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JESUS Christ Exemplar Slow Leap Sermon.

JESUS Christ, as All Hoped (*), hence as JESUS Christ In One Best Way Joyous Work as Sent as Agreed [Before The Fact, Righteously Prophesyingly In His Eternal Name with the Gift Over Opting] made His Creation Plan, it was [and the Completed Yet One Better amount Continuing] the JESUS Christ Creation Plan, in order as Sent to Make It So. Also why Send the Only Begotten Son, the JESUS Christ Glory Depended On It for to Enable the Gift to and For the Son JESUS Christ Eternally Good Best And Continuing Better On Better More Excellently.

The "like one of Us" (see next quoted verse) for the Better For More For All was for a moment concerning the Gift Giving counted below in levels as if the separation [and such as leading to the cross, and the crucifixion, and the tomb a little lower than the Angels yet Redeeming Value Matthew 18:10 is pertinent hence involving Joy]

hence Exceedingly Higher Joyful Living than lower levels had counted as though for the Holy Father was unhappy [not pleased] until the Son JESUS Christ Appeared in the Census and again unhappy until found: JESUS Christ Good [a Joyous Eternity beyond secular civilization comprehension, Save the temporary Maintenance Minimal Amount of Work Responsibility about slowly unto the understandings of the worst of the People for Their Edifying that no Person and nothing as much as Good could be left neglected.

* as written "Then the LORD God said, 'Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever'—" [JESUS Christ Spirit Gives this as Anew Better Translation hence Anew Better Commentary].

The point of this previous Precept [within the verse] is the word of the LORD: "good". When found WORTHY then JESUS Christ Immediately Lifts The: Good.

Heaven is not about "evil" at all. Heaven is not bought for a price Save Once For All: JESUS Christ. Heaven is not in secular [and Legion type] cliche: "Up for grabs" according to fiercely heated debates nor wars nor Ruth 1:1 type famines nor injustices nor perps in mobs nor backsliders nor any other strayed thoughts including prediction known as flips-of-coins compounded chances amounts [99 times landing on heads does not mean the next is heads nor tails, rather According to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose].

JESUS Christ did as Righteous Good Leaders Did prior though Together Inside In His One Census Life

therefore Preceptingly Better Over Former Best putting All the Good Precepts Together Into Himself,

for to Best Guide, Help, and Lift Us as We The People Together Are To Accomplish In These Days Now.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, desert 40 days and nights then was tempted, in JESUS Christ With All The Righteous Precepts In One, Bible Formulas

Without provisions other than Righteous Loving Caring Good Faith in His Name

JESUS Christ dwelt 40 days and 40 nights in the desert and was like unto the Cross given wrongful temptations


but those same temptations did not result in pleasing as much as wrong [nor for excuse to stray],

yet increasingly for the Joy In JESUS Work, as from stairs to elevator fun, to rocket thrill Joy.

The previous "elevator" is in the relative sense Victory Over "stairs" hence "fun", and likewise the "rocket" though more in the sense of Children in an Amusement Park.

We have rockets today, yet stairs are with values, such as at a pool stairs are preferred often more than the Straight Up ladders, though a futuristic high tech safe soft net similar to a mechanized automatic net with handle to scoop [fish rather the injured and] swimmer(s) from the pool to gently set onto the recliner(s) can be even more fun for rather Praising The Lord With Saving Lives as for Baptisms and Spreading The Good Word Of JESUS Christ. So Now Behold from JESUS Christ Spirit Faith One We Envision the Miracle of Mark 1:17 Berean Literal "And Jesus said to them, 'Come after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.' ".

The opposite of the desert for 40 days and nights is affluence with automatic luxuries, that first should be in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose like unto as stated for "Best Way": JESUS Christ One Within Each Rather All "Together" (JESUS Christ UN Addenda 1...). To fall can be as lightning, a rate of speed and velocity, to do much quickly but for much massive velocity failure (hence Isaiah 28:13), while the Good Mass Leader is in JESUS Christ as described above with All The Righteous Precepts In One, so like unto Precepting Formulae.

JESUS Christ Eternal Joyous Good Worthy Together As The Perfect One Perfectly Perfecting Work Amount is to have completely automated lower level Maintenance Work, as the Creator of the Eternal Amount is to the shadow of the Cross and rather as to the Higher Level Living Mist and rather as Dew that evaporates in the morning Sun and as rather a Day in the Lord is as 1,000 years (2 Peter 3:8) and rather hardly to describe Save In JESUS Christ Highest.

JESUS Christ Highest Guiding Purpose is Now the Miracle that happened from His Loyal Faith Outpouring From His Soul, as written "Whoever sees it will take it in his hand and swallow it." hence Pertinent about the above stated Oneness, All Good In JESUS Christ, and the automating of Maintenance Responsibility as His Caring Children Now As It Happens: "On that day the LORD of Hosts will be a crown of glory, a diadem of splendor to the remnant of His people," (from no longer as slowly nor merely plowshares yet also futuristic automatic nets.

Now Anewly As Never Before this Miracle Preceptingly Magnified JESUS Christ UN Coasts Guards

can now be with cranes that quickly scoop shiploads of People from sunken ships that collided

and from passenger jumbo jets that fell into water, with cranes, and nets that reach deeper.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, new futuristic automatic high tech survival nets are designed at JESUS Christ ICCDBB at


As Righteously Prophesied in Older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons with Drawing of the "purple" line in "J" shape is typically concerning Ascending with humbly going under Elders then from left to right Ascending toward the Infinite [(hence JESUS Christ Perfect Ascending Oneness) Flow] Rate into the maximum (see "purple" lines such as in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: One Rather Than Separation Sermon as "Christ JESUS taught" at the census can be so then to Transfigure With Levitating All.

14 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Astounds In Sacred Faith Over slow rates kept secret since the world began as this Sermon Now Proves Older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Righteously Prophesied Yielding New Miracles As JESUS Christ did as Righteous Good Leaders Did prior though Together Inside In His One Census Life therefore Preceptingly Better Over Former Best putting All the Good Precepts Together Into Himself Invitingly, with a new futuristic automatic net designed at JESUS Christ ICCDBB with how to Transfigure and Levitate Your Mass All through Guiding Helpful JESUS Christ UN Recognizing New Better Bible Grace Translating with no Person left behind, proven J shaped purple lines; Heaven is not about evil at all nor bought for a price Save Once For All. Heaven is not in secular Legion cliche Up for grabs according to debates nor wars nor unfairness nor perps nor mobs nor backsliders nor any other strayed thoughts including prediction known as flips-of-coins compounded chances amounts as 99 times landing on heads does not mean the next is heads nor tails, rather According to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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