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JESUS Saves Eve Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit as Righteously Prophesied in recent Sermons involving His [(Creation Plan) of Others also as in the Census and in JESUS Spirit Sermons] Coriolis Effect for to be with a glimpse with His All Seeing Eye, and this Sermon explains somethings currently pertinent as discovered [a little salt here, a little salt there]. And JESUS Christ Spirit just Gave me a glimpse of Enlightenment concerning the Tree Of Life and the Tree Of Knowledge for proper Distinguishing the Tree Of Life.

In previous Sermons that may or may not exist now, was discussed that there was in a dream in the Spirit [then known to me as the Holy Spirit, prior to being at the Bar Of Judgement Agreeingly With JESUS Christ, also as He Spoke hence the Better Value With He Knowing my humble silence Agreeing thoughts Thanking and Praising] i walked where Given to Do and so walked past a tree with many types of fruits that i mentally associated with the Tree Of Life, about 10' to 12' tall, and on the Way back even though i was filthy from the Work Souls were eating as each branch had it's own type of fruits and all ripe and One Soul somewhat resembling JESUS Christ eating high in the tree invited me to eat, and i reached up to a lower branch and plucked part of the branch and ate some cherries.

From as much as i saw on TV, the Tree Of Life did not appear as described on TV in this Sermons Series such as concerning "Oak Island Nova Scotia" [Holy Grail] and such as "Knights Templar" interpretations, so according to JESUS Christ Spirit Interpretation now, those depictions of "the Tree Of Life" as had been said were actually of the Tree Of Knowledge; this next link helps explain especially with the top illustration showing the groups of [limbs and] leaves vertically with the snake and Adam and Eve: the Tree Of Knowledge not the Tree Of Life.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB with Bible formulas, new Bible translations, and JESUS Christ Spirit sets the record straight about the Tree Of Life as Distinguished Above the Tree Of Knowledge, as in this Series Of JESUS Christ ICCDBB including where the Holy Grail was put rather than TV notions about Oak Island Nova Scotia and Knights Templar as Righteously Prophesyingly warned years ago in this Series


This Civilization has been taught to fear such as death, and of value [(see previous in this Series on Maintenance Responsibility) though included as], even so rather We are to fear JESUS Christ [hence to overcome fear with Ascending (Faithfully with ibid.)]. And Who did We This Civilization blame all these years (reference Genesis 3)

[Note the website page has mistakes on it not covered in this Sermon, though pertinent is the loose interpretation (since to Edify about finger pointing to accuse and "blame"):] Contemporary English Version "and the man Adam wasn't the one who was fooled. It was the woman Eve who was completely fooled and sinned.". All this time [Save as much as Higher Level per se] this Civilization blamed Women or at least the Woman Eve.

Eve was deceived, and Adam believed the Deceiver Eve, so it does not exclude Men as written in New King James Version "All these evil things come from within and defile a man": "man" in the Lexicon is " ἄνθρωπον (anthrōpon) Noun - Accusative Masculine Singular" and can include Women "i.e. A human being". Also beware as written in Proverbs 11:27 "He who earnestly seeks good finds favor, But trouble will come to him who seeks evil."

The point is and has been that We The People have long wondered where We, Woman, and/or "Eve" went so wrong. It is the Higher Spirit Level that cause it, in other words to Ascend to find the Higher Level Answer in JESUS Christ Spirit. JESUS Christ Is Good, so He did not cause it. With JESUS Christ was the New Beginning, the Original Plan of JESUS Christ as Hoped For Better and He Agreed In Himself, in His Pure "Good" Self [not selfish]: Out Flowing Love.

At the start of the Creator to Create idea is the start from Good to Good, though for Ours Sakes [within His Good Original Plan] JESUS Christ NEEDED to say He [actually Himself] was Sent, lest not from Good to Good, hence not to go from current situation to Better, therefore to recognize that Better can exist, such as Love, Hope, Fulfilling Better and Better Anew Dreams And Visions as Envisioned and as stated above "discovered" [the ability to discover and Rejoice to say: Aha!], and such as much as Good.

So from JESUS [The Beginning And The End] came the: Sending With Being Sent Best Way Creating Plan. See related "Beginning" symbolic Drawing as interpretated concerning some of the first to live [whether on Earth or other] in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Family Values Sermon at [from traditional Sermons, this Sermon marked a new Ascending starting point in this Series].

