JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Signs And Schedule Sermon.

JESUS Christ offers Miracle signs and schedule information in plain sight, for all who are looking to see, yet how a person looks affects how a person interprets. How civilization opts a faith type and amount and conditions concerning viewing illustrations and text, affects how civilization would likely interpret or misinterpret the truth.

Like unto how the Church Bus Driver should drive, instead of the children driving; so too Ascend [right to left in the following Flow amount next sentence] above former Preacher Levels to "drive" Better Interpretations for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All.

JESUS Highest Purpose Loyalty (see below Proverbs 3:5 discussion) / 2nd Testament Preachers / 1st Testament High Priest without the name of God and merely some descriptions about the Godly Way(s) / 1st Testament Preachers prior to Moses and the Law hence without any formal idea about justice hence hardly about Mercy.

Better Translating And Interpreting Bible Verses, Signs, And Wonders, come from the newly Higher Level Now Formally Legally Recognizing Grace of JESUS Christ UN Law as so Recognized.

Stated below is "do not rely on your own insight or understanding.", and so to merely hear this precept in the 1st Testament old days, then perhaps to interpret as if to mean act foolishly, hence without thinking about the consequences. But that precept doesn't mean that at all, even though typically appearing such, since Faith concerns the unseen and JESUS Christ Best Awareness including Proof Before The Fact in JESUS Christ Creation Plan.

We are not to rely on foolishness, but on JESUS Christ All Of Us Together As One Faithfully Ascending In His Name And Will And Work, and then to become increasingly aware of the Path as much as We conquered thus far as a lower level indicator yet Better than the much lower levels of secular ways.

JESUS Spirit Loyalty / [JESUS Miracles Comforting Us but not for Us to rely merely on such] / JESUS Spirit Faith Amount thus far / former strayed ways pains.

JESUS Name Loyalty / [JESUS Miracles] / JESUS Best Way Interpreting Faithfully.

JESUS One Us Righteous Prophesying In JESUS Name Loyally / [Signs and Miracles are Given and exist] / former less awareness.

Let Us Function Together to Give these JESUS Righteous Prophesyings In The JESUS Name Loyally, to and for any less aware yet key is in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including to not overly tempt.

A Child was Given signs and reacted.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, running from the shadows, Fear JESUS Christ, Prophesy, Prophecies, Miracles


JESUS Christ Gives Anewly for Us All, some better defined, translated, and interpreted Righteous Prophesying matters. Fear JESUS Christ, Be Prophesying, hence Prophecies become fulfilled as Miracles come. So what is the Hope for to be Righteously Prophesying in the name of JESUS Christ?, this "Hope" is to fulfill the Prophecies as We Together [Agreeingly] Prophesy [that is, see next sentence], therefore Our Hope is to form Miracles, and so for to get something though rather for to Give [including to Prove that Others come Do Likewise for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose].

Behold what JESUS Christ said as written in Matthew 18:20 New International Version "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.", likewise Matthew 18:16 "But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ " [and Behold what this includes as written in 1 Corinthians 5:4 "So when you are assembled and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present,"].

So We Prophesying in the name of JESUS Christ is exceedingly Better than merely an individual so Doing. Allow for more than one Priest to so Prophesy in front of the Mass, if two or more can Perfectingly so Ascend to Agree for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

A. Two or more for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Righteously Prophesying in the name of JESUS Christ / B. A Righteous Prophet In JESUS Name / C. secular hopes.

Which is more important, to save the Earth from being disintegrated a year from now, or to save the Earth from being disintegrated two years from now?, "a year from now". Hence JESUS Christ Spirit Gives Us New Church Standard Criteria Over types of Righteous Prophesying in the Name of and for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. Hence We from JESUS Spirit Awareness Righteously Know [according to this Traceability Flow] that "two years from now" relies on "a year from now" therefore through JESUS Flowing we are Righteously Aware a situation to solve [such as type of Mission to solve and perhaps supplies (such as Matthew 10:42) and equipment] "two years from now" relies on the JESUS Righteous Best Prophesying Situation Mission "a year from now".

