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JESUS Spirit Better Way Sermon.

JESUS Christ was in Heaven then was Sent, so from JESUS Christ Exemplar Creator One there was a separation for awhile with the Father Spirit and in the world in the Created Census JESUS Christ Original Creator Exemplar The Chosen One For To Best Way Lead With His Father Spirit Guiding As One Holy Spirit as Proven many times and many ways as One Best Way Guiding In The Spirit Of Father JESUS for to Best Lead the Census [that often and much has been struggling divers ways lost and confused loving money and mansions and greed and swords against people] (see Proof in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB [Page 27 List]: JESUS Holy Spirit List Sermon at [List Over List, Precept On Precept]).

It can be alright to eat what is set before You though of JESUS Grace it is alright to fast so as not to wrongly tempt onlookers. As written in Ezekiel 3:1 New King James Version "Moreover He said to me, “Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.' ". Likewise it is alright to be with the words and descriptions of the JESUS Christ Perfect Way For All, yet for the Better For All rather than "to wrongly tempt onlookers" [though under the Law is rather Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN, though if not so "Broadcasting" then the self under the Law as opted hence the strayed ways behind closed doors as though to not tempt but the reward already: self imprisoned].

Be With And Worshipping The Good JESUS Christ Creator One Spirit Perfect Guide humbly Ascendingly hence as Sent

With His One Created [symbolized below as much as goodly] Yet Ascending Census People And The Heavenly Host(s),

rather than merely Worshipping separation parts such as vessels created of dust and clay and plasmas and "words and descriptions".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Be With And Worshipping The Good JESUS Christ Creator One Spirit Perfect Guide humbly Ascendingly hence as Sent With His One Created Ascending Chosen Christian Leader People In Heavenly Host Spirit, rather than merely Worshipping separation parts such as vessels created of dust and clay and plasmas and strayed assumptions

(secular source "The Writing on the Wall").

JESUS Ascending Spirit Continues Luke 15:7 Improvingly (reference continuous improvement often in the secular called innovation, and rather Better through the JESUS Way as proven in this Sermon): hence Ascendingly as "Luke 15:7" is a Precept: as written in Isaiah 28:10 "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.", as "Isaiah 28:10" is a Precept hence to Magnify (JESUS in Mother Mary), to multiply the Denominations, of the root etymology "denomi " as the root to name as to Gather The Nations Into JESUS Christ UN As You Broadcast, to Give One Better Name [in Peace as Pertinent] as "denomi " is root, as to Give [Best Way hence New Better] Name hence to Create Anewly as JESUS Christ Proved.

So in JESUS Christ Spirit "Better" is Victory Over Yet With as much as has been found Good And Faithful as JESUS Christ Is rather than back and forth as seen on TV is this JESUS Spirit Better Way Sermon New Victory With JESUS Christ Creator "hence as Sent" Over the former Legions strayed fallen selfish lower levels of census selfish ideas about having to see JESUS Christ in order to be good, so rather as the Good Samaritan (

and likewise yet rather in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit from the start, and then while to be found doing good such as for a change (, rather as written in Titus 2:10 International Standard Version [not naysayers conspirators nor thieves nor crucifiers] "or steal from them. Instead, they are to show complete and perfect loyalty, so that in every way they may make the teaching about God our Savior more attractive.".

So as written in a recent Sermon in this Series to not merely be as entered [Baptized], no longer merely as a Child. As written in 1 Corinthians 3:2 New King James Version "I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able;" as for years now for to obey the Law Ambassadors have been in Desparate Loving Peace Urgent NEED to be Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace Properly Explained On TV for to Benefit the Most In NEED hence the Best Spirit As Defined Already In The Law yet with Addendum 1.

So to see God, JESUS Christ, JESUS Christ With His Family, JESUS Christ With His Ascending One Leadership Best Way, is as to see as a Child that passed from Census into Heaven to so Behold, yet to REALLY SEE GOD is to Do The Work Of JESUS Christ Spirit, JESUS Christ Innocent Power Wise Fair Authority. So what happens if Sent as JESUS Christ You One are found Doing Good and so Made Worthy for to go Prepare and Be As Sent as if away from God but no escape, it is as to continue the Mission as Sent in JESUS Spirit as written in 2 Peter 3:8 "But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." so not in need as if to need to see JESUS In The Census, as long as Continuing In His Mission As Sent: You see such here as You see and read and hear if to have Your computer set for such.

