What Makes Life Worth Living?, JESUS Christ UN Law is symbolized, JESUS Christ is Victor Over psychological response mechanisms and conditioned responses, Ivory Towers and in the Corporate world with many steps to the top, Fave Bands, the band Rush example, a state of privileged seclusion and intentional separation from reality.

Jesus Christ

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