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JESUS Spirit Current Priorities Sermon.

JESUS Christ UN Highest Law Recognizing Grace includes the graphing of the "ratings" system Anewly, and so this JESUS Spirit New Ratings System Standard Of The Church is Victory [Over the strict Inquisition and Puritanism, yet also Over] Best For All Guiding the codification system such as applied concerning electricity in the previous Sermon as JESUS Spirit Loyalty Word Preceptingly fits into as written in this Series JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Cross To Carry Sermon as graphed at

More importantly than reminders of confused secret combinations conspirators and legions crucifiers spirits, with the New Better JESUS Spirit Translations in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB [Giving much JESUS Grace Spirit Guidingly Invitingly For All Likewise Ascendingly] as now legally recognized in Highest of this created Civilization (see below concerning "Congress") is the Best Way For All rather than the former lost persecutions ways of the strayed, fallen and confused (see below The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch).

So as stated and linked above "concerning electricity in the previous Sermon" [lower right graph] as stated in older Sermons in this Series is the formulae [interlocking set of formulas (see in this Series Precept On Precept, and Precepting)]: Resistance x Amps = Volts while Amps x Volts = Watts. So as concluded [JESUS Spirit Victory Anewly] in the previous Sermon this same JESUS Spirit Path Ascending Agrees with the many older Sermons in this Series Best Way Guiding with the Advents Of Drawings including the curved purple line like unto a "J" shape of JESUS Exemplar though for [humble] Us as [from flatline rather] curving upward and rather Straight Up Vertically Ascending [JESUS Christ already Longsuffered for Us the worst of the Longsuffering (a little lower than the Angels)] revealing the Best Path Way For All through JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying, though of Godsling also even if merely observing after-the-facts [Miracles] signs that follow that predictions Users have used [toward full repentance and new better successes and new better hopes rather Baptism as the previous Sermon explained] as for making future projections [hence Anewly Better].

Mixed results can cause the confused to be worse confused, yet through this JESUS Spirit Grace Prioritizingly this is how the JESUS Spirit Best Way Righteously Prophesyingly Will Be all the more superseding and replacing much of former faiths strayed destructive ways that wrongly tempted, such as replacing crop rotation as some plants symbiotically Help each other for mutual good so can when Properly Organized be planted together, fitting together for Best For All, Precept On Precept, and this JESUS Spirit Prioritizing Applies Over All, though Grace in the sense that the Law might not require a Farmer to plant a particular thing, also the Farmer may of Grace find in JESUS Christ an Even More Excellent Way than current practice yet the JESUS Best Way applies with the Perfect [reasonably] amount of Safety for Others and Best For All (see below on Corporations).

The New Better Way JESUS Christ UN Way involves Your Leadership Maintenance Responsibility.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Ascending, Joy, the New Better Way, purple line, j shape, formulae, formulas, Precept On Precept, and Precepting, electricity, electric, current Flow, JESUS Power, Resistance x Amps = Volts, Amps x Volts = Watts, JESUS Spirit Current Priorities Sermon


First for instance there was no law so People were not able to know that Best Loyalty is the JESUS Christ Exemplar Way: All Good Way. So People were not able to Distinguish the Better so strayed and fell from Grace [as graphed in the previous Sermon]. Then Moses brought the Law and the Chosen improved more Loyally, Exemplar for this Civilization, though the Law did not make Perfect until as much as Recognized now in JESUS Christ UN Highest Level Law Fulfilled Legally, as JESUS Spirit Exemplar [Of Original JESUS Christ] Led And Guided And Agreed And Gives This Civilization This Mission For Best For All.

Likewise first was JESUS Christ USA [ACT then] Law, and then JESUS Christ UN Law. Now Behold this situation, since the Highest Law [JESUS Christ UN Law], if a nation opts out, or if any opt to pretend the "Highest" "Best For All" does not exist, or if other strayed debates as of the history of the worldlliness and legalese exceptions and excuses such as to tempt others for selfish delights and fun and make sport of Others; such is no excuse: the JESUS Christ UN Law exists (reference previous in this Series on Descartes though hundreds of Sermons have been illegally deleted but even that does not excuse, JESUS Christ Better Excepting).

