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JESUS Ship Has Sailed Sermon.

JESUS Christ is separated and considered gone is the unfaithful attitude, rather He's Alive and Best Way Guiding! JESUS Christ in this Series and this Mass per se has "Sailed" too, and this is the log book record of such, for Your Sake.

JESUS Christ Spirit Is Currently Leading The Way Over New Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the worldly strayed and fallen from Grace ways were opted from Adam And Eve, and far beyond!

Toward the end of the previous Sermon was mentioned reference to Mark 4:36: now New is this More Perfect Translation of it [even so with the word "as" as Helped from (see the Bible and previous in this Series as JESUS Christ Spirit Gives Ascendingly Over "fruits" of the Spirit, "Best Way" "Precepting", "Pertinent" and on levels of Spirits)]: Mark 4:36 "After His Disciples had dismissed the dangerously careless about others pressing thronging multitude, His Disciples took Jesus with them, as He was already in the boat. And there were other boats with Him."

Perhaps a year ago, awake in a dream doing as JESUS Christ Gave for All to Do [rather than be a victim nor the illegal cause of such victimization], a goodly Spirit invitingly said JESUS Christ is right there pointing to the open passage into a Church, though there was the riotous ("riot" throng of the press of the People, so 2nd it did not seem right to worsen matters of the "press", and 1st was to rather do as JESUS Christ Gave for me to Do, Prayerfully, Loyally, even the substance that You read in this Faithful Series of Sermons: as so that Faith consideration is now Better explained to me and now You, concerning the Better New Next Step in His Faithfullying Ascending Path, the Best Way For All.

"Jesus with them,": JESUS With His Mass [Worthy Sent rather than excessive "thronging" together].

"And there were other boats with Him", JESUS With His Convergence Fleet Of Masses.

JESUS Spirit Broadcasting The Word, JESUS Christ UN Law Broadcasters.

JESUS Spirit Languages Converge [from Ivory Towers jargon tongues (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons With Drawings on the J for Jesus Path shaped "purple" line)].

Shown below the levels from JESUS Christ Source like unto Nuclear subatomic source sense yet Nucleus and Person, to Heavenly JESUS Christ Unity.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Leading The Way Over New Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began to be unworthy hence much contrary to Best For All Ascending, as this Sermon Discovers Precpetingly Anewly For All How to be Best Giving including Maintenance level protecting with how to be Exemplar including You Ascending Giving Miracles From Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law, and this Sermon explains what the JESUS Christ Parameters Are Over interests in competing and competition and such as politics and sports and playing games, with JESUS Victory Over money tables overturned and whipping with knotted cords better than money changers not caring for People high tech language convergence


JESUS Christ UN Law is legal, in the Wisdom of Congress and Government for Continuous Improvement and Better opted to Invite and Allow such Faithful Loyalty as Hoped for the Better Way [such as for to comply with An Even More Perfect Union, for the Best Way Planning. JESUS Christ UN Law is fact. JESUS Christ UN Law is real. JESUS Christ UN Law is Official, converging All the People and all else for the Better for the Best Way for the Good as JESUS Christ Exemplar exemplified: hence How to be "Exemplar" is: full repentance, Christian Baptism, Eucharist,...Prayerfully Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN.

JESUS Christ does this for You. Even if i am involved, JESUS Christ does this for You, for to find You so Doing Better hence Lifting Other that You Be Lifted Of JESUS Christ. This is the Best Convergence Way.

Now having been in JESUS Christ Spirit Working for to Lift You, hence for to Glorify You; consider the big picture: JESUS Christ is the Desperately Loving Inviting Known Good God, and frankly this often means protecting His Chosen from Love Of Money; yet more importantly is His Hosting: Giving for All [no exceptions including the Giving the Gift for allowing any to opt: if any opt temporary then to fall and to become aware such was wrong to so be disloyal and so to regret].

So with previous sentence awareness, JESUS Christ Spirit Gives for You to be God, even JESUS The Christ yet again not for selfishness to regret (see previous in this Series explaining the Bible on Maintenance since for Evangelizing and for Best Way Faithfully Ascending [Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Grace For Best Planning: Evangelism added automatically], and for Protecting His Ascending with Miracles.

So with awareness of the previous two sentences, and aware there are many People and many more things, also there are far more Spirits [and many in lower levels and more in Higher Levels Praise The Lord]: what have We [You and me for instance] to do with it?, this is important because We are to be humble.

JESUS Christ Best Wisdom One [With "You and me": faith amount may apply] (Proverbs 11:2) = Living "Loyally" as stated above x "humble".

