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JESUS Seal Sermon.
JESUS Christ Before The Fact Gave His Living Most Trusted Word. JESUS Spirit Word Power Gave Life: JESUS Christ Gave His Life and Blood. This Same JESUS Blood is caught in the bowls of judgment as the [not sealed but] openly Given for All Judgment Of Mercy, Victory [Innocent Pure] Over the Sealed Tomb Before The Fact, even the unseen [and then unknown Save JESUS Christ] Faith Seal of the Creating.
JESUS Christ One Seal Of Approval.
"The fourth vial is the only judgment that seems to be different from the plagues of Egypt. The fourth angel causes the sun to scorch men with extreme heat."
rather the JESUS "fourth" Living Testament Word is not the cause of global warming though is within global warming and global warming is under ["within"] the "fourth" Testament.
JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesying Will Be Opening The 7th Seal [process already in progress from His Original Creating Plan (discussed below)] including the 7 Trumpets [like unto Jericho encircled 7x) and the 7th Trumpet including the 7 Bowls. Uniquely JESUS Christ The Original already opened the 7th Seal Before The Fact of the 7th Seal to be opened: see previous Sermon on Before The Fact future signs, current signs, and on [too late Save Give JESUS Loving Prayerful Thanks And Praise And Celebrate] after-the-fact Miracles signs (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon: JESUS Leading Signs at As written in Mark 16:20 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "But they went forth and they preached in every place, and our Lord was helping them and confirming their words with the signs that they were doing." So in JESUS Spirit Innocently (Proverbs 3:5) Precepting even the after-the-fact Miracle signs become Anewly Reinvigorated, even New Life Force Better than about former lower levels of risks and harms.
As written in Joshua 6:16 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "And that seventh time, the Priests sounded with the trumpets and Yeshua said to the people: “Shout, because LORD JEHOVAH has delivered the city to you!" and the mighty walls of Jericho fell. Likewise planet Earth falls, rather is Purified for the JESUS Ascending. JESUS Spirit likewise is Anewly Victory Over such as the "fall" of as written in 3 Nephi 22:15 "Behold, they shall surely gather together against thee, not by me; whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.".
JESUS Spirit Gives the New Better Beginning, Growing Upward. Hardly a farmer would plant seeds for to make plants not successfully grow [no excuse to stray (see previous in this Series on JESUS Christ The Original concerning the Mission Work)]. It is hard for a person to dig the Earth with bare fingers, yet the seed Life Force cracks open the seed shell and the tiny thing plows Upward Loyally toward the air and Sun, and plows down [Maintenance] it's roots (see previous in this Series on Loyalty and how some animals have already entered Heaven).
Already the fields have been ready for Harvest Banquet Hosting hence Ascending plants have entered Heaven prior to any cast into the lake of fire of the first death [sleep] rejuvenater refresher replensiher hence purifier, cleansing that is freeing People from dirt. As written in John 6:31 "Our forefathers ate manna in the wilderness, just as it is written 'He gave them bread from Heaven to eat.' ": JESUS Already Hosted: Do Likewise.
Above is stated the "Life Force cracks open the seed shell", some interpret such as an object the size of a nation impacting planet Earth, and this Agrees with the JESUS Christ Second Coming When The JESUS Spirit One Bride is Prepared (see above such as "already opened" and "already entered Heaven": Already Done) as much as JESUS Christ One Loyal Leadership.
Yet as with the Marriage Honeymoon, and also like unto medical intrusion, the Bride is Already Ready, Prepared, including having Invited With Success The Groom (see above "already in progress" discussion). For what is it for You to Give True Prophesy if Yourself does not to Believe it?, rather the JESUS True Prophet One Does Believe The Real Fact. Similarly the secular a Person on the sidewalk may teach a Motorist to go straight to the big tree, that the motorist find the way. Hence the sidewalk Person has secular faith that the tree is likely still there, and the Motorist has their own type and amount of faith and might do as the Person advised.
There is an older type 1st and 2nd Testaments Bible and toward the end of the book is a Dictionary explaining what a seal is, and it explained about [products] vessels and things made of hands: rhetorically how hardly does that have anything to do with this Sermon on the JESUS Seal.
JESUS Spirit One New Better Beginning: New Heaven.
Just prior to the Big Pulse (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series) in JESUS Father Holy Spirit Ascending One Righteously Prophesying Will Be The Finalizing Of The Creating Plan [thus far in that future situation]. In this JESUS Christ Creating Plan Best JESUS Christ Highest Purpose For The Better For Best For All, important is humble we the people, humble critters (see next verse) and humble other types of Life and even dust more humble than previously if to be with dust at all (see above concerning JESUS Cleansing Blood such as for to never have to dust nor do dishes again).
As written in Isaiah 65:25 "The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and the snake his bread of dust, and they shall do no harm, nor shall they destroy in all the mountain of my holiness, says LORD JEHOVAH" (see above Heaven already, yet with this verse Precept Anewly [retasked rather] Improved hence Better). The Earth and Heaven(s) will crack open as stated above, and from within Earth Will Pour Out Love for the JESUS Spirited Righteous Ascending humbly, as Given Mercifully from JESUS Christ.
14 May 2020AD.
tags: JESUS Spirit reveals previously unseen Sacred Faith kept secret since the Bible began as Heaven will crack open and Heaven on Earth too so Earth Will open to receive, JESUS opening the already open 7th Seal powers unite Revelation 8:1, Ascending plants may enter Heaven prior to any cast into the lake of fire of the first death hence rejuvenation in the 7 cups of wrath, the 7 vials of JESUS Purifying Blood cleansing that is freeing People from dirt of strayed former Global Warming ways.
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