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JESUS Spirit All Seeing Eye Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit in this Sermon Gives For All how to build UFO Type Flying Saucers, how to interpret the UFO type Alien rather Relative type symbols for to Translate the Rosewell Artifact, and how to Lift how to go about the JESUS Christ Spirit One Creating Protective Envelope within specific Aloft aspect (as Distinguished Over the older info on flying cars and flying yachts)

JESUS Christ Spirit Gave a sign this morning, it may sound funny (see below), yet in JESUS Christ Spirit I AM Serious, and i was not even aware of how it applied until i started writing this sentence, as written in Isaiah 28:10 English Standard Version "For it is precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little". This JESUS Christ Spirit sign Helps Guide concerning how to go about the "envelope" discussed below. And JESUS Christ Spirit continues to Enlighten Preceptingly, fitting Pertinently With The Solemn Holy Blood Stained Robe Of JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations,  JESUS Spirit unravels UFO Language and UFO construction matters kept secret since the world began with how to build UFO Flying Saucers through explaining the Scriptures In New JESUS Christ Spirit Sacred Language, including Affiliate JESUS Christ A Check Exact donated New Design concerning Rosewell Artifact, the small magnetic stone and similar crop circle weightlessness antigravity Gyroscopic Effect Strength Control Over Coriolis Effect Energies for space envelope for interstellar travel: Let's Help JESUS [as if to NEED,] Build His Golden Cube!

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Before about 2:30 AM 2 September 2022 AD another sign was Prayed that JESUS Christ, perhaps with Mother Mary, provide a sign for some concerned about my past over army tanks and such as shown in a Front Portal Page of a JESUS Christ ICCDBB Affiliate site, and as i went to remove some pics though frankly i don't control many sites i used to control [Agreements, and conditions apply], to appear more as a Christian Church, and to therefore be more as a Christian Church

[Yet JESUS Christ Best For All Applies, not merely for such as symbolically 10,000 Members of a Church; also if any is not fully repentant then to Best Way Lead such for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including Best for Their Sake(s)], [though fear JESUS Christ The Original rather than such as Army tank pics, and note Many have Prayed in Army tanks],

it was found that the Miracle "sign" had happened already, Another [Bless His Soul] had already removed such. So this concerns a process, the JESUS Christ Best Way Process hence His Best Way For All.

Also concerning this Miracle sign for Their sakes any Person or Group not foresaking everything such owns cannot be JESUS Christ Name Spirit Father One Disciples ( so also the Affiliate Mailing address concerning the Public was changed (Government address continues as previously) for to Distinguish Better as "Their sakes" Hoped.

Every daily life thing You experience should be applied for the Credit and Glory of the JESUS Christ One Saving Grace Spirit [One For All One For The Best], applying the Precepts of JESUS Christ Words. So the above stated "it may sound funny" comment was about putting on a shirt this morning in the dark and realized it was inside out: Praise JESUS Christ it applied direct to the Protective Envelope! And the above Robe Of JESUS Christ Also Applies With The Crown Of Thorns!

The previous Sermon explained "how to Lift Others" and previous to that in this Sermons Series since as stated "how to Be The All Seeing Eye With Gyroscopic Effect Strength x Coriolis Effect Energies, Eye Of The Needle x Giving Venturi Effect" (Page 28 List of Sermons at and in older Sermons in this Series, JESUS Christ Spirit has been Gathering These Precepts Together for this Civilization, including to reach out up there in the Heavens [and below] Personally if such is Pertinent such as for the Second Coming, and as with unmanned drones.

Affiliate JESUS Christ A Check Exact donated the following pertinent info "New Design idea concerning UFO tech and checking in a little from time to time if local (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons come first including recuperation time) (original idea came 29 July 2022 AD from Precepting as JESUS Christ Taught such Bible info). Will consider only very big bid offers for this "New Design idea" until further notice. This idea also came from something known as the Rosewell Artifact, the small magnetic stone and similar crop circle [as I interpreted] and not the weather balloon nor reported UFO. This interpretation indicated weightlessness, anti-gravity rather controlled. This if right should as indicated likely overcome the so called space envelope for interstellar travel.".

