JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Same Name One Sermon.

JESUS Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

As Baptized in the Name JESUS the Christ, Righteously Ascendingly humbly for to Best Love All for the Best For All Distinguish not against the first part of this sentence, not against the previous sentence; Distinguish Over the "Distinguish", Over the Distinguisher(s), and Over the separation against JESUS With You, and Over the separator(s) against JESUS With You. So Best For All Lead All The Best (see next sentence), Lead All As Baptized, Lead All The Same As JESUS Christ.

"Best For All Lead All The Best" means Lead JESUS Christ!, though how can you humbly lead JESUS Christ?, it is not by anything of You in the sense of merely following, it is of the NEW NAME, Anew to You, the NEW NAME Given unto to You, the NAME JESUS. Continue innocently lovingly in the Best Leader Name JESUS the Christ (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series on Loyalty and on the NAME JESUS).

So Hebrews 13:9 "Do not be carried away by"...[separation of name JESUS Of Baptism, as if the former UNKNOWN GOD that used to be holy and used to rightly call itself the "Holy Spirit" ("you desire to be thought righteous and holy; and therefore I do not associate with you": therefore JESUS Christ does "not associate with you" {})].

So "Do not be carried away by" their former lower level strayed "UNKNOWN" ways, Be One Leader, Be JESUS Christ. This means Be the Same in the Name Of JESUS Christ Broadcasting [formerly merely Saying such as to a stranger, rather a Friend, rather a JESUS Disciple, rather a JESUS Apostle, rather a JESUS Apostle Broadcasting on Earth and in the Heavenly Places Below And Above. As a glimpse of the Heavenly Ascending Flow Triad:

JESUS Apostle Broadcasting on Earth and in the Heavenly Places Below And Above / JESUS Apostle / JESUS Disciple.

JESUS Apostle Broadcasting on Earth and in the Heavenly Places Below And Above = JESUS Apostle x JESUS Disciple.

Fellowship is a lower level value such as fellowship with "a Friend", relative to the Higher Level Doctor [as Baptized in the Name of JESUS the Christ], with the Name JESUS the Christ.

Stick to Your First Love As Baptized: JESUS, and so Edify And Heal The Sick As JESUS Christ. "Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace and not by foods of no value to those devoted to them. (

JESUS explained “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17 with Pulpit Commentary because "you desire to be thought righteous and holy;" [as the conspirators and Crucifiers] "and therefore I do not associate with you").

Beloved Baptized Christian, it is because Your were Baptized in the NAME JESUS Christ that You need not "desire" to become "righteous and holy" since You already Are, unless You opt to stray (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series on Loyalty).

The Christian has Power in the NAME JESUS.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations


So this Sermon Restores Power In The Name JESUS Victory Over Your other words and works.

JESUS / JESUS Christ / JESUS Christ [You, We].

JESUS Christ is not sick, therefore JESUS Christ as though doesn't You, JESUS Christ as though doesn't need a doctor, so how can You "Lead JESUS Christ!"?, consider that if You are Preaching for Your Mass Service, JESUS Christ might be sitting there in one of the pews (Matthew 18:20 at least JESUS Spirit in the We In His Name: JESUS) then if You Preach such as "Do as JESUS the Christ" then JESUS Christ Will So Say And Do.

This is NEW in JESUS Spirit. This is Anew Victory in this civilization as Broadcast in this JESUS Sermon, Victory Over Yet with record of: "Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about Him." (from

This is making All Things Know [thus far concerning Quickly (Revelation 22:20)] before the JESUS Second Coming, so Lead All The Best (see next sentence), Lead All As Baptized, Lead JESUS Christ!

As stated above "Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about Him." (Mark 8:30), though this is not "about Him", this is "Him", JESUS, As Baptized, this is Christian JESUS: Your Mass [as many as Christian whether in a Church building or at the other end of the radio...]. This Agrees With also as stated above "not by anything of You", in the former lower levels senses, nor "in the sense of merely following", "it is of the NEW" Living "NAME, Anew to You", this in You Christian Leader is the Above (see above "Power In The Name JESUS").

So this is not about "about" in the previous verse sense "about Him" "about" Our Christ: JESUS. Rather this "about" in this sentence is a JESUS Christ Higher Level "about" (no longer available as evidenced one of the earliest Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series was on verbs being lively while consonants were less lively at least in the secular, as verbs are like energy [alive, lively] while consonants are like matter (reference inorganic though all is from the Living JESUS see in this Series such as JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon New Beginnings With New Endings Prophesying Guidance at

As explained in the previous Sermon JESUS Christ Lifted As Promised Sermon at "name of Christ: JESUS, and in Heavenly with many vowels, and in consonants JHVH, YHVH; descriptions Jahvey, Jahweh, Jehovah"..., so "about" in this JESUS Christ Higher Level sense concerns this Your Baptized "name of Christ: JESUS" [yet with the "Heavenly" coming, currently hard for this civilization to know save some such as if so Seeing with photographic memory or conditionally likewise so Hearing such as Hearing for the moment or such as rather like unto Joseph Smith recording exactly, and such as JESUS Christ writing for Moses].

The "about" has been in lower levels as the "consonants JHVH, YHVH" (see "Tetragrammaton" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Beyond Your Place In The World ICCDBB at, and as "about" "descriptions". In other words if i say a person is mid East looking average height about 30 years old, it is hardly the same as saying JESUS Christ.

Why is the above Sermon important, obviously for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Ascending Together One in Full Glory as Worthy (lean not to Your own understanding concerning "Worthy", see above Name "JESUS"). Yet this above Sermon is also important such as for the JESUS You We to know what to expect and so what to plan, how to JESUS Best Way Plan For All, so the JESUS Bride [not "about" lower levels such as about Marriage Laws, rather in this JESUS Higher Level Grace] Preparing With Broadcasting And Doing [Give Power to For Original JESUS Creator Second Coming And Eternal Glory Increasingly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose].

Consider Weddings, mainly the Bridal Family Prepares. Yet this is the JESUS Name Power that Will Say And Prepare Righteously Best For All In JESUS Spirit. So not shown below left is the Bride Ascending [even though JESUS Christ is also present as explained above in this Sermon], shown below right, is JESUS Christ Second Coming likewise, the "Same", as in this JESUS Same Name One Sermon.

Below left JESUS Ascends, below right JESUS Descends (see above "Together" "Beyond" "about" "separation"(s) "descriptions").

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As written in Genesis 28:12 New International Version "He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it." and

as written in John 1:51 With Lexicon in this above stated NAME JESUS Anewly, JESUS..."you will all see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man" JESUS.

10 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Sermon, this Sermon is Victory as though Over "Jesus warned them not to tell anyone", new Victory Over Distinguish as this JESUS Sermon humbly boldly Restores Power In The Name JESUS Victory Over Your other words and works, Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, Heavenly Apostolic Formula From JESUS Above, Lead All As Baptized, this JESUS Sermon answers how You can Lead JESUS Christ!?!

Jesus Christ

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