JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS See Sermon.

JESUS Christ heard You. You wanted Proof! This Sermon Gives You Your Wanted Proof! But because You wanted, You, [as this in JESUS Name Righteously Prophesies] will not like it if you opt to stray to naysay instead of JESUS Christ Name One As Baptized Broadcast In Anew JESUS Spirit One Leadership In The Name Of JESUS Christ Boldly as written in Psalm 23:1 Berean Study Bible "A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.".

The Faithful Ascending in JESUS Christ Leading As One are satisfied already including Anew that has not yet surprised since Loyal and even with Righteously Prophesying. See as written with word search "be content" at are verses including such as [since "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils" (from 1 Timothy 6:10)] "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you' ", "The LORD will say to his people, 'Look! I will send you grain, new wine, and oil, and you will be content with them. I will no longer cause you to be a disgrace among the nations' ", and "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation", and so am "content" to "Glory" [With JESUS Christ One Together] in "Victory"!

So while the JESUS Spirit Gladdens the Hoping Heart, if to turn against this is not.

JESUS Spirit In The Gladdened Heart included a couple days ago when many signs were Given, on an Entrance Foyer Door, in the Main large room, on the floor [rainbow effects], and even in the bathroom, and each sign lasted a JESUS Spirit Godsling: of a partial second through a minute or so. All of the signs, the shadows, were at secular low levels [not toward ceiling], see mid page Drawing with clouds and raptors and dinosaurs and the secular and with the caption about Broadcasting three years prior to when JESUS Christ UN Law became Law and concerning the ease of it being "so much easier", see "Prophecy", in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series How to be the Heavenly Father Sermon at fulfilling the Prophesying as written at with Ellicott's Commentary including "So our Lord, following the great prophecy of Daniel 7:13, had spoken of Himself as "coming in the clouds of heaven" and "do do not shrink from taking the words of prophecy in their most literal sense, have seen in Zechariah 14:4".

JESUS Spirit was with a large number of raptors and dinosaurs, mostly the heads and necks, ranging from moderate size to such as Tyrannosaurus rex.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, multitude of JESUS Spirit signs, Righteous Prophesying Tyrannosaurus rex Trex


So to consider the reverse engineering style of traceability of conditions of geographical conditions through time relative to conditions suitable for yielding as stated "Artificial DNA is being made that has expected longevity of 'eons' " as published recently in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series such as in the JESUS DNA Sermon at, there is anewly though [warning] secular consideration concerning the remanufacturing of dinosaurs [hence the more urgent need Before The Fact: JESUS Christ UN With You Broadcasting].

The JESUS Spirit signs came from shadows, and when i put my hands to the light beams and shadows even more distinct types of raptors and dinosaurs appeared without my trying to make such appear: the brief shadows, one after another, with the whole amount of shadows signs lasting perhaps an hour was unique to my experience. I also tried making such appear simply moving my hands for chance to see a recognizable display and a Tyrannosaurus rex happened to appear.

"T. rex's three-foot-long clawed arms may have been more fearsome than they've been" imagined (National Geographic).

"Caudipteryx, was a small peacock-sized omnivore with long tail feathers" "exquisitely preserved" "cells in a 125-million-year-old dinosaur" ( March 20, 2022 ).

"Caudipteryx ate plants and animals"


and were "together in groups"


hence likely together in hunting "groups".

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, multitude of JESUS Spirit signs, Righteous Prophesy Caudipteryx hunting groups dinosaur birds raptors, T-rex, Tyrannosaurus rex


"Dinosaur Cloning": "First Healthy Prehistoric DNA Was Found in a Perfectly Preserved Fossil" ( Oct 21, 2021).

Such as two weeks ago i had no idea that a Sermon now would be about dinosaurs as the JESUS Spirit was for me to rather write of JESUS Christ Spirit Higher Level Concerns, yet i go as JESUS Spirit Sends. This agrees with many older Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on having written Prophecies concerning dinosaurs and DNA cloning. Doubt not, JESUS Christ Will Restore, from Your prior Faith amounts You Will See the New, as written in Matthew 21:21 Berean Study Bible "“Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “if you have faith and do not doubt, not only will you do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen.".

Look at it this symbolic way: [other than startup, with a controlled area such as a few hundred yards: but this is no excuse] we do not make a model plane with engines that fly far unless we first make things to control such a plane, whether a string, a handheld, and/or such as an onboard computer that is preprogrammed as to the flight path; instead we are responsible for that plane under law. It is Grace if to buy and fly such a plane, though under law when operating it such as so it doesn't cause cars on a highway to crash, and so it doesn't crash into stained glass windows nor worse.

JESUS Christ is Best, including Prophetically: Be the Good Seer, Be the JESUS Christ One Best Seer.

7 March 2020AD

tags: jesusun, jesus un, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas, this Sermon Gives You the Proof Your Wanted, the Proof You long Hoped to have! Many signs were given pertinent to secular low levels as Prophecied including raptors dinosaurs and the Second Coming such as about the flying Caudipteryx ate animals together in hunting groups and Tyrannosaurus rex with claws three feet long dinosaur cloning DNA preserved newly discovered for Your JESUS Best Broadcasting control Before The Fact.

Jesus Christ

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