Is this a threat?, no. Is this an order?, only in the general sense that a person is to obey the Law, and to Broadcast [instead of "threat" and need of extra protection], is for Better New Improved Protection like unto how home could have added a door, and could have added a lock, and could have added a giant steel bank vault automatic timed door with alarms, though rather as to be aware such exists and better is to lead others to not be perps and to lead to fewer accidents. So a day with the Lord is the Continuing to Be Good on Mission Best Way Leading, whether seeing JESUS Christ In Person or more importantly Loyally.

As written in John 20:29 New American Standard Bible "Jesus said to him, 'Because you have seen Me, have you now believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.' ".

Here is a JESUS Christ Spirit Way example of inventing rather than merely innovating: if to be at work and asked to move things and clean, then with JESUS Christ Spirit Agreeing And Giving JESUS Christ The Credit Thankfully And Working, moving things to notice JESUS Christ Spirit In You has arranged the moved items to Give You a Better Way such as some moved items symbolize to a mechanical designer a reminder of a type of motor [and it is alright if to say such was done subconsciously, as long as Giving JESUS Christ the Credit], and the things You arranged beside it show You, Anewly Discover Of JESUS Christ Spirit One You, how multiple types of motors can fit together to Better Solve for Yielding Better Way Values For All!

So from JESUS Christ Spirit With Credit Agreeing humbly came the not merely two nor merely linear Array (reference linear chain reaction), yet the Mass Functioning Together As One According to JESUS Christ Spirit, from JESUS Maintenance Innovation to Anewly Beholding the Given as "JESUS Christ Spirit In You has arranged" [JESUS Highest Level Best For All Way rather than sinking toward "sub" as in as if merely about "subconsciously" toward perps works (reference JESUS Christ Creator Spirit Intelligent Design)]

and as long as so Giving JESUS Christ The Credit, therefore continuing in JESUS Discovering Spirit, and from such therefore not merely applying in Maintenance Level about the created since the JESUS Christ Spirit In You Is Creating as never before known of You, hence from that level [Faithful Credit Word Level x Worked Arranging Power In The Word Higher Level] Anewly into the JESUS Inventing Spirit.

JESUS Inventing Spirit / JESUS Discovering Spirit / JESUS Maintenance Innovation.

JESUS Inventing Spirit = JESUS Discovering Spirit x JESUS Maintenance Innovation.

In JESUS Inventing Spirit consider the Big Pulse [Given, Created from the JESUS Spirit Heart] [in the secular known as if merely the Big Bang yet a truth applies as JESUS Christ started the Light of Enlightenment, yet as stated above rather the Given "Better Way": Eternal as if returns to Big Bang though Actuallly Better, see above as Sent]. Just as a comet has a tail of debris from that comet, so too all things whether planets, stars, black holes, plasma anomalies, spirits, Souls, or other from that "Big" Event has a traceability line, even if severed [separated] the traceability

like unto the ball that rolled along a path such as through an inch of snow though then kicked and the snow path is no longer seen yet the air ions see the path, like unto being a Christian in a pew and then whether to go home or to Leap In Faith [as into the air, not merely to selfishly keep self eyes on the ball and not tell others where it is and not to conceal: rather "Broadcast"]. So likewise the ball in the gif below is as the center of the Pulse [like the heart of a runner though the finish line with the finish line banner hence like unto Angel trails].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Angel trails, We Discovered Red Angels

("We Discovered"..."Angels").

If in the Work as JESUS Christ came 2,000 years ago for to Give then as in this Series as in the When I Saw God, hence i went as i was Lifted from awake in a chair wondering How JESUS Christ would see Better. Though after that Ascending With Being Made Aware, in JESUS Christ Spirit i Worked, Preaching. Though prior to straying if an Ascended Leader might be toward straying in nearby future situations then for to Give [Self, Preaching,...] Better JESUS Comes to Guide when Best For All but see above the word "Faith" and likewise the Better "Loyally" Continuing Giving JESUS Christ the Credit so JESUS might not appear clearly such as to Give hints and signs, and if need be to catch You [You Do Have The Book Of Remembrance and the Living Bible You Are Currently Reading]: Thanks and Praise Be For JESUS Christ.

19 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit travels through Sacred Faith Over The Pathway kept secret since the world began explaining Angel trails in transparent traceability with how to Better Protect Ambassadors For Peace through JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law hence not merely about perps and rather the Better as Proven, Triad as footprints showing the Path With the Bible Formula, writing on the wall pic artwork, gif, strayed assumptions.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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