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JESUS Singing Sermon.

JESUS Christ is the Best Singer, trembling the structures, moving the Soul to Joyful Bliss. JESUS Sang Out when He Preached such as the Bible Book Of Psalms, the Book of Sacred Songs, Hymns, and also Sacred Bible Poems. Likewise with specially indented lines, from the Book Of Isaiah JESUS Uplifted with Matthew 12:18 through 21 New American Standard Bible ending with "AND IN HIS NAME THE GENTILES WILL HOPE.". Philippians 2:9–12 is "Likewise" yet ending with "fear and trembling".

So the first "trembling" was Uplifting "the structures, moving the Soul to Joyful Bliss" hence JESUS Christ Spirit Victory Over the second "trembling" about "fear" even so the Reverent Fear of the Lord is Good because of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way Leading such Properly Aligned Best Way Fitting "fear" Ascendingly into "trembling" "Uplifting" "the structures, moving the Soul to Joyful Bliss" [the "structures" such as the Temple and Holy Grail Type Eucharist Vessel].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how a New Type Of Faith Application Applies For The Word Of JESUS Christ With One New Power Harmony, New Properties With New Electromagnetism split ring U shaped magnet quantum levitation, supercooled track magnets toward perpetual motion, Maglev, factories levitation virtual outerspace beltways, Mars Preacher Telepathy, NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN as seen on TV.


So to any lacking JESUS Christ Spirit Oneness are already with reward as They opted, fear is what They hoped amiss, such as hurrying out to buy weapons against this Civilization. Rather in Reverent Preaching, and be carefully humble Praying JESUS Christ Loyally [hence not excuse to stray] the Loyal Give such "Preaching", simply stated as if merely in secular cause-and-effect: the JESUS Christ Spirit One NEEDFUL JESUS CHRIST UN BROADCASTING is Victory Over fear: to Preach is to Give away one's own childishly formerly interpreted lower levels fears that hang over so many as though shadows to quench the light that does not quench.

Woven baskets have often been known for having many small holes, for light to shine; and such baskets been known for having been dry (, to fear the light and not Give to the Worthy Level is as to put the candle under the dry basket hence as written in Luke 23:31 "For if they do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?". Shall We The People merely standby and wait for the rain cloud of as if UNKNOWN GOD(S) and works of hands that wove the "dry"?, rather We Wisely Righteously BROADCAST JESUS CHRIST UN in Giving Desperate Love!

"HOPE" is stated above. A Partner once told me [as in secular cliche]: Sell hope but never buy hope. Though then the "fear" remains a burden. If to sell a hope that does not make perfect, then to sell false hopes and invite attacks. Yet to humbly Give the JESUS Christ Message is to Give fear, to Give the Good reason for Improving, hence the fears the Listeners have childlishly kept unawares need change: very many are not interested in changing especially if with worldly pleasures even if innocently such as to become an Actuary and then after that hard work to be told so much of it is now automated. What is the Kingdom Of Heaven like?: Engineers figured out ISO sampling levels for their factories and posted the info so all there knew [All had no more fear of how to calculate such accurately]. So there is Your Work For All, or attackers, there is Your Group money basket or Your basket on fire of Your Own Hard Works.

Here is a secular level guide simple to understand: brand new cars, and skyscrapers not built on sacred burial grounds are hardly on scary[?: rather JESUS BROADCASTING (as seen on TV)] TV shows of hauntings, rather such creatures appear in buildings that People no longer frequent, and at cemeteries. According to Google a "shaman" is "a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits". More to the point: "a person" " having access to" "evil spirits". A secular TV Spokesperson said about the shown "evil spirits" type of entity, that the Spokesperson would refer Them to a Shaman: so the bad is sent to the bad.

As JESUS Christ Preached concerning All of Them in Matthew 15:14 "Leave them alone; they are blind guides of blind people. And if a person who is blind guides another who is blind, both will fall into a pit.", and "All" applies for Good People Awareness Records Too: Broadcast. It is Better and lighter burden to Evangelize Before The Fact as JESUS Preached whether about You or Them, for "All" as written in Matthew 5:25 "Come to good terms with your accuser quickly, while you are with him on the way to court, so that your accuser will not hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and you will not be thrown into prison." and Ezekiel 11:9 "And I will bring you out of the midst of the city, and hand you over to strangers, and execute judgments against you.".

Rather as peeps under wings rather under Angel wings rather learning Best Way Leading as JESUS Christ Invites: Matthew 23:37 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who have been sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling." and hours ago in the JESUS Christ Spirit in a dream [though hardly in the former sense of "a dream", Better and Better] i saw "Jerusalem" Pertinent Christian former President Don Trump and Other Souls and this is Preached for All, the Christian current President Joe Biden, and the same Message for All, even a Song Of Hope Given in Desperate Love Beloved, without price.

