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JESUS Leadership Prep For Second Coming Sermon.

JESUS Christ Will Come Again in All His Glory! This is Good, Good Spirit, and a Good Thing: The Best, JESUS Christ The Original Exemplar, Rejoice! Yet We The People desperately need to prepare for this JESUS Second Coming In All His Glory. To Best For All Prepare In JESUS Spirit [Best For All], consider how this applies to the following illustration of a battle in the Heavens, in other words We Need Now through JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying How To Best Solve strayed Spirits And Things Before The Fact (reference: strategy).

Battle in the sky and outerspace / types of UFOs.


UFO sighting

April 14, 1561.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Battle in the sky and outerspace, types of UFOs, Nuremburg, UFO sighting, 1561, UFO Coin, 1680, French Medal apparently commemorating Renaissance France


Anewly JESUS Christ Gives Victory Over this above illustration as written in John 9:32 Berean Literal Bible "Never out of the age has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of one having been born blind.", and with record as written in John 10:21 "Others were saying, 'These are not the sayings of one possessed by a demon. Is a demon able to open the eyes of the blind?' ", so not of strayed nor fallen ways this Better Way Of JESUS Exemplar is Given as the New Best Strategy.

JESUS Christ Claimed Earth [reclaimed except He never lost it, people strayed hence separated hence lost much, lost all the Better part (Save the Mercy Of JESUS Christ One the Creator of the Heavenly Realms Levels)].

Often on TV in vids and other, is explained about tumultuous battles such as to take over a star base station or such as to take over Earth. So if the [good guys so to speak in the secular at least]

win [the ratings system is with value as all become improved as much as not straying nor falling there of default ascending with the improving flow of the good leading (see older Sermons in this Series on such)]

then that means as much as true or imagined (ibid. on Decartes and on symbolism and on signs and on Precepting and on Flow and on Ascending)

then for to comply [rather Grace]

with as written in Ephesians 6:12 "because to us the wrestling is not against blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.".

JESUS Christ UN Giving Grace Better For All, the Best Way For All is Victory Over "against the rulers": Better more productive Ascending Peace. And this JESUS Best For All Ambassadors...duty [rather to opt Best in Grace] is Victorious Planing Strategically Now for Becoming Over "the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" for the Best For Their Sakes Likewise.

The above illustration concerns a battle symbolic of many TV and vid shows and such, and as shown in many ancient paintings and artworks: so if one side is Victorious, the other side is exterminated [less likely since more likely representatives of planets of stars in outer space] or more likely the losers are defeated here at Earth [or star base...] and so the losers flee back to their home galaxy.

Note "Neoplatonism refers to a philosophical and religious system, beginning with the work of Plotinus in 245 AD, that teaches interpretations of the philosophy and theology of Plato," but the Bible warns not to stray such as to "Plato" as rather JESUS is the Christ and Best Way Provider.

So if the many of many battles throughout time each fled "back to their home galaxy" then while recuperating reconsider their own ways that failed and so may again reconsider full repentance and Belief In JESUS Christ.

So of these "many" of the many stars, and few of them Chosen (yet rather JESUS Strategy for to Save more Now, see above "All"), the "few" is a great multitude, so great the whole world [Earth] could not contain.

JESUS Multitude / Multitude Saved / Few Chosen.

JESUS Multitude = Multitude Saved x Few Chosen.

Revelation 12:4 "And his tail drags a third of the stars of heaven, and he cast them to the earth. And the dragon stands before the woman being about to bring forth, so that when she should bring forth, he might devour her child.".

The unseen of senses is no excuse for "can't love" ( yet is reason for Broadcasting (as explained below) including for Higher Level For All: Desperate Love as JESUS Christ The Original Exemplar explained (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders and For Peace and For All the Best Way).

"Thus reams of mythology have been generated which is taught in public schools to this very day. Now mythology enshrines the remembrance by man of the earliest actings and teachings of these fallen angels and their hybrid offspring of super human vitality. Such had come from the heaven and became gods and they were worshipped as such. They had imparted "life" to humans, they had performed spectacular miracles, and revealed great truths, never before imagined. They had returned to the stars according to Satan's delusion but not before they left a promise to come again!" (

They "promise to come again!" so it is urgent that We Help Them Come In PEACE, for the Better Way, for Together (JESUS Christ UN {JESUS}).

JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace must needs be Broadcast of All People (tense in grammar), including since in the lower levels secular reasonings works that their lower levels secular knowledge Will Fail as separated as disconnected and unable to connect even wirelessly and similarly in lower levels of spirits the separated it's selves from reason for to merely gain selfish worldly knowledge delights: "physics, itself, will fail, and the stars and planets will lose their orbits. With God's all-encompassing power and authority, there's no reason this couldn't happen." ( and this applies Over the: China National Space Administration, Indian Human Spaceflight Programme, Space Force, Roscosmos, NASA, and so on ( 24:22).

"Mark 13:25, NASB: AND THE STARS WILL BE FALLING from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken." (

"~ UFO Coin, 1680 ~

French Medal apparently commemorating

a UFO sighting of a wheel like object in Renaissance France"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Nuremburg, UFO sighting, 1561, UFO Coin, 1680, French Medal apparently commemorating Renaissance France


"The Complete Jewish Bible Deuteronomy 4:19 (CJB) For the same reason, do not look up at the sky, at the sun, moon, stars and everything in the sky, and be drawn away to worship and serve them; ADONAI your God has allotted these to all the peoples under the entire sky." (

If a group is addicted, such as merely interested in making cardboard boxes [not illegal, goodly in the secular] then self imposed blindness to other things and the Better Spirit For All. If addicted to building rockets and flying objects, likewise goodly, yet rather Plan Best For All as Law requires as stated above.

In the previous Sermon JESUS Quickening Spirit Sermon at it stated that some were about being behind "closed doors about what's on their table (hence You in JESUS Spirit opt now to Prayerfully Righteously Prophesy as to what such will see into the future)" (also see above Victory Over the "cosmic powers of this darkness"), so Anewly now Given this Sermon what in JESUS Spirit Prayerfully Righteously Prophesyingly Will You See In Your [rather His (JESUS)] Future?.

8 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to be Victorious Over UFOs hence to Best Way Be Aware Of The Future Of JESUS Christ One Spirit with how to Be Victoriously Planing Strategically Now for Becoming Over UFOs with the New Best Strategy as required in Law such as pertinent for China National Space Administration, Indian Human Spaceflight Programme, Space Force, Roscosmos, NASA, star base stations, galaxies, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas System Correlation Best For All, ancient UFOs illustrations, pics, Nuremburg, UFO sighting, 1561, UFO Coin, 1680, French Medal apparently commemorating Renaissance France, Battle in the sky and outerspace, types of UFOs.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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