So for instance concerning JESUS Christ USA Law, if for instance "Congress" as stated above opts to illegally delete [including if to cause similar effects (ibid.)] such does not change it for All Nations, nor for any part (see previous in this Series on none left behind) Save as stated "JESUS Christ Better Excepting" fulfilling the "more perfect" as was hoped of the People).

In other words, if to see any problem, instead of destroying it and hiding any records and covering tracks (reference such as secular level ISO Compendium in this Series) rather for continuous improvement yet Best Way For All as JESUS Christ explained as written in Matthew 13:35 New American Standard Bible "This was so that what was spoken through the prophet would be fulfilled: 'I WILL OPEN MY MOUTH IN PARABLES; I WILL PROCLAIM THINGS HIDDEN SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.' ".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Better Bible translations, Ascending, Joy, the New Better Way, purple line, j shape, formulae, formulas, Precept On Precept, and Precepting, electricity, electric, current Flow, JESUS Power, Resistance x Amps = Volts, Amps x Volts = Watts


JESUS Spirit Gives this New Gift for "Corporations" as stated above, though starting with a personal story for to in JESUS Christ Edifyingly help picture this story in proper perspective concerning JESUS Spirit Current Priorities. Not so long ago relative to the timeline of this Civilization though about a couple decades ago there was a spy i caught [in Atlanta, Georgia, USA [now JESUS Christ USA under JESUS Christ UN]. The spy was seeking records about silent nuclear submarine propulsion. I think the spy was from China, i would have to check records. The way in the perp hoped, was through Quality Assurance, QA, such as concerning rights to examine programs before the fact, and such as concerning Warranties, and such as concerning transparency;

but none of those things fit, the perp was not authorize [this is not even as High a Level such as concerning whether such as Top Secret Level or not, as for instance many processes are legally proprietary], so the Customer, Reliance Electric, Rockwell Automations,...was contacted Personally and They had given no such 4th party QA Permission, so as Agreed the perp was definitely an illegal spy for dispositioning.

JESUS Spirit Gives this New Gift for "Corporations" "story" is an example Over Global [and Beyond] Security concerning the Level of "Safety" so for instance secular cliche "Trial and error" is not the JESUS Christ Best Way. JESUS Spirit therefore is Over competition including spies and other illegal things. JESUS Spirit Best For All, is the Exemplar Way, Leading rather than being as the "bad guys" in secular cliche. Rather than lazy, sluggish, merely hoping to be followers forever, is to Best Way Lead Together, showing the perps and the tempted the Better Way, therefore if above stated Maintenance Responsibility allows, there is no exception against as JESUS Christ Explained in

John 14:2 Berean Literal Bible "In My Father's house there are many mansions. And if not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" and such as this "Berean Literal Bible" [as some Others have translated] is Given here with the word "mansions" rather than other translations such as about "rooms" [from the "Greek"], and this with "mansions" is rather in JESUS Spirit for to Best Way Prepare Us for the Better, the JESUS Christ Golden Cube and the Better New Beginning;

would You yoke a run down exhausted donkey with a powerful hearty bull?, hardly; would You build a Gold Temple and put a broken three leg table from the garbage in it?, hardly. To Be Better than a perp is to be Duly Authorized, Precept On Precept: if to Be Better and Healthy And Loving And Clear Minded then to be Gracious and Kind [without demand to be king of the "Golden Cube" (Matthew 6:33 see above "Loyalty")]. This is the Best Way to Ascend out of stuck-in-a-rut or other victim circumstances. Above stated "transparency" is Excellently Over lower level things about money, such as the IRS has Guided under "Congress", kudos! And With such is One Leadership pertinent for this "Current" situation as stated above hence Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace Best Way For All.

