JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Welcome.

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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Spirit Lifting Is The New Improved Holy Spirit.

JESUS Christ Gave me something today, and now i, rather now in JESUS Spirit, this is now Given to and for You in this Sermon.

And this Gift from the living JESUS Christ Exemplar is Given You for You to Give.

Also for that You Give Great Gift from Your Church website from JESUS Christ ICCDBB for to Best include Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law at as You explain JESUS Spirit Good Grace Leading Law instead of secularized types of strayed faiths.

JESUS made many promises, such as "today you shall be with me in Paradise"

(from Luke 23:43 Aramaic) as illustrated here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, today you shall be with me in Paradise, on the cross, worthy

Also as written "My God, why did you abandon me?"


as few were opening JESUS Loving Wisdom Matthew 27:47,

but the multitude of naysayers said the answer even though the naysayers did not understand:

from Psalm 71:11 New International Version "no one will rescue him"

anewly this means JESUS had to rescue Himself,

so JESUS had to Glorify Himself as Sent [as many as Sent Him, even All],

this Agrees with Christians Preaching typing: JESUS Victory Over The Cross ["About 22,900,000 results" (Google)],

as some may have sent for Him to Be Glorified, but as some may have strayed and sent for him to be as if gone.

Note these "last-rites" are as specified in a recent Sermon concerning the first death about how the graves opened for the Worthy of the Old Testament and the part of the New Testament until the graves opened, now rather is the Baptism with Ascending in the JESUS Spirit Best Way For All.

Revelation 20:6 Aramaic Bible in Plain English Blessed and holy is he, whoever has part in the first resurrection, and the second death has no authority over these, but they shall be Priests of God and of The Messiah, and they shall reign with him 1000 years.", so the first death is in the Christian Baptism In The Becoming Into The Name JESUS the Christ Original and Eternal, and the second death is as in the Priesthood, in Every Preacher. Given left to right in this Triad, Ascending right to left in this Triad:

JESUS Spirit One Eternal Living / Preach [Victory Over lake of fire like unto nightmare] / Baptized In The Name JESUS Christ [Victory Over the grave: dreamless Worthy or other if strayed].

JESUS Spirit One Eternal Living = Preach x Baptized In The Name JESUS Christ.

This currently means for You:

JESUS Spirit One Eternal Living = Preach the Gift of this Sermon and with Broadcasting as stated above x Baptized In The Name JESUS Christ.

Here is this New "Gift of this Sermon": naysayer spirits* were attacking me about a situation this morning [*rather as many as becoming Agreeing in JESUS Spirit] as i awoke from a dream [even so, be Awake including if to dream meaning Be Loyal For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose if to dream]

and while awake i can hear spirits that can be tuned out, shut off, or conditionally heard and/or seen such as with concentrating on Giving a Sermon in JESUS Spirit, and such as with concentrating on Maintenance Responsibilities even though with works of hands, and such as perhaps concentrating on a video, yet such as to look for goodly signs is normally a goodly value;

and while the naysayers were naysaying [and the Better Spirit(s) interested] the idea came to mind that JESUS Christ as if a destroyer turned over money changers tables and with a whip chased such selfish handlers out of the JESUS Father Spirit One's House Of Prayer;

but i did not want to settle for the worst case scenario as the secular naysayers have done attacking [even if to attack any] as crazed terrorists, so in JESUS Spirit was the wait until empowered from on High (Luke 24:49)

and as JESUS Promised as written from Matthew 10:19 "At that time you will be given what to say,": this is the Gift that soon came as in the title of this Sermon "JESUS Spirit Lifting" but as the hireling flees when hardships come because the hireling cares about how much the self is paid and hardly about the job (

So Broadcast this Gift, and Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Guiding Grace, and as JESUS Spirit Gave while typing this Sermon Broadcast that JESUS Christ was Aware He had to Rescue Us and All, and none other could rescue Him so the JESUS Christ Exemplar had to Rescue Himself [like how a Person watches so as to not step into a bear trap nor pit (Maintenance Level Responsitility)] so His final census life task [as much as this civilization can stand to know without being overly tempted] was JESUS Rescued Himself so Broadcast this Gift also.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, JESUS Spirit Gives new better Bible translations, JESUS is in all as much as good and better for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way


Lead Church out from under secularism types of strayed faiths: at least in JESUS Spirit Maintenance Responsibility Lift Church For The Best For All.

22 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit newly reveals the final "task" of JESUS Christ Giving new Broadcasting Value(s) of Sacred Faith Over system matters kept secret since the world began with Giving Awareness JESUS had to Glorify Himself as part of His Maintenance Responsibility, including as Sent rather from JESUS One, JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Grace Better For All, Bible Flow Formulas, illustrations pics.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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