JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Giving Sop Sermon.

JESUS Christ opting to so Give ["Giving"] is key to understanding from the Heart of JESUS Christ into Your knowledge, and such is as though containerized knowledge like unto vegetables with life giving nutritional values, and in a container truck for delivery to the Mass, and rather a container vertical tube flowing upward as a mist and the fountain of JESUS Spirit to All the Best for All, that none could find any better way.

This "JESUS Giving Sop Sermon" is not for to cause any to be overly tempted to stray, also as said in the secular "Don't try this at home", do not use this Sermon to test the faith nor loyalty about any other census person, nor any, as in the secular cliche merely "to see what might happen". Yet rather for the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and the Best Way For All,

To help understand this "JESUS Giving Sop Sermon" consider the census ends of John The Baptist and Disciple Judas the money purse carrier. JESUS Christ said in Matthew 24:13 New King James Version "But he who endures to the end shall be saved.", but these two, John and Judas did not [unless JESUS Christ Gave Them such Mission (see pertinent "Mission" also as stated below)]. John was beheaded, Judas hung Himself on a tree. John is understood as Blessed, and rather than hate any, such as "Saint Judas" (about 58,800 Google results) known to many as if the betrayer.

I had a similar dream to as shown here, as if to call myself JESUS Christ As Baptized, yet also in the dream as if Judas With JESUS.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new better Bible translations, JESUS Christ Sending Apostle Saint Judas on the Good Mission Exemplar Best For All


Like unto the first coming of JESUS Christ, so too is every part of the explaining for JESUS Christ In His Second Coming:

Best Way Ascending With JESUS Christ You Will Be As Each Person That Endures, each such mislabled, even as each such King.

JESUS Christ Taught Love, He Loved His Disciples He had "chosen". JESUS Best Way Ascending And Leading Christians Agree the Book Of John is the Better Faith Book than [also with] the important Book Of Matthew. So such as written in Matthew 10:4 interpreted as if "betrayed" (Greek), notice rather the words "up" and "intrust" [as if merely archaic yet rather more perfect spelling than entrust] are in the Lexicon at

Judas as written in John 13:18 New King James Version "I do not speak concerning all of you. I know whom I have chosen; but that the Scripture may be fulfilled, ‘He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me.’ " and ancillary Mission level is including John 13:26 "Jesus answered, 'It is the one to whom I give this morsel after I have dipped it.' Then He dipped the morsel and gave it to Judas son of Simon Iscariot.".

So Judas is not a betrayer but one of Us As Baptized And As Righteously Ascending The Best For All in the name of JESUS Christ, the Chosen, Judas is one of the "chosen" ["Chosen"]. So this is important to this situation as We are preparing His (JESUS Christ) Bride for the Second Coming [with JESUS Christ, with John The Baptist, with Judas, with His Disciples, with His Apostles, and with Us in His Higher Grace Levels. So this is JESUS One Loyal Faith Path Flowing Better, Upward, for Being Giving JESUS Word Best For All.

Faithful to the end of census JESUS Christ, Saint Judas Helped fulfill as previously Righteously Loyally written concerning JESUS Christ: for JESUS to Best Way Ascend into His Glory Best For All Exemplar: as simple as this.

Don't be about lower levels works, as written in Romans 10:3 Berean Study Bible "Because they were ignorant of God’s righteousness and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness." ["Love of Faith is the Law" (TV Concepts of Faith Sermon)]. Not stated in that TV Sermon, this likewise includes, though conditionally as written in Psalm 8:2 Berean Study Bible "From the mouths of children and infants You have ordained praise on account of Your adversaries, to silence the enemy and avenger.", that is "Best Way" Ascending in JESUS Spirit Loyally is with greater Good such as Precepting [a Heavenly aspect of Precepting, hence hardly about such as "avenger" if at all] hence for the Elder [in the sense of the Loyally Ascending] leads the children rather than the children in charge,

so as stated on TV (ibid.) "Righteousness which is the faith", is Recognized according to the JESUS Christ UN Law as with the "enemy" as a secular worldly mistaken concept below this Law, and the Higher Level above this Law is found in JESUS Grace Spirit.