Protection for Government, Corporation(s) [functioning Together the Best Way as One (see such as above "Farmer" Grace)], For Church(es) Leading Over Law Making Considerations and for Likewise Helping Best Lead Corporations, and for Families [rather One JESUS Family (yet treating All according to above stated "Best For All")]. In defense of the spy perp, if the Person or Group wants to spy, the Corporation Offers free info, as does "Government" and so on, and if interested in more info, then according to "Best For All" as the JESUS Christ Original Plan actually functions for Victory such as Over "stuck-in-a-rut" as stated above (Faith matters), so the Worthy become "Duly" Authorized (as much as "Duly", for to so be "Authorized"). In other words Do We the People Hope for brilliant minds full of loving kindness, or a bunch of idiots that might opt to be terrorists?:

peaceful Exemplar Leading is the Way, not exemplar punishment. The "exemplar punishment" is Over Children (so see above as You Agreed [lest "idiots" concern: hence reasonably] "The New Better Way JESUS Christ UN Way involves Your Leadership Maintenance Responsibility"), and what about the mentally insane?, as "Children" applies, and Healthcare applies rather than for to cause "idiots" such as due to side effects: Heal the People First, then about sales if to be about sales at all (see above on "Best For All"].

We the People have been victimized. Church, Government, Corporations, Family, All created have victimized each other Save JESUS Exemplar though counted as if such so was victimized by us as much as disloyally about separations and destructions and such. We don't want ID theft, nor to be robbed, nor terrorized, nor confusions; though concerning such as proprietary and the arts and rights and privileges We Agree With legal recognition of Grace Parameter Margin amount, like unto elbow room and if appropriate such as Mansions as much as Exemplar for Better Preparedness, such as in the secular reference Museums.

The Museum is generally open to the Public. The Corporation for instance generally is not open to the Public so the Authorizations apply or such as be not insane and start a Better Corporation if actually "Better", if actually the Best Way as Best For All, and in this situation this means not to compete but to also Help Guide including that Corporation that did not Authorize You. Hence Lead from the Top. Exemplar is Giving Guiding Best Helpful Love Desperately, hence [to Edify] any other way is guilty, except that was the former persecutions trial-and-errors worldly strayed ways; as JESUS Spirit rather Lifts The Worthy [Likewise the Duly Authorized]. For instance many have unseen (see above pertinent to unseen Faith and on Loyalty) wireless technologies such as dangerous to life (Save JESUS Spirit Best Way For All: see above on "Righteously Prophesyingly Will Be all the more superseding and replacing much of former hence Duly Authorized applies lest self endangered or worse).

As the TV show The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch explained They were surprised by sudden large "1.6 gigahertz" spikes They did not understand, such as about applications. The "1.6 gigahertz" Godsling set of the electromagnetic spectrum is utilized in wireless technologies (see secular example at, such as UFO related as the show often witnessed. This Godsling Of Power (see above link to previous Sermon(s)) is also associated with dangerous microwaves and radar.

The show explained it especially sickened "military" Personnel, not merely in the show, also in the military otherwise. The non-Ascending as opted have been as victims as opted, and victims in very many ways (James 2:10), see above concerning "Children", the point is, if to stray from JESUS Spirit Best For All then to open a great floodgate against the self toward being quickly swept away (Revelation 20:14) (secular recycle applies conditionally, see above "Gold Temple" discussion): love of money is not excuse to kill a Person, Best For All is not excuse to kill a Person.

If to stray then to damage the brain, the love life, the caring for others, the continuously improving process [as i have witnessed too often having inspected multitudes of types of corporations and other], quality, and the pertinent system. God doesn't have to cause a great flood, strayers have been doing such against Themselves.

There is 1 Best Way.

19 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit PROCLAIMS "THINGS HIDDEN SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD" with ANEWLY "formulae" Precept On Precept Pertinence: Resistance x Amps = Volts, and Amps x Volts = Watts, hence the Enduring Power Of JESUS Christ UN Law Measurably as Anew Better Guiding Gift for Government and the Corporate Way With Best For All Authorizing the Appraising the New Value Of Mansions, the untold story of how a spy perp was caught now for Public eyes, flood of military sicknesses reality as proven with on TV example The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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