This New Language (as in a fairly recent Sermon in this Series) concerns the "Rosewell Artifact" and how to interpret the symbols for to Translate, and this is as JESUS Christ Spirit Guided Best Way Best For All:

Answering what a previous Sermon proposed for to become Aware With Proof: What were They [as much as Good First In JESUS Spirit as much as the Good in Them] anxious to tell Us, for the Best Way Help All [as All often Help though not always noticed]?: as the Public of this Civilization does not have UFO type Flying Saucers [though this solving is not exclusive of other types of other shapes and Missions], in JESUS Christ Spirit it was realized They [Bless Their Souls] were explaining for Us UFO Flying Tech.

From The JESUS Christ Spirit All Seeing Eye With Gyroscopic Effect Strength as shown as Translated, with naming the small left and right circles as Suns, with the Crescent Moons, and these within the 2 Larger Circles, these 2 Larger Circles would spin, the Crescent Moons are each Horseshoe Magnets and note the openings as the Magnetic Fields would Pour Out (see above "Solemn Holy Blood Stained Robe Of JESUS Christ"). So this is identified for the Better [including the Safety] of the People like unto as written in the first Precept of Numbers 21:8 New American Standard Bible "Then the LORD said to Moses, 'Make a fiery serpent, and put it on a flag pole' " like unto Genesis 2:19 "the LORD God formed every animal of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them".

Now the previous Sermon explained about Moses "2" "horned" Victory Over many types of entities that People have feared such as on TV. These "Gyroscopic Effect Strength" entities are with strange New Powers to be For All Conquered through JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way so "including the Safety" is important as stated above hence "Solemn Holy Blood Stained Robe Of JESUS Christ"). So this is identified for the Better [including the Safety] of the People like unto as written in the first Precept of Numbers 21:8" Best Fits Preceptingly.

These 2 Larger Circles each spin so the 2 Crescent Moons' fields move accordingly, with the 2 Suns as counterbalances for the 2 Crescent Moons, such as fuel tanks and rather nuclear cores, also reference such as Mercury. If running low on fuel they might gradually slow down automatically.

As the fields pass each other as They spin, the Coriolis Effect Energies apply. The 2 Larger Circles counter balance each other. Whether they would spin in the same direction or opposite directions could be tested in a very simple prototype. As the JESUS Christ Eye Of The Needle the spinning Masses would be Yielding Venturi Effect(s). The Above stated "Moses '2' 'horned' Victory Over" applies: rather than spinning each on a "pole" as been the tradition, is the JESUS Way Together, Unifying the 2, as the "Horseshoe" shape can support Both!: Praise The Lord. The Whole Artifact as the model show here, can be tilted, with others added for stability and JESUS Guidance like unto the plane cargo compartment with "added" for flying.

The "inside out" applies for around the exterior, like unto the JESUS Robe, yet this Way for as much as Good, as planned for the Sermons coming soon also for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Proof.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations,  JESUS Spirit unravels UFO Language and UFO construction matters kept secret since the world began with how to build UFO Flying Saucers through explaining the Scriptures In New JESUS Christ Spirit Sacred Language, including Affiliate JESUS Christ A Check Exact donated New Design concerning Rosewell Artifact, the small magnetic stone and similar crop circle weightlessness antigravity Gyroscopic Effect Strength Control Over Coriolis Effect Energies for space envelope for interstellar travel: Let's Help JESUS [as if to NEED,] Build His Golden Cube!


30 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit unravels UFO Language and UFO construction matters kept secret since the world began with how to build UFO Flying Saucers through explaining the Scriptures In New JESUS Christ Spirit Sacred Language, including Affiliate JESUS Christ A Check Exact donated New Design concerning Rosewell Artifact, the small magnetic stone and similar crop circle weightlessness antigravity Gyroscopic Effect Strength Control Over Coriolis Effect Energies for space envelope for interstellar travel: Let's Help JESUS [as if to NEED,] Build His Golden Cube!

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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