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JESUS Sent Jonah Sermon.

JESUS Christ did things the Righteous already did in the 1st [Old] Testament, and JESUS Christ did Better than such, Ascending Righteously Prophesyingly Over (see in these Precepts including Jonah 1:1 & 2 with Lexicon) the former [counted as though relatively worse as much as pertinent, like unto a nice farm field of vegetables though stones perhaps pearls and weeds perhaps if cold might appear] as many rightly Preached Jonah (Jonah 1:3) in New King James Version actually as counted in the after-the-fact lower level sense did "flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD" and in the New International Version "Jonah ran away from the LORD" though also Preached is that Jonah did not run away from the Lord Eternal Omnipresent and like unto Jonah and rather JESUS Christ Original Creator

this morning i was delivered from the Legion Of Mixed Souls Faiths Amounts yet including at times much Goodness Guidingly Helpingly hardly to run away and rather here online with You Together According to Our Faith Best For All hence JESUS Christ Original Oneness Improving. As written in New King James Version "Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, 'Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me.' ", the Lexicon explained "Above, over, upon, against" yet if to be Better than formerly Creating Best For All Desperate Love Fellowship Leadership then in JESUS Spirit "Above, over, upon," rather than "against" which is also under the Law as in cliche "against the Law".

Behold the Transfiguration though secular thrilling new idea about space time travel.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB Anewly Better Girds Sacred Life Force Powers Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Righteously Distinguish Transfiguration, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Transfiguration though secular thrilling new idea as how to space time travel


The above if in JESUS Christ Best Way Best For All Desperate Loving Spirit Of Grace Envisions Better Joy Exciting And New,

or if "against" "the LORD" pretends as the comic gif is not actually moving a spacecraft and people in in secular levels of ideas.

This JESUS Sent Jonah Sermon Anewly Because Of JESUS Christ Spirit as He Gave this morning even if merely unto my [humble though also Bold] interpretation for His Best For All Improving, this Fellowship Oneness Creating for All to see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of this Civilization has been hidden in the JESUS Creator According to His humble Agreeing Preparing And Working The Best in All things and rather One JESUS Spirit Creator New Better.

As written in Ephesians 3:9 New King James Version "and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ;"

This JESUS Sent Jonah Sermon is Anew because of JESUS Christ as He [Gave me, that is rather as He] Sent even merely me. Though this is hardly about me like unto His Messenger Child for the humbly Loyally Righteously Gathered Nations In JESUS Christ UN as already completed and in the past former history, rather Preceptingly Anewly Best For All Is Good Creator Eternal JESUS Christ. So this Sermon Message is the Gathering Better as wheat into the silo continuing for the Hosting Table. This [again in secular words, rather] Anewly Better In JESUS Christ Spirit is written in Ephesians 1:10 "that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him." with Lexicon "Fitting season, season, opportunity, occasion, time." [( Lexicon continues in explanation about such, and for JESUS Christ One Victory Over such].

Mothers, nursing is Good, normally, and i said about You "Good"; so please bear with me now as i burden You with this sentence though as JESUS Christ said in Matthew 11:30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." and continuing this applies to and Best for All that from the breast is counted in the lower levels as though excrement, waste, though rather of Higher Level Grace Behold as JESUS Christ explained in We have the Law and the Prophet Jonah:

Jonah was in the "great fish" until "vomited out" (Jonah 2:10) likewise concerning the toilet matters Save JESUS Christ Wedding Matters (see Church criteria, legal matters, Family criteria, and previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on "dating") as the secular said on TV often including yesterday to relieve stress do lower things [in the Bible about comforts and The Comforter yet Ascending is with the Best Comforter Guide JESUS Christ] though be above temptations and rather For The Best For All Through JESUS Christ

as the Creator of "the land vomits out its inhabitants" (Leviticus 18:25) ["inhabitants" hence JESUS Christ UN Law: Broadcast the Righteous Prophetic Truth], also [(reference in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series Drawings with the [JESUS] J purple curved line) also]; "the projecting curved line along which two intersecting vaults meet" and "a rib that covers this edge"(Merriam-Webster).