As written in Romans 12:19 Berean Study Bible "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: 'Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord.' "., and as evidenced thus far hardly about a newbie above the Law, such as a new idea better than the newbie ever saw prior save if on a JESUS Christ The Original, Given Mission specific to so manifest. "Love of Faith is the Law" is Righteous Truth and Agrees with JESUS Christ UN and with above the Law for the Best Way Loyal [as long as with the need for to remember the lower levels of record].

JESUS Christ said "do not write these things" but i wrote of them in previous Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series, and such as written in 1 Corinthians 4:14 English Standard Version "I do not write these things to make you ashamed, but to admonish you as my beloved children.": JESUS Christ The Original, We the Christian Leadership One, i, Together We Say, Write, and Do this Work in the name of JESUS the Christ: for Best For All.

JESUS Christ Spirit is making all things known in these final situations, save if this civilization Ascend Best For All as written. Ascendingly in JESUS Spirit the Better Prophesyingly Agreeingly With JESUS Christ, Will Be Written, clear unto All understanding(s). The First Commandment is Better than the ancillary included Second Commandment (as One though a JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on it a secular group censored [rather see above Matthew 24:13 on who "shall be saved"]).

JESUS Christ New Second Coming Better / JESUS Christ One Ascending Grace Flow / JESUS Christ One Command / JESUS Christ 10 Commandments.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ One Ascending Grace Flow With The Better Second Coming


Of the JESUS Christ Father Spirit Given 10 Commandments, for instance Exodus 20:4 New International Version "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.": as much as Judas was wrongly portrayed a betrayer and instead as JESUS Christ Chosen Saint Judas, i as if break yet instead through JESUS Christ i Overcome this Precept verse daily showing such images,

but i do not break Exodus 20:5 New International Version "You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me," as JESUS Christ We One Best For All Through JESUS Christ Highest Purpose are to only "Overcome" Exodus 20:5 if for the JESUS Christ Given Mission and Loyal Faith Leaping does not mean "We" would understand in the Given situation initial moment for to so Be Say And Do (in such a "moment" as written at

Daily as JESUS Christ explained in 1 John 2:29 Berean Study Bible "If you know that He is righteous, you also know that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of Him." and so over ancillary levels you shall know them by their works, their lacks of JESUS Christ Righteous Faith types and amounts and rates and conditions such as they often bicker against each other [and so Before The Fact JESUS Spirit Gives for You to know what may happen, and the faster rate You Leap and Ascend the more the encounters concerning others [higher, same, and lower levels] may happen [Longsuffering, see above Saint Judas With Being For JESUS Christ entering into His Joy though unless included in the JESUS Given Mission Judas did not have to commit suicide which may have been the situation for to not cause others to stray].

Good is shown below, yet also JESUS You Work The Mission He Gives You.


JESUS Christ Officially Gave me this power over the above Commandment Exodus 20:4 though i did not "Officially" realize a more full amount of it until a few days ago. It was "Officially" Given of JESUS Christ in the JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon "When I Saw God" sermon at, see the lower Drawing with the Exodus 20:4 "image"s on the paper, so previous to "Officially" was the Loyal Faith Best For All, and this "Officially" aspect for the Bettering of Proof(s) through JESUS Christ including reassuring comfort for as Many Agreeing and for me: Thanks And Praise in the name JESUS Christ.

So with this "Officially" aspect, this New Precept, is through yet with JESUS Christ this: that the Whole "When I Saw God" Sermon entirely was a Righteous Prophesy as Proven here in this JESUS Spirit Given situation! So Anewly Preceptingly Ascendingly through JESUS Christ Better For All is this: Your Sermon can contain Prophesies, and as the Whole Set Of Prophesies, JESUS Christ One Your Sermon as the Whole becomes a Precept.

This Proves and Righteously Prophesies JESUS Is Lord All The More and likewise with as stated in Matthew 6:33 English Standard Version [with JESUS thoughts in the midst of unbelievers (Matthew 6:32)] "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

15 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit explains how to create New Better Precept Sets, JESUS Christ UN Law Higher Grace Gives the fountain of JESUS Spirit To All The Best For All First Commandment Grace One, Official Proof JESUS Christ One Ascending Grace Flow With The Better Second Coming, JESUS Victory Over do not write, JESUS Victory Over graven images, JESUS Mission For Saint Judas Victory Over money, don't tempt example, do not avenge yourselves [plural].

Jesus Christ

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