JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Second Life Sermon.

JESUS Christ offers Life, Lives, and Lifespans.

...JESUS Third Life / Second Life [optional] / First Life [census now].

"Second Life" times "First Life" hardly equals the JESUS Christ Best Way. No need to fall into the fiery furnace. JESUS x "First Life" = JESUS One Third Life [whether Spirit or Heaven on Earth].

People have known about "the second death" such as written nearly 2,000 years ago, with the old Testament known as the 2nd Testament and the older Testament known as the 1st Testament, and there are the 3rd and 4th Testaments, and these 4 comprise the Main 4 Bible Testaments [though much more is written] of this awareness. The 2nd and 3rd Testaments are tremendously important as JESUS Christ was in the census before [known as "First Life] and after the Tomb [unharmed by the Tomb "Second Life" (see previous Sermon "JESUS x Easter = JESUS Better [Sermon]" at] as many multitudes often witnessed JESUS Christ Spirit Father One.

He is risen! So there is hardly reason to speak of "the second death" anymore since it's in the records if We The Living need reminded.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, after Easter JESUS Christ is Healed and Teaching, Marys, He is Risen!


"He is risen!" so likewise there is hardly reason to speak as if We don't know His Name With His One Family and so His Family Name anymore since it's in the records as written at and at "Context". We do not have to merely exist in "First Life [census now]" level when We can more than merely glimpse "JESUS Third Life" and Live It Now in JESUS Spirit One: the Third Heaven and You [We] Creating Heaven On Earth.

So We hardly need talk about death nor such as straying nor such as falling, though these things have conditional values (see previous in this Series on Straight And Narrow); so there are some values such as in the following statement from

"Religions - Christianity: The Bible - BBC" "The New Testament has 27 books, written between about 50 and 100 AD, and falling naturally into two sections: the Gospels, which tell the story of Jesus (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John); and the Letters (or epistles) - written by various Christian leaders to provide guidance for the earliest church communities.Jul 12, 2011".

What are are some of these "values" from the previous quote?, for one thing this speaks of "Jesus", the most important of "conditional values" and likewise in the Upright, Caring, Good sense; also the "previous" speaks of "Christianity" and importantly, very similar to You, People such as "Matthew"...and in "Letters" [Spoke and importantly] Wrote...the Living Bible, that is We are aware today to write the JESUS Word Living Bible, rather than merely to write letters that others might or might not put into the Bible.

JESUS Christ said in John 21:18 "Truly, truly, I tell you, when you were young, you dressed yourself and walked where you wanted; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.": JESUS Christ Your Creator Gave You the Gift to opt so You opt whether You seek to be treated as a toddler or if to rather be treated as a Christian Leader.

My Wife told me how much She enjoyed seeing the big rare pink Easter Moon that became yellow and more beautiful than She had ever seen it. In the name JESUS [as on the envelope] i gave Her an Easter Present, a simple card with a personal message, and She wept for Joy more than ever.

About "personal message", see below concerning Reporters and consider how many Christians might be made to weep for Joy more than ever, considering how many Bibles [even if merely a Testament...] have been printed to meet demand.

The path of the pistol buyers for to shoot people is applicable to as written in 2nd Testament Revelation 20:14 Berean Study Bible "Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death—the lake of fire.": military defense is not as bad as military offense, and JESUS Better For All Strategy is Better than military [First in the Name Of JESUS Christ Prayerfully Broadcast JESUS Christ UN, then Precept On Precept].

Can You imagine a hardline mainstream wars news reporter on TV Broadcasting "in the Name Of JESUS Christ" and "JESUS Christ UN"?

Thank You for Maintenance level some responsibilities TV news, but more important is the Higher Level News [rather than this train rocket pic].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, after Easter JESUS Christ is Healed and Teaching, Marys, He is Risen!


It was asked above "Can You imagine a hardline mainstream wars news reporter on TV Broadcasting "in the Name Of JESUS Christ" and "JESUS Christ UN"?" and it is not hard but simply easy, for instance a TV news Reporter is aware there are UFO type Visitors from other worlds such as from other solar systems (Hebrews 11:34), and for instance a TV news Broadcaster is aware there are propaganda promoters, and such Reporters have Broadcast but not some things lest to be fired: what does that tell You about Yourself?: You are the fire (second death) Beloved.

If to start Broadcasting the more important news: start.

19 April 2020AD

tags:JESUS Christ UN Law TV news Reporters, explains why TV news reporters got into the business, JESUS Spirit, Bible formulas, 2 or 3 or 4...old Testaments, Russia Ukraine North Korea train missle rocket bomb launched.

Jesus Christ

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