So if to Send as Google search reveals concerning this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series:

JESUS is "already Doing these things for JESUS in order for JESUS to say 'My Good And Faithful Servant' " * / see "Christ Jesus is the Son Of Perdition" / see "Sermons in this Series on JESUS Christ Victory Over perdition".

*though JESUS Christ The Original is humble so not saying, yet as We The Leadership [in His Ascending Flow] Say about JESUS Christ "My Good And Faithful Servant"; and this does not say separation of Church and state is necessary, reference full repentance for Better and for Good, hence the complementing and the Baptism is Faithful Proof of Complementing With Ascending Anewly Better Complementing the Good, and also Maintenance Responsibility is to be with Praying constantly, Loyally in the Heart Soul with Thanksgiving as this JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way For All Loyalty is followed with such Better And Better Proofs and Values in Unity.

The Sender therefore suffered Once For All. The Sender was counted as if sinner. The Sender Sent away and cast out JESUS Christ therefore not became sin, but bore the burden of any counting such Good Creating as though sin. To count, to measure, to weigh, to itemize, and such have been about separations, and true, though rather for JESUS Christ One Whole Better Way. So JESUS Christ UN Unifies, in Grace Victory for the Best Way For All.

So as written at as JESUS Christ explained "So He told them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you." and this is key to this Sermon.

Who at nearly the last part of the 3rd Testament (also see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Bible On Bible) says Moroni 10:28?, Eve, no; Satan, no;

as written "I declare these things unto the fulfilling of the prophecies. And behold, they shall proceed forth out of the mouth of the everlasting God; and his word shall hiss forth from generation to generation.": "God" "shall hiss" [as a snake sound, and a snake may live hence about living, yet rather as the Ascending might make a teapot "hiss"].

Not merely it is Our "Maintenance Responsibility" to Give humble JESUS Christ Name Spirit One [with as many as goodly] the Credit, yet it is Our Loyal Faith option: Grace includes this opting.

This opting is Protecting [from rather With], this opting is discerning the spirits according to this Ascending in JESUS Christ Name Spirit One and "Righteously Prophesyingly" as stated above hence Improving With Ascending Best For All: Better and Better Anewly.

My plan yesterday was to call this the "JESUS Dove UFO Sermon", though JESUS Christ Higher Purpose Uplifted to a Better Plan for this Sermon in Desperate Love For All. How can Heaven be described?, as written in Matthew 3:16 New American Standard Bible "After He was baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and settling on Him,", Heaven is often described as Bright, Illuminated, Glowing, and such. The "dove" is often in paintings as white with wings to the sides

The JESUS Baptismal (reference 3rd Testament Immersion) Dove, and many other artworks of Holy Spirit, show the brilliance with the dove wings outstretched to the sides, similar to the cliche UFO Flying Saucer appearance with Sunlight sharply reflecting of the metal and the contoured surfaces toward rainbow colors perhaps. Shown here the Dove actually is somewhat and after the Baptism Peaceful Event Heavenly Celebration as an Ascending UFO Flying Saucer rocket [rockets "hiss" too] plasma jet or plume as such white clouds may have been adding brilliance to the situation for the Glory Of JESUS Christ Baptism Faith Best Way For All.

Chinese porcelain, Qing dynasty, early 18th century;

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, UFO Flying Saucer appearance with Sunlight sharply reflecting of the metal and the contoured surfaces toward rainbow colors perhaps. Shown here the Dove actually is somewhat and after the Baptism Peaceful Event Heavenly Celebration as an Ascending UFO Flying Saucer rocket plasma jet or plume as such white clouds may have been adding brilliance to the situation for the Glory Of JESUS Christ Baptism Faith Best Way For All.


26 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Christ Spirit sets the record Straight With Distinguishing Sacred Ascending Over The Trees Of Life And Knowledge kept secret since the world began with how JESUS Christ Created The Father Spirit Sender, Anewly Better from JESUS Righteous Spirit are Dove and UFO Flying Saucer With the Baptism Peaceful Event Heavenly Celebration and: rocket plasma jet plume clouds brilliance, Oak Island Nova Scotia Holy Grail Knights Templar as seen on TV.

Jesus Christ

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