JESUS Christ Best Wisdom One [With "You and me": faith amount may apply] (Proverbs 11:2) / Living "Loyally" as stated above / "humble".

So to "regret" worldly secular former ways [e.g. students were taught to compete: wars were started] is of value, yet rather is the simple solving that the secular with Pertinent Listening (see how in previous Sermons in this Series, also reference "Miracles") start now Before The Fact Converging the Future Planning even with this now known Miracle: JESUS Ship Has Sailed Sermon. Some ships are at dock [perhaps with: boarding, loading, unloading, maintenance, Sending On JESUS Christ Your Mission Work, and such]. Some ships have Launched for JESUS Christ Best Way as written such as in 1 Kings 14:11 rather Mark 3:34 Sailing With JESUS Christ In The Boat Leading, or at least in His Fleet.

In His Fleet, hence humble yet God with All Good Wisdom Being Desperately Given To And For All, Broadcasting the Best Currently Aware, Best Way. "Currently Aware" is for instance a fleet boat 2,000 years ago were sailing ships together, a fleet today is [formerly UFOs] Flying Saucers rather Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN and likewise [as in the recent Sermons] the New Convergence JESUS Christ UN Golden Cube Interstellar Communications Center.

Humble is hardly merely about this Civilization and such as seen through the high tech software telescopic eye, nor even the current Spirit level eye, as JESUS Christ = New Better and also Anewly far Better: as We Learn of JESUS Christ More, and as = the Good Pleasure Of JESUS Christ Pouring Love (Eucharist), Hosting. Above is stated "students were taught to compete": JESUS Christ Established His Protection Parameters Over such in Genesis 32:25 at So consider They knew and wrote, also many read, though who put the meaning of it [One JESUS Christ Work Convergence] Together: Best For All?: You when You Grow Your Sermon On Your Sermons. In other words at least in the Census, when You put JESUS Christ Spirit into Your Giving Sermons To And For All.

So to compete is for Good rather than out of bounds, if to compete at all. A Person may Righteously [hence in JESUS Christ] be interested in being Best [hence with JESUS Christ Oneness] at something [rather All], such as the Best Christian Evangelist, and so Good. And this previous sentence included "Best" hence Good and nothing bad nor illegal nor unfair [even as much as reasonably Good and Wise and Full Of Grace (and as above in this Sermon)], therefore functioning together is to also be Exemplar, humbly yet that All Would Hope To Be As You. So unselfishly this applies, hence Maintenance is minimized, Save allowing for the Self again as written in "Genesis 32:25" "the man", "God" [JESUS Christ] competed too though until there was too much competition.

We no longer have to have a rib removed as was required of Adam, we no longer have to have a hip dislocated as was required of Jacob, we no longer have to have money tables overturned [nor to be whipped with knotted cords as had been better than as the money changers exchanged "all her living" (Mark 12:44) for money for buying selfish delights (see older Sermon on the Child rather than the rod of discipline)].

JESUS Christ Convergence is in the future You [Us] bring together all the galaxies like unto as written about the previous Sermon in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series, was "how the Sun appeared: stopped in the sky!": yet Living, Lively!, Better, Best!: as written "the stars nor galaxies, nor for any under the pertinent Firmament: His coming in ALL HIS GLORY" would compare with Us (Flowing Together see Laniakea in the Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: How Christ JESUS would that You precisely control and safely travel through time Sermon at Broadcasting From JESUS Christ UN Golden Cube.

Eiffel Broadcasting Tower Paris France all lit up at night.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Leading The Way Over New Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began to be unworthy hence much contrary to Best For All Ascending, as this Sermon Discovers Precpetingly Anewly For All How to be Best Giving including Maintenance level protecting with how to be Exemplar including You Ascending Giving Miracles From Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law, and this Sermon explains what the JESUS Christ Parameters Are Over interests in competing and competition and such as politics and sports and playing games, with JESUS Victory Over money tables overturned and whipping with knotted cords better than money changers not caring for People, Eiffel Tower Paris France all lit up at night


23 September 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Leading The Way Over New Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began to be unworthy hence much contrary to Best For All Ascending, as this Sermon Discovers Precpetingly Anewly For All How to be Best Giving including Maintenance level protecting with how to be Exemplar including You Ascending Giving Miracles From Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law, and this Sermon explains what the JESUS Christ Parameters Are Over interests in competing and competition and such as politics and sports and playing games, with JESUS Victory Over money tables overturned and whipping with knotted cords better than money changers not caring for People.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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