"Jesus wept" (John 11:35), so JESUS did something about it, not merely Preaching for to selfishly overcome fear [even though Most Worthy], JESUS Christ Also Worked and Raised Lazarus from the dead. This "Jesus wept" situation, Doing as the Spirit Father did (such as Moses and such as Lazarus, Righteous and Pure Preachers And Friends Of JESUS Christ), also explains the start of Genesis (see older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons).

"Jesus wept" also explains the recent Sermons in the Growing Original Design pattern, Engineering fitting a part onto the existing parts. A teardrop, of H2O is as the recent Sermon of the "2" Crowning Glories Of Moses. Be of Good Heart Giving JESUS Christ Good Cheer Victory Over "fear" and Over "wept" for Higher Purpose(s), as a water molecule is in the shape of as a tuning fork and as a New Song. So simple and hardly as any other, the water and the Spirit Agree as written in John 3:5 "Jesus answered, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.' ".

A split ring can be made to be a U shaped magnet (refrence quantum levitation, supercooled track magnets toward perpetual motion, Maglev, and such as increasingly in factories levitation techniques rather than such as on belts), and/or to spark at the "2" points (reference U shaped transformers). So the voltage increases of the previous Sermon, though with transforming the amps are controlled. And JESUS Spirit is hardly merely about electromagnetism, as new products contain new properties (example: here is an old Affiliate site Power Future Usage at (also reference inline products and processes toward "Automating Maintenance" as in older Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Leaders).

Between "2" tines as of a tuning fork and a split ring and the hydrogen atoms of a water molecule is a spirit, they more than communicate, they interact with each other. JESUSes interact with Each Other, and as though Faith amount applies, yet rather if One is Preaching while the Other is Listening then another New Type Of Faith Application Applies: Both Faithful though "2" types of Applications.

So depending on the types of energies, such as Mass velocities of Sun and Earth through space, and such as speed of light in a slurry [such as 35 mph], and such as viscosities in chemical [as of types of product(s)] flow rates, and such as flares; the JESUS Christ Spirit Over such is for You to Give (as stated above) including for Their Safety.

"Magnetic portals" open every 8 minutes between Sun and Earth flowing chemicals [toward the maximum speed of light] to each other (TV Ancient Aliens S18E19) yet a Christian Preacher here and a Christian Preacher on Mars might simultaneously state the same JESUS Christ verse. A stone might slide on Earth the same moment a stone slides on Mars: from the Creator. A large wave of energy can pass through Earth and Mars simultaneously from the Creator and so both Preachers per se can Preach the Same Sermon hence: The Word Of JESUS Christ With New Power.

The same JESUS Christ Creator Spirit Singing Resonance Harmonic can Flow to Christian Preachers simultaneously (reference "JESUS Signal"). If to build Your own private group things privately selfishly against the previous sentence then concerning incongruous discord (see above "invite attacks") loss of credibility and lacks of works successes fighting the self (and as explained about Shamans).

Shown below is a projectile symbolic of a rocket, and stacked rings with a couple rings at distances [similar to split rings discussed above]. Likewise are the Superconducting Cavities. Split ring gaps can be like unto Superconducting Cavities, inside can be one direction and outside going the other direction (see above "Maglev"). "The Word Of JESUS Christ With New Power" is unseen yet also a tool, a vessel, a wave front, a Standing Harmonic Wave, a Plasma Belt, and more. Understanding Law Gives Wisdom Adam and Eve were without since without Law awareness. Likewise the unseen forces are anomalies, and are things as written in Hebrews 11:1 New King James Version "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.". So first to do as in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series, and then first to be aware of Law and Good and Best Way For All concerning how JESUS Precepts Fit Best Together, and then to Build and Grow Their Faith Loyalty.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how a New Type Of Faith Application Applies For The Word Of JESUS Christ With One New Power Harmony, New Properties With New Electromagnetism split ring U shaped magnet quantum levitation, supercooled track magnets toward perpetual motion, Maglev, factories levitation virtual outerspace beltways, Mars Preacher Telepathy, NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN as seen on TV.


11 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how a New Type Of Faith Application Applies For The Word Of JESUS Christ With One New Power Harmony, New Properties With New Electromagnetism split ring U shaped magnet quantum levitation, supercooled track magnets toward perpetual motion, Maglev, factories levitation virtual outerspace beltways, Mars Preacher Telepathy, NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN as seen on TV.

Jesus Christ

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