JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Sends You Sermon.

JESUS Christ You Out, not to be out such as in cast away, JESUS Christ You Out To Be JESUS Christ One, As JESUS Christ Is. What is it like to be Sent, as if cast away though Sent Out in the previous sentence sense?, it is like unto the JESUS Spirit Work to create the previous Sermon at and upon completion JESUS Christ One Anew Victory Over Yet With As JESUS Christ Said as written in John 16:8 through 11!

Even so, the previous Sermon as Sent of JESUS Christ did not judge in the lower levels worldly sense, such as to incarcerate, as punishments have been worldly ideas, save JESUS Christ allowed His innocent vessel to be punished Once For All even as symbolized with Easter coming Sunday, April 17, 2022AD. So to be with JESUS Spirit the only judging to consider is if to find any Worthy in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, for Uplifting. This is as JESUS explained as written in John 12:47 American Standard Version "And if any man hear my sayings, and keep them not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.".

JESUS Christ is found Good and Worthy to have Risen from under the Earth, and to have Ascended into Better Eternal Glory.


From the Heavenly Kingdom of JESUS Christ the Holy Spirit Anewly made Abram the King Of Kings from the City Of Light, Ur. After the Garden Of Eden was the great gap, the separation for awareness to miss the Better Righteous Holy Heavenly Kingdom Way Of The Lord, like unto the Great Flood was the separation though many civilizations perished having opted separations. From the King Of Kings came the King Of Kings, from the Lord Of Lords came the Lord Of Lords formalized in 2nd Testament Holy Baptism in the known name JESUS the Christ.

The New Beginning, this is the Start of the JESUS Christ We Anewly Created Heaven On Earth Genesis Beginning.


Genesis 15:1 Aramaic "After these answers was the answer of LORD JEHOVAH to Abram in a vision and he said to him: 'Do not fear Abram; I shall support you, your very great reward.' ".

This "very great reward" is the name JESUS!

The lower levels have thought of Abraham as the Father Of The Faith and the Father of many Children, and true. True is like unto a Person ordering a glass of wine but the Bartender presents 1/2 glass of wine, and the Person says I ordered a glass of wine, but the Bartender says it is a glass of wine [meaning how They serve such an amount of wine regardless of the container size] and while both are "true", one truth is better for the Orderer and one truth is better for the Server: Righteousness Guides Truth, Righteousness is Higher Level than Truth: if the Server is actually to Serve the Customer then for to please the Customer [if costly perhaps solve via smaller glasses, secular level costs have existed].

So JESUS Christ Gave His Highest Purpose Righteousness to Best Way Solve, with Distinguishing Worthy Truth Level Over less value truth level. Ascending is to go Higher typically symbolically, while JESUS Gives Missions also such as to go low to Help Serve like unto the Good Samaritan, and in so Doing to Righteously Ascend In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, Helping to explain as He said in New Living Translation "Righteousness is available because I go to the Father, and you will see me no more" (see above "John 16:8 through 11"): Exemplar. Be the JESUS Christ One Exemplar.

The previous Sermon spoke of signs and was with words, what are in such?, to lower levels less faithful less trustworthy such are wild imaginations different crazy and foreign, yet for the JESUS Ascending it is like unto traveling back in time to teach them what to do: Giving Them JESUS Spirit signs and visions, with explanatory words so in such is the JESUS Christ One Spirit Best Way To Proceed Faith. Similar to pilots often not anxious to report UFOs nor strange visions, "strange" is not the enemy, UFOs and visions are not the enemy.

As written in in Pulpit Commentary "Biblically viewed, the vision, as distinguished from the ordinary dream, defines the presentation to the bodily senses or to the mental consciousness of objects usually beyond the sphere of their natural activities". So like the above shield, the egg shell, one type of protector, protecting from the external unseen that might be kind or might attack (hence from the Tree Of Knowledge).

The JESUS Christ One Ascending Growing Magnifying Best Way Righteous Tree Of Life is not about such as "attack" nor even as much as such possibility.

Here is a New Beginning Vision Of The Future Shield: Genesis 17:15 New American Standard "After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, 'Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your reward shall be very great.' ". So with this Better Helpfully Best Way Guiding Righteous Vision Of The Future and therefore with this next Verse through the name JESUS the Christ comes Anew Righteous Prophecy Greater And Better than previously, Preceptingly.

Genesis 17:15 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "And I shall bless her, and also I shall give to you a son from her, and I shall bless him and he shall be for the nations, and Kings of the nations shall be from him.". So this is from Lord JESUS Christ, also described as "JEHOVAH", with "Abram", Anewly Becoming Father Abraham and "from her", Sarah, and Sarah means princess.

What is obvious here?, We are all Kings [and Princesses, Queens,...], We are all Royalty, and from Heaven Gods rather JESUS Christ One as Baptized, even so much of this sentence is hardly the point Save "JESUS Christ One as Baptized" though Baptism is a mere stepping stone Firmament Level as a key for so entering the Higher Grace Levels. This "point" is of the above JESUS Christ One Best Way Ascending Thread Preceptingly Anewly Genesis Yet Better toward the not yet seen Second Coming in the future is the "point" (like unto John 3:6) of JESUS Righteous Prophesyings:

secular kingships for to lord over others is hardly about the Best Way For All, yet Abraham and Sarah begot Children and They did likewise,...yet continue from Heaven Their "spirits" as begotten civilization opts, whether goodly spirit or faithless spirit, concerns the "point" of this.

A Son, and the "nations" as One!


What happens when there are many Children, each with the Good Given JESUS Christ One Flowing Spirit Power to opt, as with the current world population at "7,935,573,552" (, at least generally so to speak 7,935,573,552 / 2 = 3,967,786,776 People of probability would opt "goodly spirit", and so toward Better and as many as continue Faithfully Loyally, means more and more Christians are JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying.

So this "point" is the future Better Ascending Leaping Heavenly increasingly more perfectly, even as much as to describe today is it Will Be Perfect [from this perspective today: unable to see any flaw since so exceedingly more Perfect]. So this "point" also includes less by default about unawareness, less about reasons to stray, and rather more about the known Best Way like unto since the 2nd Testament knowing the name of God: JESUS.

JESUS One: from Heaven on Earth, Create Anew Better Heaven on Earth. Here shown below is from JESUS Spirit Anewly a new sign, for You for All.

Below left is Abraham and to the right Sarah, but

between Them They have no children on Earth,

All Their Children are above the Angels, at the Top In Heaven.


24 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit Gives New Better Righteous Prophesying Future Awareness Over All including Over All Things and Lifts And Gives Father Abraham With Sarah New Better Children, at least with 7,935,573,552 / 2 = 3,967,786,776, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas, Righteous Prophesying Begets Righteous Prophesying Vision Protector Shield.

Jesus Christ

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