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JESUS Spirit Is In Me Sermon.

JESUS Christ has a Family: One Spirit.

The JESUS Family Spirit Is One in Agreement, Agreeingly Likewise unto JESUS Christ Leadership hence Leaders of this Civilization. Yet a Family is with the Old and the New, the Elders and the Newborns and the in between. These in Godsling "in between" are with positions of Levels like unto Ushers and like unto Officers Over some types of Contractors. In a situation the High Priest is busy so the Usher seats the Visitors.

Importantly the High Priest JESUS Christ is aware a particular Church Officer is aware of a type of flow physics formulas as pertaining to water and plumbing, so is Given a Position Over Plumbing Contractors, and JESUS Christ is aware another particular Church Officer is aware of a type of flow physics formulas as pertaining to electricity and electronics for Broadcasting, and so is Given a Position Over such yet as All Work Together, the 2 Officers have very alike Flow Faith, though in lower level Census Maintenance very Distinguishing [in secular worldly ideas very different] physics formulas sets that Each utilizes per se, 1 set is plumbing physics formulas, and the other concerns "electricity" physics formulas.

If to not "understand" (as in a verse below) how the formulas fit together then in the secular worldly sense as to get a shovel and scoop it onto a table and to start fitting together the puzzle to form the secular worldly "Unification Theory" as had been hoped. To coin a phrase: that's what the ancient cave dwellers did, as symbolized here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Magnifies the Proof In Sacred Faithfulness Over lower levels strayed matters kept secret since the world began with more clearly to the point Better Proving Previous Sermon Unification Fact is in Victory Over former secular worldly Unification Theory, and how it is that the Best Guiding Spirit Of JESUS Christ Is In The Christian Leadership instead of in a heap of formulas as dung


What good came from secular worldly "Unification Theory"?, some helped land People on the Moon, though some "helped" [actually un-helped] a Space Shuttle to murder all onboard. It has been the flip-of-a-coin strayed way as stated often in this Series: about half the time goodly and about half the time other. 50% income and 50% loss is hardly a viable solution. Treating People as experimental lab rats that can be expended [murdered] is not the Best For All.

To rather shake for to awaken and enliven and to open the All Seeing Eye of You All, Beloved Ones that none be lost nor left behind, is with Anewly Beholding with JESUS All Seeing Eye the above formula groups hardly as prior as one tilts left, another tilts right, and such; yet rather as each formula group can come from each pertinent Individual, with as written in Isaiah 13:13 New American Standard Bible "Therefore I will make the heavens tremble, And the earth will be shaken from its place At the fury of the LORD of armies In the day of His burning anger.". So rather than a pile of debris on a table and works from many above stated "Visitors" opinions about how to run Your [His: the JESUS Christ] Church when the "Visitors" don't even know whether the Church is burning down and the Usher has to immediately escort the "Visitors" out [Praying not the case, though making a clear point]

therefore in the secular worldly level for to Edify it is like unto being an apprentice prior to being the pertinent professional prior to the Leader of a Group of a type of Professionals. So this Point is hardly about dirt on a table, hardly about Zion as if merely a hill although Holy Unto The Lord yet with rather for a Top Mission a Holy Group Rather JESUS Christ UN All, with similar as written in 1 Peter 2:9 New American Standard Bible "But you are A CHOSEN PEOPLE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR GOD’S OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;"

and also as in Acts 9:15 New American Standard Bible "But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel;". As into the various Villages JESUS Christ Sent His Apostles [like unto the High Priest Sending His Chosen Officers, One to Guide Over Plumbing Contractors and Another Over Electrical Contractors; "And He summoned the twelve and began to send them out in pairs, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits;" (

So this Sending was not merely such as to clean out clogged pipes yet rather according to the Pertinent Overseer the New Better Automated Self Cleaning And [Future] Growing Better Automatically Better Plumming.

It is hardly from the debris formulas that Unification Theory was thought in lower levels, rather from the Best Guide All Aware JESUS Christ that His Mission Spirit as One Best Exemplar For All is Being Accomplished having already Accomplished in the JESUS Christ Original Plan [for You] for Us All Best. The pile of formulas as dirt on a table has values [We eat plants that ate dirt], as the Given has value though in the JESUS Christ Original Plan Spirit from as He Sent Us All, We Are To Best Way Precept.

First JESUS Christ / JESUS Christ Us Prayerfully / JESUS Christ High Priesthood Likewise / JESUS Christ Officers / JESUS Christ Family Members.

Others are invited though We hardly go to their houses and businesses and order Them such as to say stop that printing press and instead pick up that paper that fell on the floor: in other words this is not about one physicist interfering against another, nor such as about half voting against the other half. This is not about overlooking [intentionally ignoring] the best though not renowned physicist. This rather is with JESUS Christ Exemplar Awareness Each Person is Top Value, and All Together Likewise Aware is the Better Value.

First the LORD then the Word From The Lord then the: and so on Likewise.

First JESUS Christ Spirit then the Holy Spirit From The JESUS Christ Spirit then the: and so on Likewise: the JESUS Christ Spirit From JESUS Christ Spirit is JESUS Christ Spirit Magnifying and JESUS Christ Spirit Growing Multiplying Rather Best Way Ascending Leading For Better Most Worthy Guiding All. The Highest need no "Guiding" except as opting for the Best Sake For All. The Highest Level so "opting" is from Highest Level Holy Perspective JESUS Christ One Spirit Father reaching down into Maintenance Levels Layers for to Find So Doing so to Lift Any and All such that are Proven Worthy.

Hence it is hardly about We The Created fitting together the dust pieces, rather JESUS Christ Fitting These Exemplar For Us as We Do Our Part: As He Invited And Showed And Taught Us To Do Likewise. In opposite to best, consider a table of dust, and a group opts to add a little water so as to form a brick or other clay false god idol: abomination!

The previous Sermon proved Unification Fact in Victory Over secular worldly "Unification Theory", so how did the "secular worldly" stray?, at what point?, where did the "secular worldly" go wrong?, and such question are do error as JESUS Christ explained as written in Matthew 22:29 New American Standard Bible "But Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, since you do not understand the Scriptures nor the power of God.": His Enlivening Power Flow (also

Alma 11:22 "And Amulek said unto him: Yea, if it be according to the Spirit of the Lord, which is in me; for I shall say nothing which is contrary to the Spirit of the Lord. And Zeezrom said unto him: Behold, here are six onties of silver, and all these will I give thee if thou wilt deny the existence of a Supreme Being."

"the Spirit of the Lord, which is in me"!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Magnifies the Proof In Sacred Faithfulness Over lower levels strayed matters kept secret since the world began with more clearly to the point Better Proving Previous Sermon Unification Fact is in Victory Over former secular worldly Unification Theory, and how it is that the Best Guiding Spirit Of JESUS Christ Is In The Christian Leadership Saints Family!


10 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Magnifies the Proof In Sacred Faithfulness Over lower levels strayed matters kept secret since the world began with more clearly to the point Better Proving Previous Sermon Unification Fact is in Victory Over former secular worldly Unification Theory, and how it is that the Best Guiding Spirit Of JESUS Christ Is In The Christian Leadership!

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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