Even so as explained above, We rely on JESUS, not on the Miracles of the supplies and equipment and such. We Rely With JESUS One Together All Best Way Spirit For All rather than being about the things created for Us to Overcome. Example: to handle to Give "supplies" is hardly the same as lower level Maintenance to consume pleasantries for our own comforts.

Yarn, crocheted doolies (see previous in this Series on JESUS Christ nets, satellite paths, Internet, roads, railroads, electric grid,...).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Prophesying Togetherjesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Prophesying Together Crocheting

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In the recent JESUS UN Sermon on the FBI there was an arrow shadow that [with a test proving background standardizing] kept appearing as a pertinent sign. The arrow appeared again yesterday and i called my Wife to come see, and She saw and We tried to figure it out, and it came from a box [not an arrow shape], and the clouds. Now the box We can explain in the secular, as for instance a naysayer might say it was not miracle, the box did it; but the control of the clouds is harder to explain in the secular, yet the JESUS Spirit easily clearly explains every aspect with Good Pertinence Value [Best For All] in this Miraculous situation.

This morning some Spirits cared for to be with Blessed Biblical Leadership Interpretations, and i Gave some Bible Precepts; then another came with garbled info and i was JESUS Protected from Giving accordingly [save if to give a garbled result] and then something important and pertinent happened when the one that had the garbled was afterward heard talking with another spirit and said something foul against me: Be With JESUS Christ Loyalty Ascendingly to Learn Victory Over such "garbled" Lesson.

John 5:44 "How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?": JESUS Spirit Word to the former lower level as if UNKNOWN GOD 1st Testament (as explained above in this Sermon) Holy Spirit [(also Matthew 7:6) this is not for to insult nor for to cause enemies, instead as stated for Guiding for Ascending for JESUS Highest Purpose Best For All: such things might hurt feelings temporarily yet are Better than letting Souls remain at lower levels].

With this JESUS Spirit Gentle Mild Light Burden Best For All Learning, can be said as written in Matthew 8:29 " 'What do you want with us, Son of God?' they shouted. 'Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?' ":

the point of this is even the lower level spirits knew some things about JESUS Christ and conditionally about the future: about "the appointed time".

A year from now is an "appointed time" for something, today is a far more important pertinent key "appointed time" for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN and Better Together For Best For All [note i am currently already on this JESUS Given Mission as such already, Others are in Church Groups and are already set to Function in Their Groups, let pertinent Groups do pertinent Mission(s) like unto how the foot walks, though the hand grabs and Rather Gives Goodness].

What seems to be missing from this pic?


The above pic might be interpreted as if no one is photographing it, hence a Miracle from JESUS Christ and true at least in one sense as the whole created is from good [much good exists exceedingly for the Loyal], though also in the secular leaning it is likely that such as being photographed via a timed camera on a lanyard, or such as from an overhead boom crane; but beware concerning jumping from Grace to under Law secular conclusions. Grace jumps are Leaps Of Faith In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, but secular jumps to conclusive ideas have often been wrong: Proverbs 3:5 Amplified Bible "Trust in and rely confidently on the LORD with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding.", rely conditionally on secular levels under laws [including laws of physics] types of predictions hence such as if understandings.

Many traditionally teach some secular obsolete strayed ideas: such does not necessarily make goodly learning but may cause the opposite.

Translate, interpret, and learn Together Better Righteous Prophesying in the JESUS Spirit.

28 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, Before The Fact schedule the appointed time Righteously Prophesying Together In JESUS Name, two or more Righteous Prophets, Bible Formulas, JESUS Christ Spirit Gives Us New Church Standard Criteria Over types of Righteous Prophesying in the Name of and for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, Fear JESUS Christ, running from the shadows.

Jesus Christ

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