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JESUS Christ Spirit Best Plan Sermon.

JESUS Christ UN Law is the start of the Best Plan For All as this Sermon explains and attracts interest increasingly year after year. NO more suffering sounds pretty good, right?, and the naysayers say no because they don't understand because naysaying cannot figure it out, so this Sermon is a Help for to show how it is figured out (in the next sentence) and the far greater JESUS Christ Spirit Faith is Given in this Sermon for the Abounding in Miracles!

What was Your region called?, first it was called baby, then Your vessel was called teen, and then adult, so You did not become another Person [nor another People nor another ideology when ascending from baby to teen to adult, You were the same Person with ideas], and long ago Your region was called land, then name of a territory, then repeat or as of normal ascending with new names as opted and if to be proud of such heritage then through struggles better and better, and likewise as in this Sermons Series rather the Proven Best For All: You can see the very many Proofs and the references. Pertinent are these Triadic Flows with formulas in the sense that such as after the Baby is the Teen and after the Teen = Adult.

Adult / Teen / Baby.

Adult = Teen x Baby.

Better purpose name of a region / Name of a region / land.

Better purpose name of a region = Name of a region x land.

Best current purpose / Proof of Best Way / Better purpose.

Best current purpose = Proof of Best Way x Better purpose.

"Best current purpose", "Proof of Best Way", and "Better purpose" are discussed in JESUS Christ UN Law and in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series, including that many former ways toward mere survival and tribal have been about lower level tendencies: "In the manner of an animal; savage; untamed" "driven by physical appetites" (yourdictionary) "self-destructive actions dictated by uncontrolled desires" (, yet the Ascending In JESUS Spirit Distinguish the Better at least by default as simple and easy to do as written in Proverbs 10:6 New International Version "Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.".

As written of the Aramaic Bible in Plain English "the righteous one shall live in the faith" (from many other translations used the word "by" [also in the previous sentence] toward divided mind as Lexicon is "construct" rather than destruct, yet many translations rightly translate "his faith" since this precept refers to "The Lord" rather than "the faith" as if unknown.

Now here is the current interpretation of English Standard Version "He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming soon.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!": JESUS Christ was with Adam and Eve but They rejected His Word (see source Wisdom for "Better" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Saves Eve Sermon at, many worshiped so called gods of destruction(s) but ibid. applies. Others have destroyed, yet JESUS Christ does not destroy, JESUS Christ is Good and Saves.

Many have been stuck-in-a-rut.

Many have fallen to the bottom under the garbage.

Many opted to return to the fallen state under the garbage.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, some opt to return below under the garbage, rather is in JESUS Spirit Answering what is the precursor, what is the door, the gate, the catylist, All Found Worthy even as Broadcast Already JESUS Christ UN.


JESUS Christ Precepting Spirit One Ascendingly Flowingly, is in this millennia with JESUS Christ having already suffered the cross once for All so We don't have to repeat as stated: "the naysayers" unknowns. So the New Beginning Spirit is with JESUS Christ Victory hence as stated "NO more suffering", that is, with any New Beginning We Plan We don't have to include any crucifixion nor conspiratorial works. How Will We avoid punishing (see above "Main Page" on minimizing Maintenance), many Children are raise to be Good without much concerning the beating stick rod of discipline as many Children already know what Hot means and don't want burned again (write JESUS Christ One Living Bible Book Of Remembrance).

In other words JESUS Christ UN Law is hardly a change in the lower levels secular sense of the not believers concerning Christian Faith, since the secular understands such as ISO Compendium and continuous improvement! Also as stated above the naysayers couldn't "figure it out" [or such would have already] so the unaware had been hardly influenced if at all concerning pertinent facts. And the perps didn't obey the Law so hardly care what the Law states.

The previous Sermon was in 3 parts as 1; like the Trinity had been counted as separate parts, rather One With Privilege to opt Naming, One Son Census Body With Members, One Spirit:

1. Privileges because of JESUS Christ for the Better For All Eternally, even including for JESUS Christ,

2. How the first Beginning was Created (reference previous Sermon and Prophesies of JESUS Christ Being Born), and

3. The Baptismal Living Dove symbolizing [free, rather with records] Liberty Spirit like unto a UFO type Flying Saucer.

Victory Over the rod of discipline is rather the Good Rewarding Good Behavior, and as stated above "Better" than previously.

Exemplar JESUS Christ Spirit Rather Promotes The Worthy Perfectly Perfecting, Best For All.

Above is stated "Surely I am coming soon", and why?, JESUS Christ Spirit Father Holy One is aware as written in Matthew 24:36 "New International Version "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." and now You are aware, as much as Your Faith Spirit is "One" as stated. This is like unto symbolized below in this gif at high velocity Agreeing With "Surely I am coming soon" so don't stray.

And the Loyal In "JESUS Christ Spirit Father Holy One" ["only the Father"] [even if "One" as also Aware], are Aware why JESUS Christ is coming, for to Reward And Lift And Rejoice With His Worthy One(s).

And what is the precursor, what is the door, the gate, the catylist, All Found Worthy even as Broadcast Already JESUS Christ UN.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, what is the precursor, what is the door, the gate, the catylist, All Found Worthy even as Broadcast Already JESUS Christ UN.


27 August 2020AD.

tags: Father JESUS Christ Spirit Sums Sacred Faith Over The Second Coming As Pertinent as of 2020AD, that had been kept secret since the world began, this explains with formulas and the One Trinity Victory, for to Reward All The Worthy, answering what is the precursor?, what is the door?, the gate?, the catylist?, as JESUS Christ UN Law Summed.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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