Behold the Joy JESUS Christ Offers including fun! Good Fun x Good Fun = Joy [as much as Your rather All Participants' amount of Faith in JESUS Christ. We have New Better Holy Joy to Give from JESUS Christ including New Better Translating means, New Better JESUS Christ Pertinent For Ascending Technologies and Preceptingly from Good to Better, for Holiness Festival example read the caption under the Rosetta Stone Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New Covenant / New Logic Sermon at and such can be in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit as a Christian Theme Park rather than mere secular amusement park yet inviting All including visitors, hence fun amounts toward Better Joy, Interesting.

So this Anewly Guides pertinently applying Over Yet as stated such as including "for Mass Baptisms All At Once" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Gift Sermon at Jonah was sent of the Lord to Preach where needed [Sheep amidst wolves] and as stated above "like unto Jonah and rather JESUS Christ Original Creator was Sent and more importantly JESUS Christ Agreed, example a kindly Person might beg for a cup of water, though a mean Person might despise You saying symbolically "Good people make me sick, and I don't believe what they say and don't like their stuff, how about giving me a cup of water?" so rather than merely giving water to perhaps Ascend to explain such as the JESUS Christ Better [than "sick"] Way lest They might throw the "cup of water" at You for being "Good".

So JESUS Christ Does Good Likewise not merely after-the-fact, also Creator Before The Fact of Jonah and You and All Of Us: reference the Original Creation Plan that JESUS Christ Created in order for Best For All, whether sent of goodly spirits or other (see above on "waste" [it is waste as the Great Fish Vomited Jonah Save [Baby] Jonah per se: hence Save Your Wed Birth though conditions apply such as fertilizer has value, and such as not to cut the Baby in half trying to be as King Solomon]). Vomit merely Good JESUS Christ Original Words Best For All In One in JESUS Christ We Victory Over Yet With Transparency In Recordkeeping as written in Matthew 8:9 "For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, 'Go,' and he goes; and to another, 'Come,' and he comes; and to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does it." as a Faith amount with Matthew 8:10.

Was the Person "under authority" with People "under" in the Flow Line, JESUS Christ Spirit? the Amount of Faith Agreeing is: Yes! Jonah ran for to Give Yes! JESUS Christ ran for Office as King: Yes! Even the Crucifier found Him Good and Appointed Him!, even if the Crucifier may have joked privately with Others in the Clique and if so then rewarded already. So to Flow Up Better For All Through JESUS Christ is Good Work, Word With Doing, such as typing online likewise Broadcasting as Urgent And The NEED is, while other such as to think "I don't want to get rid of worldly pleasures" is not understood in any lower level than JESUS Christ Level.

A Higher Level should Best For All In JESUS Christ Spirit Lead a lower level: this is how "Omnipresent" functions as stated above. This is how the JESUS Christ Living Life Giving Alway(s) Better The Best Way For The Best For All Original Plan functions. This is How The Triad Flow fits from lower levels of military as if for victories against others for wars with casualties, to rather secular government to rather best. Flow with Formula:

JESUS Christ One Guiding Father Spirit Family Uniting Peacefully Better Preceptingly Fitting Together Best For All / Former secularisms ways / Former military triads ways.

JESUS Christ Best = Lifting the Worthy of secular ways x Lifting the Worthy of "under authority" as JESUS Christ had been (Luke 2:49 [as an Innocent Child]).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ including New Better Translating online Preaching and resources and apps and texting means, New Better JESUS Christ Pertinent For Ascending Technologies and Preceptingly as JESUS Christ is Everywhere Good


21 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Anewly Better Girds Sacred Life Force Powers Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Righteously Distinguish Transfiguration thrilling new idea as how to space time travel actually functions with Broadcasting Anewly JESUS Christ UN Law and rather Grace Level as JESUS Christ Spirit is Everywhere Good, Immaculate Newborn Jonah, JESUS Christ Proof With Better than proof, with Bible Flow Godsling Formula, even the wasteful Crucifier Created The Newborn King JESUS Christ.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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